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India's sly game on Siachen

I don't think we are tired of it its just we are kind of busy with Afghanistan.

true and ot only that the very people, the jihadis you trained and armed have shown that they are very muchcapable of being a threat the soverign state of Pakistan too.

General is trying to get his name in history as the guy who supposedly solved the Kashmir issue.but good luck to him.

Well if thats so , give up Kashmir, problem solved. he gets in the name in the history book too. Im kidding, ok.

upto 400Million a year cost for India to sit on ice.why in any bodies right mind would we want you to move.And yes 400million is nothing for Indians.:blah: :blah:.

400Mn is still money. However small or large is a irrelevant point as its dealing with the soverignity of our land.
Siachen breakthrough unlikely at Indo-Pak talks

No breakthrough is likely on the dispute over the sovereignty of the Siachen glacier at the India-Pakistan talks in New Delhi on November 14-15, largely due to Islamabad's unwillingness to certify ground realities on what is regarded as the world's highest and coldest battlefield.

Indian troops currently occupy advantageous positions along the 76-km-long glacier and New Delhi says Islamabad must accept the actual ground position line (AGPL) before pulling back its forces that have been on station on the glacier since 1984.

For Pakistan to do so would, in effect, amount to accepting the AGPL as the international border (IB), which would mean a total reversal of its stand that Indian troops retreat to the positions they held in 1972 as laid down by the Simla Agreement of the previous year.

This, India says, would negate the very reasons it sent its troops into Siachen in 1984 to nullify Pakistani designs on the glacier, which rises to a height of 22,000 feet and where winter temperatures plunge to -50 degrees Celsius.

Renowned mountaineer Narendra Kumar, who retired from the Indian Army as a colonel, first uncovered the Pakistani intentions in the area.

Leading an expedition to the upper reaches of the glacier in 1978, he found evidence of forays by foreign teams with the active connivance of the Pakistani Army.

Three more expeditions were sent to the area before the Indian government decided to act in 1984 lest Pakistan should get a toehold in the area.

The first detachments of Indian troops landed at the 16,000-foot Bilafond La on the Saltoro Ridge April 13 of that year and at the slightly higher Sia La four days later.

Since then, Indian and Pakistani troops have been engaged in a bitter standoff, with a truce having been declared in the area since 2003.

It's not just the heights India commands. Siachen serves as a strategic wedge between Pakistani and Chinese troops deployed on their borders with India. Military analysts warn that any Indian pullback - without guarantees of the AGPL being respected - would enable the two armies link up and threaten the Ladakh valley to the south and even the Kargil region.

Given this scenario - and given the fact that the Indian Army has made it amply clear it cannot retake the heights if it pulls back without guarantees - no progress can be expected at the foreign secretaries' talks, military analysts said.

The Siachen standoff is one of eight issues covered under the composite dialogue process India and Pakistan have initiated to resolve bilateral issues, including Kashmir.

The two sides had held six rounds of unsuccessful talks on Siachen before the issue was included in the composite dialogue process in 1998.

The process then stalled and was revived in 2004. There was another hiccup after the July 11 Mumbai train bombings.

The process received fresh impetus after a meeting between Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf on the sidelines of the Non-Aligned Movement summit in Havana in August.

As for the Indian Army, it has made it clear that Pakistan has no claims on Siachen and that it requires concrete guarantees before it pulls back from its present positions.

"Pakistan has absolutely no claims over Siachen," maintained Brigadier Om Prakash, commander of the Indian Army formation responsible for guarding the area.

"Our troops are stationed at least 20-30 km west of the glacier. The Pakistanis cannot even get a look in, let alone lay claim to the glacier," he told a select group of journalists from New Delhi at the Siachen Base Camp.

Pakistani Foreign Minister Khurshid Mehmood Kasuri had suggested last week that the Siachen issue was close to resolution, something the Indian government immediately rubbished.

What needs to be noted is that the AGPL relates not only to the 76 km of the Siachen Glacier, but to another 34 km to a place called point NJ9842, where it abruptly stops.

From here, India maintains the line that follows the Saltoro Ridge northwards, meaning the entire glacier falls within its territory.

Pakistan, however, has been citing a US map published in the mid-1970s showing the AGPL veering northeast up and down a series of mountain ridges to the Karakoram Pass to say the glacier runs within its territory.

"This is ridiculous," Om Prakash countered. "Boundaries run along ridges, not up and down mountains," he added, a view the Indian government has consistently taken on its border disputes with Pakistan and China.

Lol they are BSing about withdrawal. They want Pakistan to declare "ground positions". Which would after 10 years be converted into a Pakistan's acceptance of ground realities.

Like they don't pretty much know where we are and where they are! Why do they need us to declare where we are now! We'll declare where we will pull back to! They've played this game for too long.

If they want to be sure we don't invade let a mutual observer group oversee the withdrawal from both sides. Let them SEE the positions, but NEVER declare it.

They will make it sound like a security issue right now, but its all politics.


marking the position mean accepting Indian claim of Siachin ?...
Then why should we sign?

We should wait get some weapons and then attack...?
Then why should we sign?

We should wait get some weapons and then attack...?

We are not the one's who are screaming Siachen Withdrawal, Peace and all. I really think you should wait get some weapons and then attack...(which would imply currently you are not in a position to attack..hmmm)
We are not the one's who are screaming Siachen Withdrawal, Peace and all. I really think you should wait get some weapons and then attack...(which would imply currently you are not in a position to attack..hmmm)
Of course not. And India's too much of a pussy to attack either, we saw that after Kargil and 2002 Standoff... So we can wait. All India can do is wait and watch us get stronger.

Plus as you said, India already has the more important piece of Siachen so its okay with the status quo. Pakistan is not. It will try to get India away from there by hook or by crook. It's in India's interest to agree to a mutual withdrawal and avoid a showdown. Pakistan doesn't need Siachen, it just needs India out of it.
Neither are we but two decades of sabre ratling hasn't changed anything for either of us.
We're reaching out for the sake of good will and peace...some one's got to show brains ey. :enjoy:
Of course not. And India's too much of a pussy to attack either, we saw that after Kargil and 2002 Standoff... So we can wait. All India can do is wait and watch us get stronger.

Plus as you said, India already has the more important piece of Siachen so its okay with the status quo. Pakistan is not. It will try to get India away from there by hook or by crook. It's in India's interest to agree to a mutual withdrawal and avoid a showdown. Pakistan doesn't need Siachen, it just needs India out of it.

India Pussy, I agree on that. But guess what, you tried for 60 years to no avail, Call i can say is 'purrrr'.......
Lets not even with start with Kargil you guys lost so bad..lol,Why cuz we didnt attack the international border, why should we ? we got'em without that, International star we were, Pakistan the irresponsible nation.We love that.
And about that Stand off, I think armtiage came to see you again; didnt he, guess what we have no more terrorist coming here. Well the Stand off worked, Pakistan changed.

No its not in India's interest to agree to Pakistan' terms. Why ?
Who does Pakistan think they are..lol; you tried for 60 yrs and we should be scared.
Indians showed how to do kargil, sad you couldnt accomplish it. Pakistan doesnt have the monetary or the other capacity to hold off india.
Neither are we but two decades of sabre ratling hasn't changed anything for either of us.
We're reaching out for the sake of good will and peace...some one's got to show brains ey. :enjoy:

We dont need to now Neo; Honestly things have never been better for us. Pakistan can howl for peace. I aint interested in it personally.
I've heard the same jingoistic talk from other Indians, as what is being echoed by Adux. It's quite apparent we're looking like pussies to ask for a peaceful resolution. We need to up the ante and continuously seek to attack.

If nothing else, it keeps India in it's place - the back foot.

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