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You mean Aps massacare.
Plz tell me before i use the worst profanities for you.
Pakistan involved in Kashmir, Khalistan movement etc....India had no other choice but to hit your weakest point....now use all profanities for me:D
I don't think India has much control in Balochistan. These are just some elements in Balochistan that need a spanking.
Rehman Malik has the proof he said he is going to show the world at a suitable time :cheesy:

Maybe my grandkids will be shown the proof

Rehman Malik?

I am as much in awe of Rehman Malik's smarts as I am of Syed Ali's.
Pakistan involved in Kashmir, Khalistan movement etc....India had no other choice but to hit your weakest point....now use all profanities for me:D
@waz do you think its acceptable on the forum to mock aps kids massacre
@waz do you think its acceptable on the forum to mock aps kids massacre
I am not offending anybody here..or supporting any kind of terrorism either sponsored by Pakistan or India....I am just putting the current scenario...
The Paisa comes from all over such as the Gulf, UK, USA. Zia's reign of Pakistan had a terrible effect on the future of Pakistan with his Wahhabi version of Islam and the endless Madrasas propping up. Add together this with Pakistani textbooks which teach that Jews and Hindus are to blame for all the ills not to mention the state sponsored jihadis like LET and the likes which were seen as 'freedom fighters' and you now have a Frankenstein monster right at your door.

This is a very simplified version of thw whole situation. Indian army has done same sort of activities in East Pakistan. Mukti Bani was trained, sponsored and funded by the Indian army. Every action has a reaction. These sort of Indian action will also hurt India. India is sponsoring separatist movements in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan. This will do no good to India. Ultimately this will start more separatist movements in India which even now, there are lots of movements going on. India has lots of poverty, diseases and hunger they should have to spend their defense budget on their manpower. Otherwise India could be another Russia.

As far as Zia's doctorine is concerned, he has done lots of damage to Pakistan. Modi will do same sort of damage to India. In comming years India will see the result of Modi's doctrine.
This is a very simplified version of thw whole situation. Indian army has done same sort of activities in East Pakistan. Mukti Bani was trained, sponsored and funded by the Indian army. Every action has a reaction. These sort of Indian action will also hurt India. India is sponsoring separatist movements in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan. This will do no good to India. Ultimately this will start more separatist movements in India which even now, there are lots of movements going on. India has lots of poverty, diseases and hunger they should have to spend their defense budget on their manpower. Otherwise India could be another Russia.

As far as Zia's doctorine is concerned, he has done lots of damage to Pakistan. Modi will do same sort of damage to India. In comming years India will see the result of Modi's doctrine.

Due to your army committing mass atrocities on it's own people. As for poverty India has reduced it's poverty figures and is continuing to do so. As for the rest of your wild claims about India sponsoring separatists in Nepal and Bhutan that is just crap.

Bangladesh war: The article that changed history - BBC News

Now there have been hundreds of missing persons in Baluchistan which is why you are witnessing these events.

'Voice of Baloch Missing Persons' caravan reaches Islamabad - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
India is growing at 7% a year which is not bad and the stock market boomed after Modi came to power.

Pakistan lives in a time warp, their calendar is stuck 10 years in the past from the current date, so it's 2005 there, not 2015.. :p:

yet they never post about churches being blown up or the massacre of Hazara people :-) just like to talk about guj riots.
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