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India's sixth largest city 'runs out of water'

Sep 12, 2017
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© Getty Images Empty water pots in Chennai, which has run out of water

The southern Indian city of Chennai (formerly Madras) is in crisis after its four main water reservoirs ran completely dry.

The acute water crisis has prompted the city to scramble for urgent solutions, including drilling new boreholes.

Residents have been forced to stand in line for hours to get water from government tanks, and restaurants have had to close due to the water shortage.

"Only rain can save Chennai from this situation," an official told BBC Tamil.

The city, which, according to the 2011 census, is India's sixth largest, has been in the grip of a severe water shortage for weeks now.

As the reservoirs started to run dry, many hotels and restaurants shut down temporarily. The Chennai metro has turned off air conditioning in the stations, while offices have asked staff to work from home in a bid to conserve water.


© Getty Images People queue to get water from government trucks

Vinoth Kaligai, the general secretary of an IT workers association, confirmed that some firms have told employees to stay at home. "But homes are also running out of water, so what are we supposed to do?" he added.

The situation has also prompted clashes to break out between residents. Last week, police arrested a man for stabbing his neighbour during a fight over water-sharing in the neighbourhood.

Officials are trying to find alternative sources of water, with the city's water department starting to identify and extract water from quarries.

But the big concern is the dry reservoirs and low groundwater levels.


© Getty Images The search is now on for new sources of water

"The only way to make this better is to improve the groundwater level," Nakkeeran, a social activist, said. "We've had dry years before but the groundwater was our saviour."

The water crisis has also meant that the majority of the city has to solely depend on Chennai's water department, which has been distributing water through government trucks across neighbourhoods.

"The destruction has just begun," an official said. "If the rain fails us this year too, we are totally destroyed."


But India is a rich country, where everything is fine.
here's a good video reporting on this from Quint

Official government response is to instruct local Hindu shrines to pray to some rain god lol
Met an south Indian guy who just came back from India and he was saying the water shortage is at extremely dangerous level. But glad Modi has singed the Raphael contract to teach Pakistan a lesson, yet both water every and exit in human body is a huge problem.
I live here, same Chennai is flooded in 2015 and 2016. Local government is useless after late CM Jayalaitha
Every Country has its problems , the reason Third world countries becomes the highlight in western media is because they want to down play such countries . If third world countries can get strict laws to fight corruption a lot things can be fixed .
india is under wrath of ALLAH ALMIGHTY and will face destruction soon due to increase in their antiIslamic attitude during modi govt
india is under wrath of ALLAH ALMIGHTY and will face destruction soon due to increase in their antiIslamic attitude during modi govt

Tamil Nadu doesn't have a Modi govt. It is one of the very few states where he doesn't have any sway.

So as you said may be ALLAH ALMIGHTY is punishing them for not electing Modi. Had it been Modi, situation would not have been like this.
I live here, same Chennai is flooded in 2015 and 2016. Local government is useless after late CM Jayalaitha
The late CM was very late in doing things thats why you are suffering now. As the court rightly observed that water shortage dint take place in a day or two. It is due to generations of neglect that is showing results now.
The late CM was very late in doing things thats why you are suffering now. As the court rightly observed that water shortage dint take place in a day or two. It is due to generations of neglect that is showing results now.

It is because last two to three years nothing happened on water resource management. If she was there it won’t be this problem. Read about varanam Scheme and Krishna river water sharing. Current Government Running like headless chickens

Every Country has its problems , the reason Third world countries becomes the highlight in western media is because they want to down play such countries . If third world countries can get strict laws to fight corruption a lot things can be fixed .

Be effective and u will get labelled as dictator, authoritarian and so forth.
I live here, same Chennai is flooded in 2015 and 2016. Local government is useless after late CM Jayalaitha

In 2015_16 it was flooded due to heavy rains and now ran out of water because of no rains so what government has got to do with it
But rains have nothing to do with form of government
That what a totalitarian government can do for the people living the the world second biggest desert where has basically no rainfall at all. Yes, wea are totalitarian country that village officials have to work at the site to make sure that they can get things done on time or before the deadline, otherwise they may be punished or demoted.

Xinjiang ensured safe drinking water for the poorest families living in the desert, safe drinking water projects covers every one and no one is left behind, now every family living in the desert has access to running water which is safe for drinking.
Before people living in the desert had to get water from some muddy puddles which always had dead animals in them, people developed many health problems by drinking that putrid water. Now every household is connected to the running water systems which provide safe clean drinking water, people now developed healthy habits of brushing teeth and take daily showers, the health standard in the desert region has been greatly improved.









Village officials have to work at the site to make sure that they can get things done on time or before the deadline, otherwise they may be punished or demoted.








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