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India’s road to fascism. Saudi Gazette.

Sorry mate...Few parts of your post about Indian who are Muslims and their relation with Saudi Arab is not good taste..
May be you are mentally unsound? If you don't like facts, none can help.

You have committed nearly a million of your armed forces , and boxed them in Kashmir in order to control few million kashmiris. How are you proposing to take on 200 million Muslims?
Do you see armed forces killing kashmiris enmasse? Did you see how Myanmar took care of Rohingya? India is not doing this because India does not want to start a war when it is getting paid handsomely by Arabs as investment and remittance. Calling this as weakness is absurd. Weakness is when one is incapable. Here, it is only a choice to not attack.

How are you proposing to take on 200 million Muslims? You don't even have the forces to achieve that, let alone economic muscle when your economy is going down the barrel.
First of all, one does not need manufacturing of clothes, shoes, ornaments, Air conditioners or fast food to fight wars. Only defence production is what matters. That is always there in India.

India has 110-115 crore Dharmics who can be rallied against muslims and leading a full scale armed eviction. There is nothing 20 crore muslims can do as they are outnumbered and outgunned in every manner. Obviously, one has to use militia rather than regular armed forces. India sent 3.5 million soldiers for WW2. Do you think they were all regular soldiers prior to 1939? These were recruited from the masses after WW2 started. So, such militia can be formed anytime.

Any attempt will cause massive rebellion, armed struggle , in the heartland of India, your cities will become battle ground. With law and order situation going kapoot, the investment and economic activity will disappear in thin air.
It will last hardly 1 month. It is not something that will take decades. By outnumbering and outgunning, things can be won rather quickly.

As i said, economy is not the priority in war. Secondly, if Arabs don't give remittance and investment, Indian economy will crash. India has current account deficit of $ 60 billion. India has to get this by remittance and investment. If Arabs don't give this, Indian economy will crash drastically. So, there won't be anything to worry about economy.

America and western civilization, which have been pampering you to be a bulwark against Chinese expansion, will lose interests in you and that will be the final nail in your coffin as you totally depend on their support
USA is an enemy of India. USA tried to sabotage Indian development and technology many times. It is just that Modi issued a threat of expelling muslims and ruining Arab region and oil supply if India is not given its due or harmed in any way. So, USA, out of compulsion, is behaving nicely. There is no real intention of making India a bulwark against China. Even USA investment is part of petrodollar deal whereby USA prints dollars and gives India on behalf of Arabs and Arabs in turn reduce oil price to lower levels. India did not get anything from USA in civilian or defence technology. USA even refused to give India technology to make mobile phone display and semiconductor manufacturing technology. USA refuses to give any technology in defence and forces India to buy USA arms to create dependency on USA. Calling it as pampering is nonsense.

Not to say that Pakistan and China will have a field day in India. Nothing will please us more if Indian establishment and deep state go this path.
What exactly is Pakistan capable of doing if India decides to rally dharmics against muslims and send military equipments to detain muslims to expel and kill those who resist? What field day will Pakistan have in getting 200 million refugees?

China is not Indian enemy. It is only USA's efforts to create rift between India and China. India has been improving relations with China and there is no real aggressive intent. Moreover, China is separated from India by mighty himalayas and it is very difficult to penetrate via it.

India has become American Taliban. What I mean, that Pakistan has always been blamed to be the sponsor of Taliban. Now Pakistan is mediating between America and Taliban. On the other hand, America is propping India against Pakistan and recently Trump offered to mediate between Pakistan and India. In nutshell, India is America's Taliban.
USA is Indian enemy. USA gave nothing to India. USA, on the other hand gave large quantities of weapons as aid to Pakistan, helped Pakistan infiltrate India and CIA set up Hurriyat to coordinate. USA is not propping India in any way. USA is just concerned that India can destabilise middle east and destroy oil supply, thus ruining EU economy and petrodollar economy of USA. USA is pretending to be India's friend.

Pakistan's stand on Iran has nothing to do with it. USA canceled military sales of F16 to Pakistan in 2015 itself due to Modi pressure. There was no Iran stance back then. Pakistan is being asked by Arabs and everyone who depends on Arab oil to keep quiet and not trouble India and force India to act harshly. Pakistan is not behaving and hence world powers are containing Pakistan to prevent backlash from India.
Today's IK speech in AJK assembly was a warning, gloves are off now.

What I would like to see is intellectuals in Muslim world, specially in GCC, start to question their own governments stance.

Do you want another Jamal Kasshogi incident to happen? No one questions the Royal Throne of Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques. :disagree:

Saudis are not investing in India. They are making political payment to India in return for India holding 20 crore muslims. Why do you think India should not expel the muslims using heavy force if India gets nothing? If expelled, what will happen to Pakistan or middle east when refugees flow? Unlike the civil war scenario many on PDF say, reality is that it will be like Myanmar cracking down on Rohingya. Civil war is within civilisation. This will be a civilisational war. Firepower difference will ensure that muslims are not capable of doing anything but fleeing.

Saudis are simply paying "rent" to India for keeping 20 crore muslims despite the muslims having allegiance to Ummah rather than India and being potential security threat. There is no investment or goodwill. Saudis still support Pakistan but India will not tolerate if its rent is not paid and hence Saudis are left with no choice.

Hahaha pure bollywood style joke. You are talking about geopolitical relations of two sovereign nations! What would you do to 20 crore muslims? First dare to do something with 8 million kashmiri Muslims you won't survive to do anything with rest of the muslims in India,thats for sure. :cheesy:

Apart from some business partnership, India has 0% leverage to influence on Saudi Arabia in any form of geopolitical situation. The biggest concern for any sovereign nation is their integrity, sovereignty, security and defense anything else comes after that. And Pakistan provides exactly the same ingredients in its strategic and really close cultural/religious relationship with Saudi Arabia, so enjoys an immense leverage in its geopolitical relations with KSA. And you would have felt that 1st hand during MBS previous visit to Pakistan and India, when your diplomacy severely failed to convince MBS to speak about so called insurgency and terrorism in Kashmir despite your forces got freshly massibe blows in Kashmir pulwama incident etc.

When you talk about exiling, what about around 1.5 million Indians working in KSA, if they are expelled! How the poor country would bear the burden of extra jobless population and reduced remittances. For KSA its nothing, Pakistani and Bengal would happily fill that gap. And India may also loose its vastly lucrative business of exports in Gulf. You know GCC is a strong alliance in this region and dangerous too when they get dirty. :devil:

India is a third world country with very low HDI compared to KSA and geographically cut off from rest of the world through land routes except for Pakistan and may be China. I don't understand your geostrategic bull sh*t. If there is any left it would be neutralized as soon as CPEC starts to operate in full swing.:bunny::yahoo:

Now come to so much claimed India's 'military heft'. Well it's a bigger bull sh*t to defend as world has seen once again the self proclaimed 'military heft' shortly after MBS visited both the countries in February. Your that much 'military heft' is far from sufficient to slightly trouble the Gulf countries especially the KSA. In case of any lunatic misadventure, That 'military heft' would effectively be annihilated within a short period of time by the top of the line latest western military equipment currently employed by Gulf states being manned by far more professionally superior and motivated personnel than you may ever dream of, the men in green the Pakistan Armed Forces as we are obliged to protect the sacred land of Hijaz with our lives. :butcher::guns::sniper::sniper::argh:

So, all your claims are no more true than the stunts of Bollywood Krish movie. :dirol:
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Saudis funded Pakistan to cause trouble in Kashmir. So, it is only undoing the past actions. If India should not take drastic action, then such measures of undoing the harm is needed. Saudis are not doing a favour. They are just recusing themselves of some of their past actions to avoid adverse reaction from India

Do you see armed forces killing kashmiris enmasse? Did you see how Myanmar took care of Rohingya? India is not doing this because India does not want to start a war when it is getting paid handsomely by Arabs as investment and remittance. Calling this as weakness is absurd. Weakness is when one is incapable. Here, it is only a choice to not attack.

You neither have capacity or economy to sustain any sort of genocide of 200 million muslims considering that majority of your forces are already being started by massive Pakistani buildup on border and pretty much tied up. and you rightly pointed out, the huge remittance that comes from muslims countries will also dry up, and will dwindling economy, it's a pipe dream of Hindu terrorists to think along the lines of Muslim genocide without saying goodbye to India once and for all.

First of all, one does not need manufacturing of clothes, shoes, ornaments, Air conditioners or fast food to fight wars. Only defence production is what matters. That is always there in India.

India has 110-115 crore Dharmics who can be rallied against muslims and leading a full scale armed eviction. There is nothing 20 crore muslims can do as they are outnumbered and outgunned in every manner. Obviously, one has to use militia rather than regular armed forces. India sent 3.5 million soldiers for WW2. Do you think they were all regular soldiers prior to 1939? These were recruited from the masses after WW2 started. So, such militia can be formed anytime.

Any sort of genocide of that proportion cannot happen without active participation of armed forces ,out of which millions are already boxed into Kashmir and there is another matter of huge Pakistani forces deployed on your border. So forget about your forces being called in to conduct Muslim genocide. Southern Indian got no dog in this fight and they will stay away, so do sikhs and the Maoist. That leave the hindu terrorists sanghis. They can be taken on by Muslim underworld in India if it comes to that.

It will last hardly 1 month. It is not something that will take decades. By outnumbering and outgunning, things can be won rather quickly.

As i said, economy is not the priority in war. Secondly, if Arabs don't give remittance and investment, Indian economy will crash. India has current account deficit of $ 60 billion. India has to get this by remittance and investment. If Arabs don't give this, Indian economy will crash drastically. So, there won't be anything to worry about economy.

We will be more then happy if Indian economy crumble and once you are done with your internal fighting and exhausted, its then we will make our move.

USA is an enemy of India. USA tried to sabotage Indian development and technology many times. It is just that Modi issued a threat of expelling muslims and ruining Arab region and oil supply if India is not given its due or harmed in any way. So, USA, out of compulsion, is behaving nicely. There is no real intention of making India a bulwark against China. Even USA investment is part of petrodollar deal whereby USA prints dollars and gives India on behalf of Arabs and Arabs in turn reduce oil price to lower levels. India did not get anything from USA in civilian or defence technology. USA even refused to give India technology to make mobile phone display and semiconductor manufacturing technology. USA refuses to give any technology in defence and forces India to buy USA arms to create dependency on USA. Calling it as pampering is nonsense.

Your rants are not in confirmy with your own country selling and marketing itself to western civilisation as a bulwark against China.

What exactly is Pakistan capable of doing if India decides to rally dharmics against muslims and send military equipments to detain muslims to expel and kill those who resist? What field day will Pakistan have in getting 200 million refugees?

China is not Indian enemy. It is only USA's efforts to create rift between India and China. India has been improving relations with China and there is no real aggressive intent. Moreover, China is separated from India by mighty himalayas and it is very difficult to penetrate via it.

Well, its Pakistan who has been screwing you in Kashmir and now your million army is boxed into Kashmir.

Most of Indian muslims live in mainland India far from border with Pakistan, their only option will be to fight the hindu terrorists and I am sure Muslim underworld will activate if it comes to that.

As for China, they claim majority of your territory as theirs including Laddakh. Enjoy.

USA is Indian enemy. USA gave nothing to India. USA, on the other hand gave large quantities of weapons as aid to Pakistan, helped Pakistan infiltrate India and CIA set up Hurriyat to coordinate. USA is not propping India in any way. USA is just concerned that India can destabilise middle east and destroy oil supply, thus ruining EU economy and petrodollar economy of USA. USA is pretending to be India's friend.

Pakistan's stand on Iran has nothing to do with it. USA canceled military sales of F16 to Pakistan in 2015 itself due to Modi pressure. There was no Iran stance back then. Pakistan is being asked by Arabs and everyone who depends on Arab oil to keep quiet and not trouble India and force India to act harshly. Pakistan is not behaving and hence world powers are containing Pakistan to prevent backlash from India.

Amateur response, devoid of any sense towards geopolitics.
First dare to do something with 8 million kashmiri Muslims you won't survive to do anything with rest of the muslims in India,thats for sure. :cheesy:
Nonsense. India can not act selectively on some muslims while sparing others. It has to be either everyone or none.

Apart from some business partnership, India has 0% leverage to influence on Saudi Arabia in any form of geopolitical situation. The biggest concern for any sovereign nation is their integrity, sovereignty, security and defense anything else comes after that. And Pakistan provides exactly the same ingredients in its strategic and really close cultural/religious relationship with Saudi Arabia, so enjoys an immense leverage in its geopolitical relations with KSA. And you would have felt that 1st hand during MBS previous visit to Pakistan and India, when your diplomacy severely failed to convince MBS to speak about so called insurgency and terrorism in Kashmir despite your forces got freshly massibe blows in Kashmir pulwama incident etc.
I always said that Saudis support Pakistan and Don and support India. I don't see why you are arguing. I only said that Arabs are compelled to give investment though they don't like it.

When you talk about exiling, what about around 1.5 million Indians working in KSA, if they are expelled! How the poor country would bear the burden of extra jobless population and reduced remittances. For KSA its nothing, Pakistani and Bengal would happily fill that gap. And India may also loose its vastly lucrative business of exports in Gulf. You know GCC is a strong alliance in this region and dangerous too when they get dirty. :devil:
India has about 1 crore dharmic Indian working abroad. 20 lakh in Africa, 35 Lakh in Americas, 20 lakh in Europe and rest in Middle east. I don't see why Africa will expel Hindus as Hindus are mainly traders and good source of reliable supply. We are more than capable of taking back small population if these migrants. The job gained by expelling 20 crore muslims will be able to be shifted to these people.

As I said, we don't count cost of war. The remittance and other things are only because of oil production. If the region is destabilised, then the economy of Arab region along with world will collapse due to lack of oil. So, it is an accepted loss of economy.

India is a third world country with very low HDI compared to KSA and geographically cut off from rest of the world through land routes except for Pakistan and may be China. I don't understand your geostrategic bull sh*t. If there is any left it would be neutralized as soon as CPEC starts to operate in full swing.
3rd world country doesn't mean weak. Good luck assuming that CPEC can replace Arabian sea.

That 'military heft' would effectively be annihilated within a short period of time by the top of the line latest western military equipment currently employed by Gulf states being manned by far more professionally superior and motivated personnel than you may ever dream of, the men in green the Pakistan Armed Forces as we are obliged to protect the sacred land of Hijaz with our lives. :butcher::guns:
This is just wishful thinking. India has much more strength in terms of Indigenous Technology compared to entire Islamic world. Major Wars can't be fought on imported weapons.

You neither have capacity or economy to sustain any sort of genocide of 200 million muslims considering that majority of your forces are already being started by massive Pakistani buildup on border and pretty much tied up. and you rightly pointed out, the huge remittance that comes from muslims countries will also dry up, and will dwindling economy, it's a pipe dream of Hindu terrorists to think along the lines of Muslim genocide without saying goodbye to India once and for all.
I don't know why you are acting childishly. pakistan has 6 lakh soldiers. India has 13 lakh soldiers. I am talking of recruiting militia soldiers in numbers like 1 crore (I gave example of WW2 recruitment for this).

Any sort of genocide of that proportion cannot happen without active participation of armed forces ,out of which millions are already boxed into Kashmir and there is another matter of huge Pakistani forces deployed on your border. So forget about your forces being called in to conduct Muslim genocide. Southern Indian got no dog in this fight and they will stay away, so do sikhs and the Maoist. That leave the hindu terrorists sanghis. They can be taken on by Muslim underworld in India if it comes to that
Why will South India or Sikhs stay away from fighting Islam? You are forgetting Sikhs were killed by Pakistani in 1947, Hyderabad Nizam attacked hindus and many other reason for every dharmic to fight. As I mentioned before, the current forces strength is for current requirement. If the requirement changes, we will recruit more into militia. So, there will be enough fighters.

Lol, talking of muslim underworld being able to beat Hindus is a joke. Underworld or not, Hindus have much higher number and firepower.

We will be more then happy if Indian economy crumble and once you are done with your internal fighting and exhausted, its then we will make our move.
Entire world Economy will crumble if oil supply is destabilised. So, nothing to be Happy. I have said clearly that India will attack only if it loses its Economy because of not getting investment and remittance. If India gets these, then India will not attack. So, if India attacks, it means that Indian Economy is already tumbling. So, nothing to lose here.

I have been saying that Muslim countries have to give remittance and investment for india to be quiet. My scenario of war is when muslim countries stop giving these. Then you can't talk of losing the money as India is not getting anything at all.
Your rants are not in confirmy with your own country selling and marketing itself to western civilisation as a bulwark against China
Give me evidence that India is selling itself against China. There is no real anger against Chinese. I don't see why India would try to contain Chinese when the real problem is from USA. India would rather ally with China to take down USA. You make no sense but simply are talking media propaganda.

Most of Indian muslims live in mainland India far from border with Pakistan, their only option will be to fight the hindu terrorists and I am sure Muslim underworld will activate if it comes to that.

As for China, they claim majority of your territory as theirs including Laddakh. Enjoy.
China can't claim most of Indian land. Areas like NE, Ladakh has people who like India. Why will they accept China? Secondly, these areas are minimal and have no relevance to China. China won't risk war to get some barren land.

5.5 crore muslims live in Bangladesh border in west Bengal, Assam and Bihar. Another 4 crore live in UP and 3 crore live near Pakistan border of Kashmir, Rajasthan, Gujarat. So, they can be pushed easily. Regardless of whether muslims live far from border or not, dharmica indus will give them train and bus facility to reach the border. If they use violence, then they will be attacked. Choice will be clear - leave or die.
I don't know why you are acting childishly. pakistan has 6 lakh soldiers. India has 13 lakh soldiers. I am talking of recruiting militia soldiers in numbers like 1 crore (I gave example of WW2 recruitment for this).

Geographically you have a country three times size of Pakistan, have a large land mass to man the border, you not only have to content with Pakistani firepower but also Chinese are starring you down. As for militia, if you are talking about the sanghi and bakth brigade of Hindu terrorists, all they can do is to swing some danda and lathi as per their training in the RSS terrorist schools. Besides, you are not armed society like Pakistanis are.

Why will South India or Sikhs stay away from fighting Islam? You are forgetting Sikhs were killed by Pakistani in 1947, Hyderabad Nizam attacked hindus and many other reason for every dharmic to fight. As I mentioned before, the current forces strength is for current requirement. If the requirement changes, we will recruit more into militia. So, there will be enough fighters.

Lol, talking of muslim underworld being able to beat Hindus is a joke. Underworld or not, Hindus have much higher number and firepower.

This is not 1947, a lot of water has passed under the bridge since. Sikhs are more interested in their Khalistan and south, as I said earlier got no dog in this fight.

Dawood Ibrahim is kept safe for a reason . Will be unleashed when required. Sanghis and Bhakhts are only good at lynching, not in fighting a guerrilla warfare.

Entire world Economy will crumble if oil supply is destabilised. So, nothing to be Happy. I have said clearly that India will attack only if it loses its Economy because of not getting investment and remittance. If India gets these, then India will not attack. So, if India attacks, it means that Indian Economy is already tumbling. So, nothing to lose here.

I have been saying that Muslim countries have to give remittance and investment for india to be quiet. My scenario of war is when muslim countries stop giving these. Then you can't talk of losing the money as India is not getting anything at all.

PMIK is already saying that Muslims genocide will happen in India, thats with or without Muslims money , so your argument is invalid. Your assumption that India is holding Muslim population at ransom is laughable. No Arab ruler gives a toss about Muslims, they don't even care about their own Arab brothers in Palestine.

Give me evidence that India is selling itself against China. There is no real anger against Chinese. I don't see why India would try to contain Chinese when the real problem is from USA. India would rather ally with China to take down USA. You make no sense but simply are talking media propaganda.

Its a geopolitical fact. You fought war with China just to please your western masters and get their approval and rating, even though you lost the war. Your whole nuke programme was based on bogus threat from China. Whole western civilization is trying to pump you up as a bulwark against China. Who you are trying to fool?

China can't claim most of Indian land. Areas like NE, Ladakh has people who like India. Why will they accept China? Secondly, these areas are minimal and have no relevance to China. China won't risk war to get some barren land.

5.5 crore muslims live in Bangladesh border in west Bengal, Assam and Bihar. Another 4 crore live in UP and 3 crore live near Pakistan border of Kashmir, Rajasthan, Gujarat. So, they can be pushed easily. Regardless of whether muslims live far from border or not, dharmica indus will give them train and bus facility to reach the border. If they use violence, then they will be attacked. Choice will be clear - leave or die.

China are clamming the lands you consider as your sovereignty over, infact they recently trash your constitutional changes and told you on your face that Laddakh is their territory. Your rants are getting silly with each reply.

As you have rightly pointed out, most of Indian Muslims are far away from Pakistani borders, hence not our problem. You go ahead with your plans for ethnic cleansing of Muslims, Pakistani state will have no issues, we will be waiting licking our lips to take many opportunities that come our way as a result of your attempts.
Nonsense. India can not act selectively on some muslims while sparing others. It has to be either everyone or none.

I always said that Saudis support Pakistan and Don and support India. I don't see why you are arguing. I only said that Arabs are compelled to give investment though they don't like it.

India has about 1 crore dharmic Indian working abroad. 20 lakh in Africa, 35 Lakh in Americas, 20 lakh in Europe and rest in Middle east. I don't see why Africa will expel Hindus as Hindus are mainly traders and good source of reliable supply. We are more than capable of taking back small population if these migrants. The job gained by expelling 20 crore muslims will be able to be shifted to these people.

As I said, we don't count cost of war. The remittance and other things are only because of oil production. If the region is destabilised, then the economy of Arab region along with world will collapse due to lack of oil. So, it is an accepted loss of economy.

3rd world country doesn't mean weak. Good luck assuming that CPEC can replace Arabian sea.

This is just wishful thinking. India has much more strength in terms of Indigenous Technology compared to entire Islamic world. Major Wars can't be fought on imported weapons.

I don't know why you are acting childishly. pakistan has 6 lakh soldiers. India has 13 lakh soldiers. I am talking of recruiting militia soldiers in numbers like 1 crore (I gave example of WW2 recruitment for this).

Why will South India or Sikhs stay away from fighting Islam? You are forgetting Sikhs were killed by Pakistani in 1947, Hyderabad Nizam attacked hindus and many other reason for every dharmic to fight. As I mentioned before, the current forces strength is for current requirement. If the requirement changes, we will recruit more into militia. So, there will be enough fighters.

Lol, talking of muslim underworld being able to beat Hindus is a joke. Underworld or not, Hindus have much higher number and firepower.

Entire world Economy will crumble if oil supply is destabilised. So, nothing to be Happy. I have said clearly that India will attack only if it loses its Economy because of not getting investment and remittance. If India gets these, then India will not attack. So, if India attacks, it means that Indian Economy is already tumbling. So, nothing to lose here.

I have been saying that Muslim countries have to give remittance and investment for india to be quiet. My scenario of war is when muslim countries stop giving these. Then you can't talk of losing the money as India is not getting anything at all.

Give me evidence that India is selling itself against China. There is no real anger against Chinese. I don't see why India would try to contain Chinese when the real problem is from USA. India would rather ally with China to take down USA. You make no sense but simply are talking media propaganda.

China can't claim most of Indian land. Areas like NE, Ladakh has people who like India. Why will they accept China? Secondly, these areas are minimal and have no relevance to China. China won't risk war to get some barren land.

5.5 crore muslims live in Bangladesh border in west Bengal, Assam and Bihar. Another 4 crore live in UP and 3 crore live near Pakistan border of Kashmir, Rajasthan, Gujarat. So, they can be pushed easily. Regardless of whether muslims live far from border or not, dharmica indus will give them train and bus facility to reach the border. If they use violence, then they will be attacked. Choice will be clear - leave or die.
Geographically you have a country three times size of Pakistan, have a large land mass to man the border, you not only have to content with Pakistani firepower but also Chinese are starring you down. As for militia, if you are talking about the sanghi and bakth brigade of Hindu terrorists, all they can do is to swing some danda and lathi as per their training in the RSS terrorist schools. Besides, you are not armed society like Pakistanis are.

This is not 1947, a lot of water has passed under the bridge since. Sikhs are more interested in their Khalistan and south, as I said earlier got no dog in this fight.

Dawood Ibrahim is kept safe for a reason . Will be unleashed when required. Sanghis and Bhakhts are only good at lynching, not in fighting a guerrilla warfare.

PMIK is already saying that Muslims genocide will happen in India, thats with or without Muslims money , so your argument is invalid. Your assumption that India is holding Muslim population at ransom is laughable. No Arab ruler gives a toss about Muslims, they don't even care about their own Arab brothers in Palestine.

Its a geopolitical fact. You fought war with China just to please your western masters and get their approval and rating, even though you lost the war. Your whole nuke programme was based on bogus threat from China. Whole western civilization is trying to pump you up as a bulwark against China. Who you are trying to fool?

China are clamming the lands you consider as your sovereignty over, infact they recently trash your constitutional changes and told you on your face that Laddakh is their territory. Your rants are getting silly with each reply.

As you have rightly pointed out, most of Indian Muslims are far away from Pakistani borders, hence not our problem. You go ahead with your plans for ethnic cleansing of Muslims, Pakistani state will have no issues, we will be waiting licking our lips to take many opportunities that come our way as a result of your attempts.

Well another silly dharma rant. For your information, India is the sole country where your dharmic Hindus live which has a long history of being invaded, looted and ruled by non-Hindu dharmic invaders since ancient times. Its the only Hindu concentrated country on this planet Earth. While Muslims enjoy a lavish number of more than 52 countries to their name scattered all across the globe and have a perfect record of their salient history of their centuries long global rule including present day 'Dharmic India' too.

1) Now back to your points. Do your country have enough military, economic, logistical, political strength and will to dispose off 2 crore (200 million) people of your country into the sea let alone forced migration to other countries just within a few weeks or even months! You would just touch a few hundred thousands by then the global war (Jihad) would be upon you both internally and externally. And how about in that chaotic times, someone from outside just slips weapons to a few thousands and gradually few millions of them. All your great Dharmic Military Heft along with your freshly conscripted RSS dharmic would be consumed just trying to fight for their own survival from this onslaught let alone the humiliations you may face on every side of your borders.

2) Your second point Saudis are not compelled to invest in India by so called 'indian might'. They the Arab leaders are great opportunists, they see opportunities of selling oil and their production of massive petrochemical industry to poor starving more than billion populatiin of India and in return the so called Dharmic India exports their own Dharmic Pavitar Mother Cow to those Gulf countries to be butchered, stewed and eaten with sauces. As a X resident of the Gulf and eye witness to it, I could surely say that Yes the India is one of the biggest suppliers of cow and cow meat to the Gulf. First go save your own mother from that wholesale slaughter then comeback to PDF to rant about your dharmic country.

3) Well your next point exactly describes your dharmic intellectual levels. I never mentioned Africa in my post.
And then you blatantly claimed that you don't count cost of war!
And economic loss is acceptable to already malnutritioned population of India! Well what would be your strategy when you would have to face economic blockade past few weeks into that hypothetical war??? Your oil reserves would dry up, no fuel for your planes to fly, no fuel for your logistic convoys to reach the fronts, no fuel for your IFVs/Tanks to fight, no fuel for your navy to operate ships, no fuel-no more war. All your Dharmic sena would be bogged down by lack of fuel and supplies. For reference plz study history of Nazi Germany that why did they used their most modern heavily armored tanks as pill boxes and armored bunkers late in the war. Now your enemy would just have to wait and continue this economic seige for just a few more weeks until the mighty dharmic sena surrenders for itself due to shear hunger, starvation and lack of munitions and fuel supplies.

4) Now next point about your CPEC bashing. No we would have the biggest share of trade route through Arabian sea by then from rest of Asia, Africa, Europe to sea ports of Karachi and Gwadar all the to China, Central asian states and Russia. You may talk about the part of Indian Ocean that India has left with. Do you know the fact, who is the biggest industrial producer of the world? It's China who is one of the top trade partners to each and every civilized developing or developed country on this globe. When China would utilize CPEC and other of its Belt and Road Initiatives then Good luck with your Dharmic navy patrolling a part of indian ocean containing majority of shipments of your own country or other smaller South East Asian states. China would switch most of its trade to CPEC and other BRI projects considering the safety and cost effectiveness of these trade routes in time of peace as well as war. And by the way China is also one of the biggest oil importers of the Gulf.

5) Now talk about your Indian indegenous industrial capability rant and self reliance of its arms and ammunition. It's the most funny part of the long list of your bull sh*t arguments. Factually it's the other way around. As a matter of universal fact india is one of the biggest arms importer country in the world. I know many Indians have perhaps a unique dharmic talent, expertise and tendency to deny the facts altogether, thats why I mentioned universal fact. Indian military for example relies heavily on foreign military equipment including imported weapons systems, their ammunition, spare parts and logistics on foreign suppliers like Russia, Israel, US and EU countries. On the other hand, the starc comparison of Muslim world's most prominent militaries ie Turkey, Iran and Pakistan are highly self sufficient in most of their weapons system manufacturing and their maintenance. Turkey alone surpasses India by a huge margin with respect to advanced industrial base and its military technology in each and every field except of nuclear weapons.

6) Now talking about military personnel strength conscription/recruiting in war time scenario etc. India since its independence from British may have not passed through those circumstances and experiences which Pakistan has faced in its past owing to the shear contrast of its landmass, cultural/religious background, population and resource comparison to its adversaries. Here in Pakistani (include pure Afghan Pshtoons too) tradition mostly people have been more eager to fight and embrace shahadat (martyrdom) fighting on Frontlines in the way of Allah against the anti Islam anti Muslim rivals (but not the peaceful non combatants) till victory or shahadat and more fiercely than people of any part of the world. The people of Pakistan in previous major wars except 1971(which was really political sh*t, complicated, chaotic and embarrassing against own Muslim population doomed to be lost) people from all over the country supported their military stood by them and were eager to volunteer and lay their lives at the Frontlines for a just cause. As you yourself said when you would try to suppress and corner over 200 million Muslims, we as your external adversary would have the privilege to recruit only a few hundred thousands of those Muslims let alone millions, enough to engage all of your dharmic military might within your own streets. And no military in this world, regardless of its might, technological superiority, and fierceness can never fight a major border war conflict and civil war uprising simultaneously. The war would be over sooner than you anticipated.

7) The last point I would like to answer would be related to Sikhs. 1947 was a chaotic year indeed, everyone wanted and tried to get a greater share of the pie that the British were going to leave behind. So in massive unprecedented migration of people across newly formed borders was a mess. Leave alone Hindus, talking specifically about Sikhs and Muslims both killed, massacred each other as per opportunity given. Many of them left their homelands to go to the other side of the border in the search for peace in spite of the whole hearted offers of protection from the majority of other's religion neighborhoods and friends. By then most of the Sikhs were in support of the bigger and proclaimed 'secular' state of India. So the result was very much even both the sides shed blood of the other in a continuous cycle of action and its reactions etc. After that soon Sikhs of Punjab and even dalits and a part of indian muslims realized that the dreams of proclaimed 'secular' state and freedom for all its population were all all fake and deceitful. They then realized that they should have spoken for their own rights and independent states during British Raj as per the famous two nation theory the bases of creation of Pakistan. But it was too late by now. So they started various freedom movements like Sikhs Khalistan against oppressive hindu dominated India. Which was brutally crushed for the time being in major gun fights inside sacred temple of Sikhs. So there are so much commonalities between Punjabi Muslims and Sikhs such as mother language, culture, region and above all the common enemy a hegemonic extremist Hindu dominated Indian Govt. So they grew closer and friendly relations that's why our PM Imran Khan and COAS both are strongly supporting Kartarpur border crossing project to further extend mutual beneficial friendship with the Punjabi Sikhs. And RSS backed fanatic hindu BJP Govt is crying over it and deploying delaying tactics.

@Arsalan @The Eagle
Disclaimer: The term 'Dharm', 'Dharmic' and Indian Hindus oppression against your own Indian National Muslims, KSA's yourself proclaimed and alleged payment of some kind of ransom money to 'powerful' India, 'Indian military heft', etc. were all introduced by you first.

Every other of your comments are meaningless repetitions or more of bull sh*t rant that didn't really deserve a response.
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Dawood Ibrahim is kept safe for a reason . Will be unleashed when required. Sanghis and Bhakhts are only good at lynching, not in fighting a guerrilla warfare.
Don't rant nonsense.
Its a geopolitical fact. You fought war with China just to please your western masters and get their approval and rating, even though you lost the war. Your whole nuke programme was based on bogus threat from China. Whole western civilization is trying to pump you up as a bulwark against China. Who you are trying to fool?
India does not act on behalf of USA as of now. Nehru was indeed foreign agent who antagonised China on Behest of USA but things have changed. As of now, India is not pro-USA.

Now back to your points. Do your country have enough military, economic, logistical, political strength and will to dispose off 2 crore (200 million) people of your country into the sea let alone forced migration to other countries just within a few weeks or even months! You would just touch a few hundred thousands by then the global war (Jihad) would be upon you both internally and externally. And how about in that chaotic times, someone from outside just slips weapons to a few thousands and gradually few millions of them. All your great Dharmic Military Heft along with your freshly conscripted RSS dharmic would be consumed just trying to fight for their own survival from this onslaught let alone the humiliations you may face on every side of your borders.
Obviously, India has the might to expel 200 million muslims. Why would anyone touch a few hundred thousand when mass recruitment of Dharmics can be done and war unleashed? Dharmics are everywhere and they can be used to attack muslims everywhere or cordon off and bomb. It just takes a second to kill. Where will muslims go if Dharmics come in hordes with arms to attack muslims across India?

Global jihad is distant dream. Muslims can shout as much as they want but there is no practical means through which anyone can simply slip in some weapons when there will be heightened alert, curfew and cordoning or evey place. India has train which carry 30 million passenger a day and buses that ca carry 15-20 million passengers a day. So, there is plenty of infrastructure to load muslims and expel outside.

Your second point Saudis are not compelled to invest in India by so called 'indian might'. They the Arab leaders are great opportunists, they see opportunities of selling oil and their production of massive petrochemical industry to poor starving more than billion populatiin of India and in return the so called Dharmic India exports their own Dharmic Pavitar Mother Cow to those Gulf countries to be butchered, stewed and eaten with sauces. As a X resident of the Gulf and eye witness to it, I could surely say that Yes the India is one of the biggest suppliers of cow and cow meat to the Gulf. First go save your own mother from that wholesale slaughter then comeback to PDF to rant about your dharmic country.
Nonsense. India exports some buffalo and ox meat but that can be obtained even from USA, China or Brazil. Nothing is special about India. There is hardly any other valid reason to invest.

Well your next point exactly describes your dharmic intellectual levels. I never mentioned Africa in my post.
And then you blatantly claimed that you don't count cost of war!
And economic loss is acceptable to already malnutritioned population of India! Well what would be your strategy when you would have to face economic blockade past few weeks into that hypothetical war??? Your oil reserves would dry up, no fuel for your planes to fly, no fuel for your logistic convoys to reach the fronts, no fuel for your IFVs/Tanks to fight, no fuel for your navy to operate ships, no fuel-no more war. All your Dharmic sena would be bogged down by lack of fuel and supplies. For reference plz study history of Nazi Germany that why did they used their most modern heavily armored tanks as pill boxes and armored bunkers late in the war. Now your enemy would just have to wait and continue this economic seige for just a few more weeks until the mighty dharmic sena surrenders for itself due to shear hunger, starvation and lack of munitions and fuel supplies.
India is self sufficient in food and even exports food grains and vegetables in large quantity. Secondly, India has coal in 300 billion tons. Each ton coal can give liquid fuel of 1.1 barrel. So, by liquefying 1 billion ton of coal a year, India can get 1.1 billion barrel of liquid fuel a year. This is 3 million barrels of fuel per day, almost as much as India consumes now. India is not Germany and will not suffer fuel outage of Germany as India has plenty of coal. Germany only had 40 billion ton of coal and that too were very deep. In addition, Germany did not have iron to build enough infrastructure. India has both coal and iron mines nearby and hence there is hardly any problem with using coal liquefaction.

There will be only some cuts in economic activity in civilian sector as fuel will have to be diverted to war needs. But there will be enough fuel, nevertheless

Now next point about your CPEC bashing. No we would have the biggest share of trade route through Arabian sea by then from rest of Asia, Africa, Europe to sea ports of Karachi and Gwadar all the to China, Central asian states and Russia. You may talk about the part of Indian Ocean that India has left with. Do you know the fact, who is the biggest industrial producer of the world? It's China who is one of the top trade partners to each and every civilized developing or developed country on this globe. When China would utilize CPEC and other of its Belt and Road Initiatives then Good luck with your Dharmic navy patrolling a part of indian ocean containing majority of shipments of your own country or other smaller south Asian states. China would switch most of its trade to CPEC and other BRI projects considering the safety and cost effectiveness of these trade routes in time of peace as well as war. And by the way China is also one of the biggest oil importers of the Gulf.
CPEC is not logistically sound. It crosses through Tibet, Xinjiang and hence travels too much distance from manufacturing areas of China. None can travel 3000-4000 km via land and still have profitable trade. Naval trade is far cheaper and better.

Now talk about your Indian indegenous industrial capability rant and self reliance of its arms and ammunition. It's the most funny part of the long list of your bull sh*t arguments. Factually it's the other way around. As a matter of universal fact india is one of the biggest arms importer country in the world. I know many Indians have perhaps a unique dharmic talent, expertise and tendency to deny the facts altogether, thats why I mentioned universal fact. Indian military for example relies heavily on foreign military equipment including imported weapons systems, their ammunition, spare parts and logistics on foreign suppliers like Russia, Israel, US and EU countries. On the other hand, the starc comparison of Muslim world's most prominent militaries ie Turkey, Iran and Pakistan are highly self sufficient in most of their weapons system manufacturing and their maintenance. Turkey alone surpasses India by a huge margin with respect to advanced industrial base and its military technology in each and every field except of nuclear weapons.
India has technology far more advanced than any muslim countries. India only imports high end technology which is latest generation so that it can study and reverse engineer it or get ideas from it. India already has Su30 indigenised, has satellites, has nuclear submarine, has advanced missiles - Ballistic and Brahmos. India has protection against 2000 MRBM missiles in its BMD shield.

The muslim countries are self sufficient only in low end technology. Turkey, Iran and Pakistan don't have satellite, solid fuel ballistic missile, BMD, jet manufacturing, submarine manufacturing etc. India has all of these indigenously.

Now talking about military personnel strength conscription/recruiting in war time scenario etc. India since its independence from British may have not passed through those circumstances and experiences which Pakistan has faced in its past owing to the shear contrast of its landmass, cultural/religious background, population and resource comparison to its adversaries. Here in Pakistani (include pure Afghan Pshtoons too) tradition mostly people have been more eager to fight and embrace shahadat (martyrdom) fighting on Frontlines in the way of Allah against the anti Islam anti Muslim rivals (but not the peaceful non combatants) till victory or shahadat and more fiercely than people of any part of the world. The people of Pakistan in previous major wars except 1971(which was really political sh*t, complicated, chaotic and embarrassing against own Muslim population doomed to be lost) people from all over the country supported their military stood by them and were eager to volunteer and lay their lives at the Frontlines for a just cause. As you yourself said when you would try to suppress and corner over 200 million Muslims, we as your external adversary would have the privilege to recruit only a few hundred thousands of those Muslims let alone millions, enough to engage all of your dharmic military might within your own streets. And no military in this world, regardless of its might, technological superiority, and fierceness can never fight a major border war conflict and civil war uprising simultaneously. The war would be over sooner than you anticipated.
As I said, war will be fought as both militia and military level. If you are simply assuming thatthere will be street fight, then you are not thinking right. Dharmics will simply swarm and attack anything muslim and leave nothing. How will there be street fight in such case? It will be crushing destruction of Islam. 200 million pales in comparison to 1.1-1.2 billion dharmics in India. If you are thinking that 200 million with at best small arms can fight against heavily armed 1.2 billion, you are out of your mind. This will be no civil war but rather civilisational war. Civil war is difficult as it is war within same community and hence it will be difficult to discriminate between soldiers and civilians. But when it is another community, one can simply kill someone just because he belongs to another community and not have any sympathy or doubts. There will be no discrimination between soldiers and civilians in civlisational war.

How will any external adversary recruit within India if all internet and phones are disconnected? From where will anyone recruit at all? Also, how will anyone supply weapons across the border?

freedom movements like Sikhs Khalistan against oppressive hindu dominated India. Which was brutally crushed for the time being in major gun fights inside sacred temple of Sikhs. So there are so much commonalities between Punjabi Muslims and Sikhs such as mother language, culture, region and above all the common enemy a hegemonic extremist Hindu dominated Indian Govt. So they grew closer and friendly relations that's why our PM Imran Khan and COAS both are strongly supporting Kartarpur border crossing project to further extend mutual beneficial friendship with the Punjabi Sikhs. And RSS backed fanatic hindu BJP Govt is crying over it and deploying delaying tactics.
Again, nonsense. Khalistan movement was Pakistani sponsored. It is like current Balochistan situation in Pakistan. That does not mean India has discriminated against Sikhs. India has been giving Sikhs army posts, making them PM, made them chief of Armed forces (Air force head is Sikh). Just because congress was anti dharmic and acted as foreign agent does not mean everyone acts that way. Kartarpur hasvery limited relevance. Moreover, Pakistan is putting Visa restrictions to Sikhs, not india. There is nothing about Pakistan which will make Sikhs get happy about it.
Don't rant nonsense.

India does not act on behalf of USA as of now. Nehru was indeed foreign agent who antagonised China on Behest of USA but things have changed. As of now, India is not pro-USA.

Obviously, India has the might to expel 200 million muslims. Why would anyone touch a few hundred thousand when mass recruitment of Dharmics can be done and war unleashed? Dharmics are everywhere and they can be used to attack muslims everywhere or cordon off and bomb. It just takes a second to kill. Where will muslims go if Dharmics come in hordes with arms to attack muslims across India?

Global jihad is distant dream. Muslims can shout as much as they want but there is no practical means through which anyone can simply slip in some weapons when there will be heightened alert, curfew and cordoning or evey place. India has train which carry 30 million passenger a day and buses that ca carry 15-20 million passengers a day. So, there is plenty of infrastructure to load muslims and expel outside.

Nonsense. India exports some buffalo and ox meat but that can be obtained even from USA, China or Brazil. Nothing is special about India. There is hardly any other valid reason to invest.

India is self sufficient in food and even exports food grains and vegetables in large quantity. Secondly, India has coal in 300 billion tons. Each ton coal can give liquid fuel of 1.1 barrel. So, by liquefying 1 billion ton of coal a year, India can get 1.1 billion barrel of liquid fuel a year. This is 3 million barrels of fuel per day, almost as much as India consumes now. India is not Germany and will not suffer fuel outage of Germany as India has plenty of coal. Germany only had 40 billion ton of coal and that too were very deep. In addition, Germany did not have iron to build enough infrastructure. India has both coal and iron mines nearby and hence there is hardly any problem with using coal liquefaction.

There will be only some cuts in economic activity in civilian sector as fuel will have to be diverted to war needs. But there will be enough fuel, nevertheless

CPEC is not logistically sound. It crosses through Tibet, Xinjiang and hence travels too much distance from manufacturing areas of China. None can travel 3000-4000 km via land and still have profitable trade. Naval trade is far cheaper and better.

India has technology far more advanced than any muslim countries. India only imports high end technology which is latest generation so that it can study and reverse engineer it or get ideas from it. India already has Su30 indigenised, has satellites, has nuclear submarine, has advanced missiles - Ballistic and Brahmos. India has protection against 2000 MRBM missiles in its BMD shield.

The muslim countries are self sufficient only in low end technology. Turkey, Iran and Pakistan don't have satellite, solid fuel ballistic missile, BMD, jet manufacturing, submarine manufacturing etc. India has all of these indigenously.

As I said, war will be fought as both militia and military level. If you are simply assuming thatthere will be street fight, then you are not thinking right. Dharmics will simply swarm and attack anything muslim and leave nothing. How will there be street fight in such case? It will be crushing destruction of Islam. 200 million pales in comparison to 1.1-1.2 billion dharmics in India. If you are thinking that 200 million with at best small arms can fight against heavily armed 1.2 billion, you are out of your mind. This will be no civil war but rather civilisational war. Civil war is difficult as it is war within same community and hence it will be difficult to discriminate between soldiers and civilians. But when it is another community, one can simply kill someone just because he belongs to another community and not have any sympathy or doubts. There will be no discrimination between soldiers and civilians in civlisational war.

How will any external adversary recruit within India if all internet and phones are disconnected? From where will anyone recruit at all? Also, how will anyone supply weapons across the border?

Again, nonsense. Khalistan movement was Pakistani sponsored. It is like current Balochistan situation in Pakistan. That does not mean India has discriminated against Sikhs. India has been giving Sikhs army posts, making them PM, made them chief of Armed forces (Air force head is Sikh). Just because congress was anti dharmic and acted as foreign agent does not mean everyone acts that way. Kartarpur hasvery limited relevance. Moreover, Pakistan is putting Visa restrictions to Sikhs, not india. There is nothing about Pakistan which will make Sikhs get happy about it.

Normally I don't indulge in that kind of dic* measuring competitions and I am exhausted responding to your really illogical and out of this world rants. It's futile effort to talk to this type of Dharmic nuisance with any kind of logic.

Questions to ponder and first study something sound about industrial production procedures and logistics after that come to answer me. In your replies all you could put up is Dharmic bull shit and nothing concrete or logical to back up your arguments

Q1) If India has coal why does it still imports oil? If you got the answer I think you would never again argue about that again.

Q2) if india can produce vegetables and has coal and so called state of the art technologies and latest and biggest inventions in the world so what others have to do with it? First use all these resources to make toilets for your Dharmics and feed them properly then come here to respond.

Your dharmic technology rant is of the same intellectual level as one of your dharmic leader once claimed that Indians had invented airplanes a few thousand years ago :rofl:.
OK if that's true then why not you can successfully design, mass produce and induct a simple jet plane with all the subsystems designed and manufactured by those dharmic. If you are so advanced why you still buy those AKs from Russians let alone all the other military equipment. Now just for example Turkey has one of the world's most advanced MBT Altay, advanced highly lethal T-129 attack helicopter which has highest thrust to weight ratio in its category, designed, manufactured and exported their own rifle MPT-76, MPT-55, totally embedded Most advanced Tech of 4th & 4.5th Gen fighters tech such as F-16s, has been a partner member in design of world's most advanced and most expensive weapons program of 5th Gen fighter F-35 Stealth fighter and manufactured some of its key subsystems and parts, Turkey has lethal laser weapon systems deployed on their armored vehicles to shoot down ground or aerial targets. Ever heard of Aselsan or Roketsan??? Whole of your dharma military complex can't even stand in front of them. Even Pakistan has various deployed Solid fuel rocket Ballistic missiles the whole Shaheen series of missiles are just the tip of iceberg to mention, yes we have the biggest aircraft manufacturing complex in South Asia called Kamra Aeronautical Complex. And a lot bigger Aeronautical City is under construction. We manufacture and export planes. Yes we have our own sattelite program and sattelites too and shipbuilding and submarine building sites and manufacturing capabilities too.

Please study all of the systems mentioned over there please. Check videos of your numerous failed and exploding tests of missiles systems. Brahmos is chiefly Russian Tech, after that dharmics came to know from Russians how to make a successful missile that won't explode within its flight path.
That should be enough for your indegenous technology bull shit.

And you mentioned something about your dharmics BMD Chaata capable of stopping a volley of 2000 incoming MRBMs  :jester: :omghaha: even the superpower USA, and their near peer Russia, China or technologically most advanced nations like UK, Israel, France, South Korea or Japan have never claimed about such kind of protection from their most advanced systems because that kind of guaranteed protection never existed. If you already have made your own that much capable system, then what's the point buying S-400 from Russia that would be obsolete and inferior to your already deployed system :hitwall:

Most of your current generations have never seen any kind of war or military conflicts so leave those topics for now they are way above of your dharmic IQ.

That's enough I cannot bear more of this unstoppable illogical dharmic bull shits. If you still wanna practice your these dharmic expertise please check out some Bharat rakshak forums.

@Arsalan @The Eagle@Irfan Baloch @AgNoStiC MuSliM

Please help. Rescue me from this never ending illogical dharmic rant.

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Don't rant nonsense.

Maybe he is part of Pakistani "final solution" for Hindu terrorists and extremists.

India does not act on behalf of USA as of now. Nehru was indeed foreign agent who antagonised China on Behest of USA but things have changed. As of now, India is not pro-USA.

You received kangfu kick from China over doklam issue when you tried to please yanks.
Come back to me when oil start to sell other then in US dollar. Petro dollar is still kicking and alive.

You are not next door, Pakistan is. You need some geography lessons. India can do jack. Gulf is out of India sphere, never was or will be.


You are living in some fantasy lalla land.

Let me war game this for you.

You have committed nearly a million of your armed forces , and boxed them in Kashmir in order to control few million kashmiris. How are you proposing to take on 200 million Muslims? You don't even have the forces to achieve that, let alone economic muscle when your economy is going down the barrel. Any attempt will cause massive rebellion, armed struggle , in the heartland of India, your cities will become battle ground. With law and order situation going kapoot, the investment and economic activity will disappear in thin air. America and western civilization, which have been pampering you to be a bulwark against Chinese expansion, will lose interests in you and that will be the final nail in your coffin as you totally depend on their support. Not to say that Pakistan and China will have a field day in India. Nothing will please us more if Indian establishment and deep state go this path.

As I said, whatever is happening is due to Pakistani stand over Iran.

India has become American Taliban. What I mean, that Pakistan has always been blamed to be the sponsor of Taliban. Now Pakistan is mediating between America and Taliban. On the other hand, America is propping India against Pakistan and recently Trump offered to mediate between Pakistan and India. In nutshell, India is America's Taliban.
According to the Indian sources, the real intention of the BJP is to change the constitution of India!!! And, then to crush the Muslims!!! Pak needs to be ready for all eventualities...

Geographically you have a country three times size of Pakistan, have a large land mass to man the border, you not only have to content with Pakistani firepower but also Chinese are starring you down. As for militia, if you are talking about the sanghi and bakth brigade of Hindu terrorists, all they can do is to swing some danda and lathi as per their training in the RSS terrorist schools. Besides, you are not armed society like Pakistanis are.

This is not 1947, a lot of water has passed under the bridge since. Sikhs are more interested in their Khalistan and south, as I said earlier got no dog in this fight.

Dawood Ibrahim is kept safe for a reason . Will be unleashed when required. Sanghis and Bhakhts are only good at lynching, not in fighting a guerrilla warfare.

PMIK is already saying that Muslims genocide will happen in India, thats with or without Muslims money , so your argument is invalid. Your assumption that India is holding Muslim population at ransom is laughable. No Arab ruler gives a toss about Muslims, they don't even care about their own Arab brothers in Palestine.

Its a geopolitical fact. You fought war with China just to please your western masters and get their approval and rating, even though you lost the war. Your whole nuke programme was based on bogus threat from China. Whole western civilization is trying to pump you up as a bulwark against China. Who you are trying to fool?

China are clamming the lands you consider as your sovereignty over, infact they recently trash your constitutional changes and told you on your face that Laddakh is their territory. Your rants are getting silly with each reply.

As you have rightly pointed out, most of Indian Muslims are far away from Pakistani borders, hence not our problem. You go ahead with your plans for ethnic cleansing of Muslims, Pakistani state will have no issues, we will be waiting licking our lips to take many opportunities that come our way as a result of your attempts.
I am pretty sure every Muslim ghetto in India will have their own Davut Ibrahims!!! By the by, the way he stopped the Muslim genocide in Bombay, being carried out with the full official support, is really amazing....
Q1) If India has coal why does it still imports oil? If you got the answer I think you would never again argue about that again.
There is a difference between coal Liquefaction and oil. Coal Liquefaction gives fuel but not important petrochemicals which is needed for Economy like plastics, paints, CFC etc. India has fuel for military logistics, not for civilian Economy. The quality difference between coal Liquefaction and oil is what one must understand.
if india can produce vegetables and has coal and so called state of the art technologies and latest and biggest inventions in the world so what others have to do with it? First use all these resources to make toilets for your Dharmics and feed them properly then come here to respond.
How it makes sense to ask someone to make toilets with technology?

Your dharmic technology rant is of the same intellectual level as one of your dharmic leader once claimed that Indians had invented airplanes a few thousand years ago :rofl:. OK if that's true then why not you can successfully design, mass produce and induct a simple jet plane with all the subsystems designed and manufactured by those dharmic. If you are so advanced why you still buy those AKs from Russians let alone all the other military equipment. Now just for example Turkey has one of the world's most advanced MBT Altay, advanced highly lethal T-129 attack helicopter which has highest thrust to weight ratio in its category, designed, manufactured and exported their own rifle MPT-76, MPT-55, totally embedded Most advanced Tech of 4th & 4.5th Gen fighters tech such as F-16s, has been a partner member in design of world's most advanced and most expensive weapons program of 5th Gen fighter F-35 Stealth fighter and manufactured some of its key subsystems and parts, Turkey has lethal laser weapon systems deployed on their armored vehicles to shoot down ground or aerial targets. Ever heard of Aselsan or Roketsan??? Whole of your dharma military complex can't even stand in front of them. Even Pakistan has various deployed Solid fuel rocket Ballistic missiles the whole Shaheen series of missiles are just the tip of iceberg to mention, yes we have the biggest aircraft manufacturing complex in South Asia called Kamra Aeronautical Complex. And a lot bigger Aeronautical City is under construction. We manufacture and export planes. Yes we have our own sattelite program and sattelites too and shipbuilding and submarine building sites and manufacturing capabilities too.
Are you sure of what you are saying? Turkey's MBT and Helicopter are having imported engines. Shaheen has not been tested more than 1 time. I don't see how it can be ready. Its accuracy is suspect and hence Pakistan can rely only on tested missile like ghauri.

And you mentioned something about your dharmics BMD Chaata capable of stopping a volley of 2000 incoming MRBMs  :jester: :omghaha: even the superpower USA, and their near peer Russia, China or technologically most advanced nations like UK, Israel, France, South Korea or Japan have never claimed about such kind of protection from their most advanced systems because that kind of guaranteed protection never existed. If you already have made your own that much capable system, then what's the point buying S-400 from Russia that would be obsolete and inferior to your already deployed system
Neither am I claiming 100% protection. It is only about 50-70% protection. Secondly, firing salvos of missile with liquid fuel missile will be hard as fueling time and erection time takes few hours. It can be detected. Only some number of missile can be kept fueled and erected as the liquid fuel is corrosive. So, mass salvo attack is difficult.

Next India is buying only those technology which is more advanced than what India has. India doesn't yet have the best systems. It has 1 generation older systems and hence needs latest ones to learn from

I am pretty sure every Muslim ghetto in India will have their own Davut Ibrahims!!! By the by, the way he stopped the Muslim genocide in Bombay, being carried out with the full official support, is really amazing....
Hahaha, who told you that Dawood protected muslims. He was the one who started the riots by doing explosion of bombs. This made muslims flee into ghetto from Mumbai.
According to the Indian sources, the real intention of the BJP is to change the constitution of India!!! And, then to crush the Muslims!!! Pak needs to be ready for all eventualities...

I am pretty sure every Muslim ghetto in India will have their own Davut Ibrahims!!! By the by, the way he stopped the Muslim genocide in Bombay, being carried out with the full official support, is really amazing....

This is exactly where they are heading, warned by PMIK himself. Question is, where these Hindu terrorists are getting their courage and confidence from? If it is not obvious to the world before, should be now. Its the Zionist movement who are backing them up all the way. A truly global phenomena and needs global solution, atleast among Muslim world, only if they can see the imminent danger.
There is a difference between coal Liquefaction and oil. Coal Liquefaction gives fuel but not important petrochemicals which is needed for Economy like plastics, paints, CFC etc. India has fuel for military logistics, not for civilian Economy. The quality difference between coal Liquefaction and oil is what one must understand.

How it makes sense to ask someone to make toilets with technology?

Are you sure of what you are saying? Turkey's MBT and Helicopter are having imported engines. Shaheen has not been tested more than 1 time. I don't see how it can be ready. Its accuracy is suspect and hence Pakistan can rely only on tested missile like ghauri.

Neither am I claiming 100% protection. It is only about 50-70% protection. Secondly, firing salvos of missile with liquid fuel missile will be hard as fueling time and erection time takes few hours. It can be detected. Only some number of missile can be kept fueled and erected as the liquid fuel is corrosive. So, mass salvo attack is difficult.

Next India is buying only those technology which is more advanced than what India has. India doesn't yet have the best systems. It has 1 generation older systems and hence needs latest ones to learn from

Hahaha, who told you that Dawood protected muslims. He was the one who started the riots by doing explosion of bombs. This made muslims flee into ghetto from Mumbai.

You dharmic cow dung full of shit now see the reports of shaheen missile series tested multiple times.

Inventory of Pakistan's Solid Fueled Ballistic Missiles:

Shaheen 1
Shaheen 2
Shaheen 3
Shaheen 1A


In fact most if not all the Ballistic missile systems of Pakistan have Solid Fueled propulsion systems except the Ghauri Missile Series. They have been successfully tested multiple times. Only your media may have reported the recent test its none of our fault so spit your cow dung on your own fellow persons for your ignorance you bloody Troll & intentional liar

Come out of nineties and year 2000. Please search Google or there is a site for ignorants like you Wikipedia search there. You just chill there in your dharmic dreamland. Enough of your bullshit and now you are completely busted now for deliberately ranting and trolling here.

Hey any mods here?? @Deino @Horus

I have tagged here quite a few mods before too. We are just bogged down deep into cow dung of this proclaimed 'dharmic' Troll. Please remove that account from PDF please.

There is a difference between coal Liquefaction and oil. Coal Liquefaction gives fuel but not important petrochemicals which is needed for Economy like plastics, paints, CFC etc. India has fuel for military logistics, not for civilian Economy. The quality difference between coal Liquefaction and oil is what one must understand.

How it makes sense to ask someone to make toilets with technology?

Are you sure of what you are saying? Turkey's MBT and Helicopter are having imported engines. Shaheen has not been tested more than 1 time. I don't see how it can be ready. Its accuracy is suspect and hence Pakistan can rely only on tested missile like ghauri.

Neither am I claiming 100% protection. It is only about 50-70% protection. Secondly, firing salvos of missile with liquid fuel missile will be hard as fueling time and erection time takes few hours. It can be detected. Only some number of missile can be kept fueled and erected as the liquid fuel is corrosive. So, mass salvo attack is difficult.

Next India is buying only those technology which is more advanced than what India has. India doesn't yet have the best systems. It has 1 generation older systems and hence needs latest ones to learn from

Hahaha, who told you that Dawood protected muslims. He was the one who started the riots by doing explosion of bombs. This made muslims flee into ghetto from Mumbai.
I have tried my best to be logical with you but I can no longer tolerate you because you are tough 'Dharmic' cow dung shit kind of illogical person.
OK we all lost here. The dharmic Bharat is mahaan. The dharmic Hindus are superpower and technologically most advanced and superior race in the whole plant.
Pakistan, Turkey living in stone age. Chinese J 20 is crappy copy of failed Russian program, FC-1/JF-17 is way more inferior to might Mig-21 Bisons.
Dharmics have all the power to exile or execute all the 200 Muslims of Kashmir within a blink of an eye.
Saudis are compelled to pay mighty Dharmic Superpower a hefty Ransom money as a guarantee for its own survival.
Arjun and Tejas can wipe out all the militaries of this planet in a single go.
China has no power to attack or snatch even a single inch of dharmic motherland.
Dharmic India can sustain and heavily breed forever on its own technologies supplies and fossil fuels and all of its far more superior tech and indegenous super duper unprecedented mighty defense industrial base without any contact from any other countries

I, on behalf of all the members of this thread, accept all of your these present and future dharmic logics and request you to kindly F**** off from this thread and preferably from this forum and forever.
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