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India's Rice Revoloution

The problem of Indian agriculture is too much dependence of rain water.. Because of the changing climate conditions, agriculture is a risky business.. I myself burned by hands entering into Banana cultivation because rain betrayed me :cry:

My village has lots of ppl who do banana Cultivation. Why depends on rain? You should have ample way of watering resources else Banana krishi wont be a success.
Another Success story fro Bihar, the state is turning around .. and how ?

India's rice revolution | Global development | The Observer

The villagers, at the mercy of erratic weather and used to going without food in bad years, celebrated. But the Bihar state agricultural universities didn't believe them at first, while India's leading rice scientists muttered about freak results. The Nalanda farmers were accused of cheating. Only when the state's head of agriculture, a rice farmer himself, came to the village with his own men and personally verified Sumant's crop, was the record confirmed.

"If any scientist or a company came up with a technology that almost guaranteed a 50% increase in yields at no extra cost they would get a Nobel prize. But when young Biharian farmers do that they get nothing. I only want to see the poor farmers have enough to eat."

These two Quote represent the Indian Mentality of most ppl here also from what i have seen from there post praising Foreign tech and Defaming Desi tech

How is it possible.....its India..he is Indian..how can he develop something that bit World parameters :hitwall:

It must be a Lie .....case of Cheating , Without Even Knowing the Facts or investigating the Claim

And if We found some truth behind the Claim, we want West and world to Recognize it.....

I don't know when this Post Colonial hangover will end:hitwall:

Mr. Sumant Kumar And State of Bihar ..i Salute you

Respect :yahoo:
My village has lots of ppl who do banana Cultivation. Why depends on rain? You should have ample way of watering resources else Banana krishi wont be a success.

Yaar, I cultivated it in a hill like terrain trusting blindly on the rain..I planted some rubber there and main aim of Banana cultivation is to have a protection for rubber from sun.. Now with all those banana leaves gone, rubber will also get destroyed..
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