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India's Secret Space Travel Mission - Based on Ancient Vimana Technology?

YoungPakBrother mine,

Surface Reality... the glitter is blindening... I can understand the momentary loss of sight due to the Brilliance coming out of the said posted material... as an aid to develop an AnalyticalModel of deciphering the Construct to the East.

I do extend my sincere regret and appologies for putting you through such a torment... perhaps, selfish on my end...since I went through the same.. and thought why be alone in wilderness whilst you have Paks...

If we, for now, tiptoe around the scientific explanation offered by The American in his validation videos and rather start from where the American left... we might be able to see the Layering of this thread.

Would be nice to educate ourselves as we engage in Disourse with our eastern masses here on PDF.

Anyhow, I do respect your idea or desire of self perservation and prize your sanity above intergallactic education... Understandable, really!

But you do realise that RSS is marching to protect the Secrets which the American has explained in his scientific videos....

75.000 years ago..or about there was a massive volcanic eruption... almost wipping the slate clean... Ice Age ended.. about 12000 years... raising the sea levels massively... funny how things don't add up...yet the American vloggerz keep posting Scientific proofs...

You be good... I am proud of you!!!

I dare say: we'd probably miss Hindustan if it suddenly vanished, if merely for the multiple layers of nuanced entertainment its population accidentally provides.

Then again, they would probably miss us too!
YoungPakBrother mine,

Surface Reality... the glitter is blindening... I can understand the momentary loss of sight due to the Brilliance coming out of the said posted material... as an aid to develop an AnalyticalModel of deciphering the Construct to the East.

I do extend my sincere regret and appologies for putting you through such a torment... perhaps, selfish on my end...since I went through the same.. and thought why be alone in wilderness whilst you have Paks...

If we, for now, tiptoe around the scientific explanation offered by The American in his validation videos and rather start from where the American left... we might be able to see the Layering of this thread.

Would be nice to educate ourselves as we engage in Disourse with our eastern masses here on PDF.

Anyhow, I do respect your idea or desire of self perservation and prize your sanity above intergallactic education... Understandable, really!

But you do realise that RSS is marching to protect the Secrets which the American has explained in his scientific videos....

75.000 years ago..or about there was a massive volcanic eruption... almost wipping the slate clean... Ice Age ended.. about 12000 years... raising the sea levels massively... funny how things don't add up...yet the American vloggerz keep posting Scientific proofs...

You be good... I am proud of you!!!


So, in a nutshell it is about the land... and throwing out everything that was not there...same as Budhism... that is what Hindutva is all about then?

Makes sense.

Thanks for sharing!!!

Land makes a nation..what is nation without Land...A buddhist majority India or an atheist India or heck even a communist India would still work perfectly with Hindutva ideology...Hindutva is not a prisoner of Hinduism, but yes Hindutva is beholden to the land and ideas of the Indian sub-continent
I dare say: we'd probably miss Hindustan if it suddenly vanished, if merely for the multiple layers of nuanced entertainment its population accidentally provides.

Then again, they would probably miss us too!

Layering is important... infact it is critical.

The Scientific Method has come full circle and now there is a small movement to see things not in pieces but as whole...makes sense really.

Societies are complex systems if seen through mere individual aspect... but when we applying meta level analysis/modelling things can become rather simple...

Hence, From Simple to Complex...and from General to Specific...

If you read the posts by @Juggernaut_is_here he has been brutally honest and even as HinduNationalist has given us fair assessment of things ...which was/is purpose of this thread anyways...

And there are two more layers which @Juggernaut_is_here will realise...when he has oh, ya... moment...and he will add those in his leisure..

Only then we shall being to develop a baseline of country/society to our east.

As always I shall like to add that everyone is more human than I am...even that untouchable who goes in gutter to clean... I say this not out of fake humanism or pretend morality... I say it as a fact!

In each and everything we must strive to understand the operative principle i.e the fundamental nature! @masterchief_mirza
So, in a nutshell it is about the land... and throwing out everything that was not there...same as Budhism... that is what Hindutva is all about then?

He has also proposed "indianizing of Islam". That appears to be the option, in case it is not possible to throw all the Muslims, out of India. This seems to be another word for "Ghar Waapsi" or "Shudhi movement".:lol:
He has also proposed "indianizing of Islam". That appears to be the option, in case it is not possible to throw all the Muslims, out of India. This seems to be another word for "Ghar Waapsi" or "Shudhi movement".:lol:

Dear Pajee,

It is very humane of our friend... I guess German Humanism of Goete/Schiller might have affected the otherwise, Nilue Pilue Solution that keeps Hindutva crowd sleepless at night.

However, we are trying to find out what Indians are Hiding from the World.... the Lingum Spaceum Techologiium is a FACT @PakSword

And the bridge to Lanka was built before the Ice Age ended hence the water level was quite low...and it was built by Humanoids wronglfully called monkeys....

Looks like Lingum SpaceShip decendents genetically created them to serve them as loyal slaves/servants... this goes very deep...

Why else Indians use The Operation Monkey or code The Monkey for Mr. Patel in our custody doing Terror Bridge Building from Chabahar @Indus Pakistan

We need to decipher Vedic technology after stealing it.... there is no other option...

Did it cross your mind that RSS March might be trying to replicate those humanoids who built the Bridge to Lanka?

Anyhow, our Validation starts from Lingum SpaceShip...which wrongly worshipped as Phalis... I shall explain it at another time.

Indians have become far more fascinating now than ever before... genetically engineered by the 'gods' who came from other planets in Lingumz....

Since, we are getting close to the baseline stage of great Indian Civilisation... @Indus Pakistan

Does anyone has some material about Ancient Genetic Engineering in India?

Also, is it possible that the Codes of Ancient Secrets be right in front of our eyes all these mellenia and we couldn't see them?

He has also proposed "indianizing of Islam". That appears to be the option, in case it is not possible to throw all the Muslims, out of India. This seems to be another word for "Ghar Waapsi" or "Shudhi movement".:lol:

Indianization of Islam would mean culturally completely fuse Islam with Indian culture so that it doesnot feel foreign anymore...There are many ways to do it...Mashal Khan and his ideas provide one set of inspiration, though not the only.....Islam as a confession should stay in India, Islam as an identity shouldnot

I have a higher understanding and appreciation of the Pali Buddhist Canon than most (Pali being one of the antecedents of Bengali), but Buddhism doesnot define me...Something on those lines
Since, we are getting close to the baseline stage of great Indian Civilisation... @Indus Pakistan

Does anyone has some material about Ancient Genetic Engineering in India?

Also, is it possible that the Codes of Ancient Secrets be right in front of our eyes all these mellenia and we couldn't see them?


indians are fking awesome!!!

if not for there small mind and delusions world would be so boring specially our lives on pdf!!

jai siri paye!!

jai modi g ki!
indians are fking awesome!!!

if not for there small mind and delusions world would be so boring specially our lives on pdf!!

jai siri paye!!

jai modi g ki!

PakBrother mine,

We need to accept that Indians are the most Fantastic Beings... and are unlike anyone else on the planet...

@Juggernaut_is_here refuses to Believe in Ancient Alien Technologes...and DNA modifying techniques used thousands of years ago... I respect the youngman... and am trying to change his worldview about Ancient Alien Indian Technology!!!

This is necessary if we wish to benefit from Ancient Indian Technology...otherwise, our racism towards the Indians shall keep us blinded forever...

Did you know that Annunaki are worshipped in India?
@StormBreaker @Indus Pakistan @Verve @masterchief_mirza

Did you know that the oldest rock art in India clearly shows UFO with aliens in it? @PakSword

This thread is meant to make a serious effort to Decode the Origins of Indians and their Ancient Sciences which were given to them by the Aliens from different planets...

Can you explain this Ancient Technology of the Biggest Drill used in India?

The American in this Vlog brings us something out of this world... My theory is that the hole/well was to hoist Lingum as Launchpad~~~ @SIPRA

@isro2222, you are needed in this thread.

@isro2222, you are needed in this thread.


My dear friend,

Please, don't troll... and any disrespectful or religious post in this thread will be reported to ModerationTeam.

We are trying to make an honest, rational and scientific effort to Decode Indian Siences and religious discussion in this thread will foul it...

Either you are with or Against us!

We are trying to make an honest, rational and scientific effort to Decode Indian Siences and religious discussion in this thread will foul it...

As you wish.

But I don't believe for a moment that you are being serious in this thread. As @Juggernaut_is_here put it, these ideas of Vimanas and the like are fictional stories.

But as you wish.
haha you are becoming a super troll! you should prepare yourself for monthly bans :p

I find it rather painful to hear...especially from you my Brother! Sad.

@jaibi @Dubious @The Eagle @WebMaster @Horus @Irfan Baloch my dear Paks, if you find any shred of trolling in this thread kindly lock it. Better still delete it...

My contention is that there is an overwhelming evidence of extremely High Technology in Ancient India and we Paks need to understand, accept and later try to get it by all means.....

If we don't ... our misconception or racial bias will keep blinding us towards Indians and their Unique Perspective....

There needs to be an understanding of Indian Civilisation before we can start a Dialouge of Civilisations with them...otherwise, we are locked in eternal battle..without any possible outcome other than destruction.

All sources in this thread are from The American ..who is highly educated and not some anti Indian racists... so closing our eyes to the glaring Scientific Evidence of Ancient Alien Technology will be not only foolish but mortal in the long run.

I have trust in your judgement... and shall support your Moderation Decision... you can either close/delte this thread or let it run here in Members Section only....

And if there is no interest then this thread will die and vanish in the Abysss of PDF...

Allow me to thankyou for your kind consideration!

I find it rather painful to hear...especially from you my Brother! Sad.

@jaibi @Dubious @The Eagle @WebMaster @Horus @Irfan Baloch my dear Paks, if you find any shred of trolling in this thread kindly lock it. Better still delete it...

My contention is that there is an overwhelming evidence of extremely High Technology in Ancient India and we Paks need to understand, accept and later try to get it by all means.....

If we don't ... our misconception or racial bias will keep blinding us towards Indians and their Unique Perspective....

There needs to be an understanding of Indian Civilisation before we can start a Dialouge of Civilisations with them...otherwise, we are locked in eternal battle..without any possible outcome other than destruction.

All sources in this thread are from The American ..who is highly educated and not some anti Indian racists... so closing our eyes to the glaring Scientific Evidence of Ancient Alien Technology will be not only foolish but mortal in the long run.

I have trust in your judgement... and shall support your Moderation Decision... you can either close/delte this thread or let it run here in Members Section only....

And if there is no interest then this thread will die and vanish in the Abysss of PDF...

Allow me to thankyou for your kind consideration!


haha no no i was jist kidding you sre not like us trolls! :P
haha no no i was jist kidding you sre not like us trolls! :P

Please, my very dear YoungPak,

Let us try another Framework of Understanding..and open our minds... for 1000 years we have seen Indians through our perspective and never understood the Ancient Alien Technology... had we done it..we would have become something esle...

Let us all try to become students and see whether we can learn something..

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