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India's shoot-to-kill policy on the Bangladesh border

your posts do not reflect this . seem more the rants of a teen ager who is frustrated. at least have some logic in your arguments. also age , background , education , and experience do not go hand in hand with wisdom mate.

Opinions of Indians concerning me can safely be ignored. Its impossible for an Indian to be totally objective about me.
Opinions of Indians concerning me can safely be ignored. Its impossible for an Indian to be totally objective about me.

Now i am an idian? whats next? you are greatly paranoid, you just take what fits your agenda, you don't see the world at how it is.
Catch them and deport them or give them harsh sentences but shooting a human life is barbaric and illigal. Capital punnishment without a trial is unconstitional.

These encroachments aren't as simple as someone walking over the border mate. Most of it is done in night time and done in droves. Many of these droves consist of armed people (not guns but local weapons like sticks and blades), that cause lot of violence in adjoining villages. There have been multiple riots where local smaller villages have been encroached upon by illegal Bangla migrants and forced locals out.

Why do you think ULFA is now targeting Bangladeshis? Many of the illegal Banglas coming into India through Assam are targeted large scale by splinter groups of ULFA. It is because there is a lot of problems in Assam and even Meghalaya and Tripura because of this encroachment.

Both you and I know how our borders are; marshy lands and rivulets. It is not possible to catch everyone and send them back. They keep coming again and again. Which is why BSF gets pissed and shoots them. Some of them are even violent to the security forces, further aggravating the already high tensions.

However, once we complete the electrified fence we're building right now between our borders, both us and you will be at peace and there will be no hostilities. :)
Catch them and deport them or give them harsh sentences but shooting a human life is barbaric and illigal. Capital punnishment without a trial is unconstitional.

Buddy perhaps you unaware of extent of public anger in India against your illegal immigrants, it is huge so don't consider this a meagre issue. They are the one who were the main culprit behind the start of disturbance in Assam. The problem is you guy speak same language like us and you can easily stay inside India as impostors and lost in the crowd, so only way is to protect our home is at border.

As for our BSF they first give them warning using a speaker and most of them are shot from long distance who don't obey the warning of being arrested.

Nothing is barbaric when it comes to protect your home.
Buddy perhaps you unaware of extent of public anger in India against your illegal immigrants, it is huge so don't consider this a meagre issue. They are the one who were the main culprit behind the start of disturbance in Assam. The problem is you guy speak same language like us and you can easily stay inside India as impostors and lost in the crowd, so only way is to protect our home is at border.

As for our BSF they first give them warning using a speaker and most of them are shot from long distance who don't obey the warning of being arrested.

Nothing is barbaric when it comes to protect your home.

Assamese vs outsiders problem is age old. Its not about illegal bangladeshis which you are fed with.

They had problem with Biharis, had problem with Marwaris, had problem with Bengalis. Now as it is easier to level a Bengali Muslim as Bangladeshis, they are using that term. Its totally a Indian problem, dont drag us in it. If yu want to bend over to Assamese, just do it by relocating those outsiders to somewhere else. You have a big country.

The irony is that those Assamese are outsiders too, kicked local out 13th century onward.
The fact is they are just poor cattle traders who bring those cows from india, somewhat illegally and the most important point is they are arm less, so shooting them will not be appreciated by a sane person, its true that in a way they are still smugglers but even smugglers don't suffer a death as a punishment. Moreover, the government of india has promised that there will be no killings in the border, it makes the organisation BSF a bit "guardian-less" which is an alarming news for india itself. I sincerely hope this will come to a fair solution.
A guy with no friends, chicks or a life and I am the nerd. Paleeeeeze

---------- Post added at 03:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:44 PM ----------

Which makes no sense ......

he means you are ugly, nerd.


now shut up

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