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India's Revenge: RAW Attacks Cricketers in Pakistan

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Ice, he has only listed the reasons mentioned by various members on this forum. You can check out the thread yourself and then declare his post as BS. He loves his country as much as you do to yours.

Regarding India's and its relationship with its neighbour, that has got nothing to do with this thread.

The manner he represented was nothing short of sarcasm. What other members think or believe, i don't think there is a need for him to tell us, it better if he comes up with his own counter argument to prove other members wrong and not by scoring cheap points.
Will you spare us the BS and keep the sarcasm out. Have you ever wondered why only India is having problems with almost all of its neighbors Pakistan, China, BD, SriLanka? Give it a thought if India is what you portray it to be, then i don't understand why should it face any problems w.r.t its neighbors.:disagree:

The problems are only with Pakistan and China. With the other two nothing actually exists.

Pakistan - you are aware.

China - because we claimed some territories as ours from precolonial years which were not ours but at the same time not under China too which was trying to acquire them. (this is in aksai chin region I refer to) as for arunachal, here GoI shot itself in the foot. By declaring tibet as part of china, it at the same time refused to recognise Tawang (which had traditionally been under tibetian rule historically) as part of china and annexed it. so technically the chinese are right to cry foul ......

remaining two please explain how they have problems?
There will always be suspicion when it comes to attacks in India and Pakistan. Pakistan is right to investigate Indian involvement--however, speculation and paranoia helps nobody.

As long as the investigative process itself is not affected by conspiracy theorists and jingoism (in both India and Pakistan), every allegation should be looked into and resolved to it's logical end. Let me stress, LOGICAL end.

If India was somehow involved, let Pakistan provide the hard evidence that has been so elusive when it comes to proving Indian involvement elsewhere on Pakistani soil--as India provided Pakistan evidence of the use of its soil in the mumbai attack to multiple state actors (US, UK, Germany etc.) to bolster the credibility of its claims. If evidence is provided in an international forum, then vigorous action will be taken against the actors to maintain Indian credibility. Let's not forget that credibility is the international currency in which India cheifly deals--as a democracy and as a market power, even if it has very little when it comes to Pakistan.
Attack was well planned and million of dollars involved in these attacks, if there is no audit of intelligence agency RAW of india then India remain suspect.Pakistan should request UNO to investigate these attacks.
Attack was well planned and million of dollars involved in these attacks, if there is no audit of intelligence agency RAW of india then India remain suspect.Pakistan should request UNO to investigate these attacks.

The UN is not going to waste time/money investigating frivolous claims. Those will be left to Pakistani outfits (who will inevitably find a "foreign hand," just about as evident as Adam Smith's "Invisible hand").

Good luck chasing your tails.

India called in the FBI and the Brits to help in the Mumbai investigation to ensure fairness. How's about Pakistan do the same? About time investigators adopt the scientific method--formulate a hypothesis, but don't attempt to draw conclusions before an investigation. India has a history of rather visible attacks by Afghan and Pakistani militants. Our people got angry and out of whack prematurely when Mumbai got attacked--but they killed 190 people for crying out loud! Tell me there wouldn't be some irrational outlet of bitterness in Pakistan if the same happened there....

India called in the FBI and the Brits to help in the Mumbai investigation to ensure fairness. How's about Pakistan do the same? About time investigators adopt the scientific method--formulate a hypothesis, but don't attempt to draw conclusions before an investigation. India has a history of rather visible attacks by Afghan and Pakistani militants. Our people got angry and out of whack prematurely when Mumbai got attacked--but they killed 190 people for crying out loud! Tell me there wouldn't be some irrational outlet of bitterness in Pakistan if the same happened there....
If India is peace loving country, why interfere in Bangladesh, occupied Siachin glacier, Sircreek, meddling in Baluchistan, supporting terrorist groups in Afghanistan. Its not that easy, thats the reason West showed no particular interest in Mumbai case. Because every reaction has some history. India has to prove itself to Pakistani, that he wouldn't do any harm. India has very long harming list against Pakistan. Pakistan can't trust India anymore, what India do and show in International political arena is totally opposite . They need to bring consistency in their policy, otherwise trust will never establish. Pakistan has one and only foreign policy, just follow US, thats about it.
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