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India's population to surpass China's around 2024, says UN:


Nov 1, 2010
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India's population to surpass China's around 2024, says UN:

India's population could surpass that of China's around 2024, two years later than previously estimated, and is projected to touch 1.5 billion in 2030, according to a United Nations forecast.

The World Population Prospects: The 2017 Revision, published by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, said that currently China with 1.41 billion inhabitants and India with 1.34 billion remain the two most populous countries, comprising 19 and 18 per cent of the total global population.

"In roughly seven years, or around 2024, the population of India is expected to surpass that of China," the report said.

The 2017 Revision of World Population Prospects is the 25th round of official UN population estimates and projections.

In its 24th round of estimates released in 2015, it was projected that the population of India will surpass that of China's by 2022.

The new estimates released on Wednesday said that in 2024, India and China are expected to have roughly a population of 1.44 billion each. After that, Indias population is projected to continue growing for several decades to around 1.5 billion in 2030 and approaching 1.66 billion in 2050, while the population of China is projected to remain stable until the 2030s, after which it may begin a slow decline.

Indias population may eventually see a decline in the half century after 2050 to 1.51 billion by 2100 but it will still be the most populous country in the world.

In India, life expectancy at birth will be 71 years in 2025-2030, growing to 74.2 years in 2045-2050. The under-five mortality rate will decline from 32.3 deaths under age five per 1,000 live births in 2025-2030 to 18.6 in 2045-2050.

The report said the current world population of 7.6 billion is expected to reach 8.6 billion in 2030, 9.8 billion in 2050 and 11.2 billion in 2100.
Most of the population growth is due to Muslims.

India should consider implementing Chinese policy for Muslims.
Too many people in the world as is.

Either we figure out a way to colonise other planets, or we need to stop having so many kids.
That would have a negative impact on India's GDP per capita index?
That would have a negative impact on India's GDP per capita index?

Muslims don't care about about GDP or Per capita. They have a single point program which is to become majority population in India so that they can rule India again. Pathetic mentality.
Muslims don't care about about GDP or Per capita. They have a single point program which is to become majority population in India so that they can rule India again. Pathetic mentality.

I think what you said is pathetic frankly! You mean to say one would have more children and spend their entire life trying to feed and raise them only so the future generations of his family could be a ruler class. That is so intelligent!
I think what you said is pathetic frankly! You mean to say one would have more children and spend their entire life trying to feed and raise them only so the future generations of his family could be a ruler class. That is so intelligent!

Of course it is intelligent from Muslim ummah's perspective but pathetic from a country's perspective.

Look at these numbers



Muslims in India are growing at almost 10% more than Hindus or Christians. The motivation for this is the following directive from their religion.

Firstly, what the Muslims should do is to try to have as many children as they can, because this is the command of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), who said: “Marry the one who is loving and fertile, for I will be proud of your great numbers before the nations.” (Narrated by Abu Dawood, 2050; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood, 1805).

Having more children increases the numbers of the ummah, and increasing the numbers of the ummah is a source of its glory, as Allaah says, reminding the Children of Israel of His blessings:

“and made you more numerous in man-power”

[al-Isra’ 15:6 – interpretation of the meaning]

And Shu’ayb said to his people:

“And remember when you were but few, and He multiplied you”

[al-A’raaf 7:86 – interpretation of the meaning]

No one can deny that having a large number is a source of pride and strength for the ummah, contrary to what those pessimists think who say that large numbers causes poverty and starvation in a nation.

If the ummah increases in number, puts its trust in Allaah and believes His promises as mentioned in the aayah,


Muslims don't care about about GDP or Per capita. They have a single point program which is to become majority population in India so that they can rule India again. Pathetic mentality.
So these classy Indians (below) that replicate like rats and live like sewer rats are fine? Proper Hindoos? Yes. Numbering over 250 million on last count.

Ps. No idea of you guy's ever going down the ummah road given the number of Ganga Hindoos but I think there is clear and present danger you might get drowned in Dalit love. So take it easy, real easy boy. The Dalits are coming for you. Imagine a India where the majority is untouchable. Yikes !
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Someone has to stop this seriously .The whole subcontinent including pakistan is breeding like rats and rabbits.
This is alarming, Chinese land size is 3 times of India and we are almost matching them with population. Indian government should give some incentives for population control especially for Indian states such as UP & Bihar. I think rest of India is all right, however, these three are making babies like there is no tomorrow.


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This is alarming, Chinese land size is 3 times of India and we are almost matching them with population. Indian government should give some incentives for population control especially for Indian states such as UP & Bihar. I think rest of India is all right, however, these three are making babies like there is no tomorrow.


View attachment 405418

Following are the current fertility rates by state.



That is from 2004.

Indian total fertility rate is now 2.4 and headed to 2.1 (replacement level) overall.


I will include Pakistan as well to easily and sensibly counter the butthurt BS posted by a "think tank" earlier


Do the math yourself to figure out how many demographic development years separate the two now.

Chinese land size is 3 times of India and we are almost matching them with population.

Actual inhabited area + arable land is roughly the same for both, hence effective realised population densities are similar too.
This is even worse. Can't be true for Punjab, I visit there every 2 years and villages seems to have less people now than used to be. May be its only true for villages and cities are opposite.

Its official data from government of India.

It is very obvious that extended BIMARU states are the culprits here for having higher rates than the national average of 2.9%


No state from South, North East or Western India is part of this list.

Actual inhabited area + arable land is roughly the same for both, hence effective realised population densities are similar too.

Absolutely. When it comes to arable land, India is blessed by Allah.

@dreamer4eva Most of China's lands are inhospitable ice cold deserts.

It is very obvious that extended BIMARU states are the culprits here for having higher rates than the national average of 2.9%

Its actually good to see the big drops in fertility rate taking place in BIMARU since 2004.

Bihar has dropped by a full point (from 4.4 to 3.4)

UP almost by 2 points (from 4.5 to 2.7)

Madhya Pradesh by 1.5 points roughly (3.8 to 2.3)

Rajasthan by by about 1.3 points (form 3.7 to 2.3)

Its actually BIMARU that has been responsible for pushing down most of India's overall fertility rate (from 2.9 to about 2.2 now)...given they had the most to improve by back then.

Every state (however undeveloped they are to average) is now below Pakistan's TFR too.

India should hit replacement fertility overall by 2020 easily. By 2025 - 2030, every state will be at replacement fertility or below.

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