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India's Role in Quetta Bombing: A Conspiracy Theory?


Oct 31, 2009
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United States

"How do you tackle Pakistan?.....We start working on Pakistan's vulnerabilities--economic, internal security, political, isolating them internationally, it can be anything..... it can be defeating Pakistan's policies in Afghanistan...... You stop the terrorists by denying them weapons, funds and manpower. Deny them funds by countering with one-and-a-half times more funding. If they have 1200 crores give them 1800 crores and they are on our side...who are the Taliban fighting for? It's because they haven't got jobs or someone has misled them. The Taliban are mercenaries. So go for more of the covert thing (against Pakistan)..." Ajit Doval, India's National Security Advisor

Quetta, the capital of Pakistan's Balochistan province, has been hit by a major terrorist attack yet again with tragic consequences. At least 70 people, many of them lawyers, have been killed and scores more injured in a massive bomb bast at a hospital. The carnage has been met with shock and multiple claims of responsibility by various terrorist groups.

Balochistan government has accused India as the sponsor of this carnage. This charge has been dismissed by many, including Pakistan's liberal pundits, as just another "conspiracy theory". Let's examine this in the light of the quote from India's National Security Advisor that I shared at the top of this piece.

What is Conspiracy Theory?

What is the origin of the term "conspiracy theory"? Who coined it and for what purpose? In April 1967, the CIA wrote a dispatch that coined the term “conspiracy theory” to attack anyone who challenged the "Official" narrative put out by the US government. The dispatch was marked “psych” – short for “psychological operations” or disinformation – and “CS” for the CIA’s “Clandestine Services” unit.

It's a testament to the power of the CIA disinformation ops that the term has gained such wide currency around the world. It has become particularly popular among Pakistan's lazy liberal elite who use it as a substitute for serious research to get at the truth.

Is India's Role in Balochistan Conspiracy Theory?

To answer this question, let us begin with a quote from former US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel who said: "India has always used Afghanistan as a second front against Pakistan. India has over the years been financing problems in Pakistan".

On what basis did Chuck Hagel make the statement about India's use of Afghan territory to attack Pakistan? Was he, too, just another victim of conspiracy theories? Off course not. Secretary Hagel had the benefit of intelligence briefings by the CIA given to him in multiple capacities: first as US Senate Intelligence committee member and then as US Defense Secretary.

Since Mr, Hagel made his statement, there has been further evidence of India's involvement in Balochistan with the recent arrest of Kulbhushan Yadv, a serving Indian Navy officer working under cover in Balochistan. Yadav has confessed to working with terrorists launching attacks in Pakistan.

US analyst Laura Rozen explained India-Taliban nexus as follows: "While the U.S. media has frequently reported on Pakistani ties to jihadi elements launching attacks in Afghanistan, it has less often mentioned that India supports insurgent forces attacking Pakistan, the former (US) intelligence official said. "The Indians are up to their necks in supporting the Taliban against the Pakistani government in Afghanistan and Pakistan," the former (US) intelligence official who served in both countries said. "The same anti-Pakistani forces in Afghanistan also shooting at American soldiers are getting support from India. India should close its diplomatic establishments in Afghanistan and get the Christ out of there."

Is India Using Iranian territory against Pakistan?

The arrest of Iran-based Indian agent Kulbhushan Yadav has also confirmed that India is using Chahbahar port project in Iran as cover for subversive actions in Pakistan.

The fact that India has used Iran to hurt Pakistan is not new. In 2009, American analyst and author Christine Fair said this: "Having visited the Indian mission in Zahedan, Iran, I can assure you they are not issuing visas as the main activity!"

History of Indian Covert Wars Against Pakistan:

What India is doing today to sponsor terror in Pakistan is not new. R.K. Yadav, a former intelligence officer in India's intelligence agency, has written an entire book titled"Mission R&AW" to document RAW's covert war against Pakistan. Yadav has detailed India's ties several Pakistani leaders including Khan Abul Wali Khan and Shaikh Mujib ur Rehman. He has confirmed the veracity of "Agartala Conspiracy" that was dismissed as a "conspiracy theory" back in 1960s. Yadav has documented how Indian Army and intelligence officers organized, equipped and trained Mukti Bahini before India invaded East Pakistan in 1971.


Indian involvement in sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan is not a "conspiracy theory". There is large and growing evidence of it. Ex US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has talked about it. Several US analysts have detailed it. Kulbhushan Yadav, a serving Indian Navy Officer, arrested in Balochistan has confessed to it. Revelation of London Police documents linking MQM leader to Indian funding show it. Statements made by Ajit Doval back in 2014 and his later appointment as Prime Minister Narendra Modi's lend credence to it. So does India's past behavior against Pakistan as acknowledged in"Mission R&AW", a book by ex RAW officer R.K. Yadav.

Next Steps:

Pakistan can not win its war against terrorism by just fighting the various terrorist groups including the Taliban militants and Baloch insurgents and their allies engaged in frequent large-scale carnage on Pakistani soil. These groups are merely tools of India's covert war machine. Pakistan must beef up its counter-intelligence efforts to defeat India's intelligence operations by infiltrating them. Pakistan must do everything possible to defeat India's covert war.

Related Links:

Haq's Musings

Indian Agent Kubhushan Yadav's Confession

Has Modi Stepped Up India's Covert War in Pakistan?

Ex India Spy Documents Successful RAW Ops in Pakistan

London Police Document Confirms MQM-RAW Connection Testimony

China-Pakistan Economic Corridor

Ajit Doval Lecture on "How to Tackle Pakistan"

Chabahar Port

look here is the thing
every single pakistani i see here claims isi to be the best most fierce secret service organization in the world.If raw was supporting these militant on such large basis,wouldnt your such badass isi be able to find any credible evidence against india and show it on platform like un.
and save you from such embarrassing moments like these

look here is the thing
every single pakistani i see here claims isi to be the best most fierce secret service organization in the world.If raw was supporting these militant on such large basis,wouldnt your such badass isi be able to find any credible evidence against india and show it on platform like un.
and save you from such embarrassing moments like these

Solid evidences like horse shit.

And it's our right to defend our country any way possible, by destroying terrorists and their supporters no shame in it.
Btw quetta killing is most probably secterian /local dispute. But who cares lets rant about India cause it's the easiest way out
look here is the thing
every single pakistani i see here claims isi to be the best most fierce secret service organization in the world.If raw was supporting these militant on such large basis,wouldnt your such badass isi be able to find any credible evidence against india and show it on platform like un.
and save you from such embarrassing moments like these


We have, its your "monkey"
oh common... Everyone knows RA&W could never do that stuff, It doesn't even come close to ISI the most powerful intelligence agency that defeated both the super powers ( claimed by most members on PDF). If RA&W could pull anything close to this then, ISI would surely know about it and hurt Indian Interests back.
look here is the thing
every single pakistani i see here claims isi to be the best most fierce secret service organization in the world.If raw was supporting these militant on such large basis,wouldnt your such badass isi be able to find any credible evidence against india and show it on platform like un.
and save you from such embarrassing moments like these

We have live proof of your dirty work in Baluchistan and ISI is called number one by the world not just us
We have live proof of your dirty work in Baluchistan and ISI is called number one by the world not just us
then why the hell op needed to say this?
Pakistan must beef up its counter-intelligence efforts to defeat India's intelligence operations by infiltrating them
if you are already best in the world,why cant you do it now?
look here is the thing


Intelligence evidence has no values in civil courts of law, media or similar institution... yes at Government level (foreign govt), u can convince officials (both govt and military) on basis of urs intelligence agency 'evidences'
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