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Feb 7, 2017
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Despite the oft-repeated rhetoric of being the advocates of human rights, every naive person, whether in India, Pakistan or region on a broader spectrum is well learnt regarding ‘Modi’s hardline’ policy towards the indigenous population of Indian Occupied Kashmir. Since the Modi led, Bharatiya Janata Party Party (BJP) came into power, the atrocities of the innocent Kashmiris increased manifold.
In order to contain Kashmir Freedom Movement, the Indian Army for the past 7 decades has employed the conventional muscular approach towards Kashmiris, involving mass murders, detention, mass-blinding, and rapes of unarmed and innocent Kashmiris. The muscular approach and repressive regime towards the unarmed Kashmiris have only brought failure and global denunciation to India. One has to accredit the Kashmiri youth who have out-and-out defeated the Indian security forces by bearing up the brunt of interminable victimization at the hands of the Indian Army.
Indian repression of Kashmiris isn’t confined to the physical oppression lone, the psychological torture in form of unemployment, media restraints, and prolonged city wise shutdowns is of incalculable proportion.
In the contemporary day scenario, 70% of the Kashmiri youth are under 35 of age, whereas, more than 40% of the Kashmir youth is unemployed. The ones, who are running businesses, face constraints in carrying out day to business activities due to repetitive shutdowns and protests. The war-stricken youth is further aggravated with their circumstances when despite having degrees and intellect, they fail to seek their desired employment.
It is a well-established fact that unemployed and poverty-stricken youth are readily prone to radicalization. In a recent shift in Indian strategy to contain Kashmir Freedom Movement, India has now resorted to the radicalization of Kashmir youth. By tapping into the long lost and unserved dream of employment, peace and respect, India is strategically targeting the unemployed Kashmiri youth and radicalizing them into joining the Jammu and Kashmir Light Infantry (JKLI), an Indian Army Unit that comprises 50% Kashmiris.
The recruitment of Kashmir youth in JKLI is indeed the replication of the 1971 model where Indians prepared an Army of Muslims against Muslims. What India fails to comprehend is that the times have changed, the circumstances aren’t’ similar. The proxy and propaganda warfare might have abetted India in dividing Pakistan in 1971 but it will definitely bite the dust when it comes to Kashmir Freedom Movement.
India cannot backpedal its decades-old bloodshed and barbarity which it has inflicted on the unarmed and indigenous population of Kashmir. The young Kashmiris being recruited in Jammu & Kashmir Light Infantry since their birth have witnessed nothing, but destruction and violation of human rights, such as indescribable atrocities, sexual violence, enforced disappearances and mass blinding operations. They have mourned upon the heartless & cold-blooded murder of their family, relatives & friends at the hands of Indian Army on a daily basis. Will they ever forget that? The chances are close to nullity

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while I do agree with most of it, but the thing here is that we should not underestimate India in any way. If they were able to turn Muslim against Muslim in 1971, we should know their propaganda is so strong that they might be able to radicalize the Kashmirs as well.
We should never underestimate the enemy, and be ready for anything they throw at us
Well India wants to suppress an indigenous movement for self determination, as long as Pakistan stands tall Kashmir issue will stay alive. We will keep embarrassing India over Kashmir esp on grave human rights violation, force disappearances, mass graves, pellet gun brutality, raping local women, killing children. The hate against India is increasing globally, soon India will over take Israel and will be hated every where in the world. Pakistan just needs to expose them.
So this here seems to be the problem ... How dare a Muslim that too a Kashmiri join Indian Army and fight for his motherland.

"India is strategically targeting the unemployed Kashmiri youth and radicalizing them into joining the Jammu and Kashmir Light Infantry (JKLI), an Indian Army Unit that comprises 50% Kashmiris."
So this here seems to be the problem ... How dare a Muslim that too a Kashmiri join Indian Army and fight for his motherland.

"India is strategically targeting the unemployed Kashmiri youth and radicalizing them into joining the Jammu and Kashmir Light Infantry (JKLI), an Indian Army Unit that comprises 50% Kashmiris."
Worlds see their hypocritical nature , i am just amused if they themselves believe that shit.
Worlds see their hypocritical nature , i am just amused if they themselves believe that shit.

unfortunately they have been made to believe it.
JAKLI mostly have dogras and gujjar,your propaganda needs some brushing up.
while I do agree with most of it, but the thing here is that we should not underestimate India in any way. If they were able to turn Muslim against Muslim in 1971, we should know their propaganda is so strong that they might be able to radicalize the Kashmirs as well.
We should never underestimate the enemy, and be ready for anything they throw at us
India did not do anything. Your elected leader chose to split the country. This muslim Muslim bhai bhai has run its course abd has been proved false over centuries. Even today muslim muslim get together only if tgere is somenshare in some spoils.
So this here seems to be the problem ... How dare a Muslim that too a Kashmiri join Indian Army and fight for his motherland.

"India is strategically targeting the unemployed Kashmiri youth and radicalizing them into joining the Jammu and Kashmir Light Infantry (JKLI), an Indian Army Unit that comprises 50% Kashmiris."

You forgot the Symbionese imagery; they are being radicalised.

India did not do anything. Your elected leader chose to split the country. This muslim Muslim bhai bhai has run its course abd has been proved false over centuries. Even today muslim muslim get together only if tgere is somenshare in some spoils.

Look up when he was elected. You will get a surprise.

JAKLI mostly have dogras and gujjar,your propaganda needs some brushing up.

I feel sorry for you.

They think all Dogras and Gujjars are Muslim. In the J&K LI, the Gujjars are Muslim, the Dogras are not.

@Vibrio ? Hope I'm right?
Good read! Agreed to the most parts.
Despite the oft-repeated rhetoric of being the advocates of human rights, every naive person, whether in India, Pakistan or region on a broader spectrum

What does this mean? All naive persons in India, Pakistan or a broader geography is an advocate of human rights? Even naive persons in India, etc., etc., are advocates of human rights?

is well learnt regarding ‘Modi’s hardline’ policy towards the indigenous population of Indian Occupied Kashmir.

Well informed? Well read up about? Learned regarding?
Does the indigenous population of Indian Administered Kashmir include the Pandits who were hounded out? With slogans of leave the valley, but leave your women behind?

Since the Modi led, Bharatiya Janata Party Party (BJP) the atrocities of the innocent Kashmiris increased manifold.

It is surprising to hear that the innocent Kashmiris, including those who raped a woman and sawed her into two, and killed university professors, heads of the local radio station and academicians in their houses or on the street, were the ones behind the atrocities.

In order to contain Kashmir Freedom Movement, the Indian Army for the past 7 decades has employed the conventional muscular approach towards Kashmiris, involving mass murders, detention, mass-blinding, and rapes of unarmed and innocent Kashmiris.

The Indian Army received the support of the Kashmiri until 1989 when failure in the elections set some politicians against the state administration, and against the national administration. Until that time, even when in 1965, 20 separate teams of commandos were infiltrated into the Valley under Operation Gibraltar, 19 were reported to the police and handed over in abject surrender; the 20th was reported and fought its way out to a frontier position, and was rescued by the general cease-fire.

It is interesting to see the gradual and inexorable decline in knowledge about past events among Pakistani youngsters; their artificial history seems to be having an effect at a fairly deep level.

Here, for those who read, is the real picture:


The muscular approach and repressive regime towards the unarmed Kashmiris have only brought failure and global denunciation to India.

....and, of course, that is why Pakistan and Pakistan-based groups have been officially listed as terrorists or as harbouring terrorists and banned internationally and why China has made strenuous efforts at blocking the condemnation of the JeM by use of its veto in the Security Council. How strange that the global denunciation should result in Pakistanis being banned.

One has to accredit the Kashmiri youth who have out-and-out defeated the Indian security forces by bearing up the brunt of interminable victimization at the hands of the Indian Army.

It must be acknowledged that with a state administration consisting of the Kashmiri youth and the continuous flow of recruits into the Indian Army and the security forces as a whole, it is clear that Kashmiri youth is taking over the state.

Indian repression of Kashmiris isn’t confined to the physical oppression lone, the psychological torture in form of unemployment, media restraints, and prolonged city wise shutdowns is of incalculable proportion.

Of course this is a major point. Quite obviously, the oppressive State administration and the central administration should have allowed congregations organised by the Hurriyet to gather and shot at them, to enable the narrative to be refreshed and brought to a present date.

In the contemporary day scenario, 70% of the Kashmiri youth are under 35 of age, whereas, more than 40% of the Kashmir youth is unemployed. The ones, who are running businesses, face constraints in carrying out day to business activities due to repetitive shutdowns and protests. The war-stricken youth is further aggravated with their circumstances when despite having degrees and intellect, they fail to seek their desired employment.

Like Indian citizens of every other state in India - every one, without an exception - those who have ventured out have found jobs. My wife's cancer operation was conducted by a junior doctor from Kashmir. There are numerous Kashmiris in Hyderabad, gainfully employed. as there are in Pune, in Mumbai, in Delhi, in Jammu and in Calcutta, in Bangalore, in Chennai and elsewhere.

No Indian, and I am among them, any longer has the luxury of finding a job in the neighbourhood and settling down in the place of their birth, schooling and college days. Look up the train passages and calculate for yourself. Furthermore, this glibly overlooks the fact that most of the dislocation of daily life, the hartals and total shutdowns, are due to the Hurriyet, bringing people to heel. They are only too happy to keep Kashmiri youth unemployed; they are only too happy to keep businesses closed, and to hamper business due to repetitive shutdowns and protests.

Degrees and intellect don't matter to the Hurriyet. Loyalty to the cause does.

It is a well-established fact that unemployed and poverty-stricken youth are readily prone to radicalization. In a recent shift in Indian strategy to contain Kashmir Freedom Movement, India has now resorted to the radicalization of Kashmir youth. By tapping into the long lost and unserved dream of employment, peace and respect, India is strategically targeting the unemployed Kashmiri youth and radicalizing them into joining the Jammu and Kashmir Light Infantry (JKLI), an Indian Army Unit that comprises 50% Kashmiris.

Welcome, Patty Hearst.
Here we go with the trope of the oppressed joining the oppressor, or the victim joining the perpetrators of a crime against her.
It will be illuminating to find out who these Kashmiris are.

The recruitment of Kashmir youth in JKLI is indeed the replication of the 1971 model where Indians prepared an Army of Muslims against Muslims.

A hilarious example.

In 1971, a home-grown resistance movement, built on the repression of its own government, was armed and trained by the government of India behind Indian borders. India had nothing to do with recruitment or with induction of new recruits.

Today, again, Kashmiri youth are volunteering for service in the Army and the security forces. Nobody is forced into this service; nobody is compelled to do this to withstand repression.

While we are on the subject, it is germane to learn who these Kashmiris are.

What India fails to comprehend is that the times have changed, the circumstances aren’t’ similar. The proxy and propaganda warfare might have abetted India in dividing Pakistan in 1971 but it will definitely bite the dust when it comes to Kashmir Freedom Movement.

Oh, dear.

Do let us less-informed people learn when it happens.
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@Joe Shearer Sigh! You tagged and I had to leave my vocation that I was busy with :pop:

Had just popped in to get the latest updates on Kashmir and imminent war since people here seem to know more about both.

Despite the oft-repeated rhetoric of being the advocates of human rights, every naive person, whether in India, Pakistan or region on a broader spectrum is well learnt regarding ‘Modi’s hardline’ policy towards the indigenous population of Indian Occupied Kashmir.

What is the hard line policy? Care to elaborate upon?

Since the Modi led, Bharatiya Janata Party Party (BJP) the atrocities of the innocent Kashmiris increased manifold.

Example? The trouble they had to undertake to pelt stones daily? Or that due to demonetization for six months, the 'oppressed' could not be paid and hence stopped pelting stones?

In order to contain Kashmir Freedom Movement, the Indian Army for the past 7 decades has employed the conventional muscular approach towards Kashmiris, involving mass murders, detention, mass-blinding, and rapes of unarmed and innocent Kashmiris

7 decades: Hmmm ..... the trouble started in Dec 1989. In 1965, as the Pakistani Paratroopers landed, the Kashmiris must have risen in mass revolt and joined them?

Mass murders: Can you give example?

Detention: Agreed. Those who break law are detained indeed.

Mass Blinding: Eh, Goebbels would be proud of this one. Were those who got affected by the pellets, within the Law of the Land (and here I talk of the Law of Jammu and Kashmir and not even IPC)

Rapes: A few cases. Dealt with as and when genuine cases have come to fore. Au contraire the Adult Industry of Kashmir Valley not limited to flesh trade, but also the videography of same, is controlled by the Hurriyet ... what are your views on that?

The muscular approach and repressive regime towards the unarmed Kashmiris have only brought failure and global denunciation to India.

I agree. We are reeling from sanctions over HR Violations.

One has to accredit the Kashmiri youth who have out-and-out defeated the Indian security forces by bearing up the brunt of interminable victimization at the hands of the Indian Army.

By joining them en masse. Damn, they out-and-out defeated the Indian Security Forces.

Indian repression of Kashmiris isn’t confined to the physical oppression lone, the psychological torture in form of unemployment, media restraints, and prolonged city wise shutdowns is of incalculable proportion.

Unemployment - LOL
Media Restraints - Just google the news .... too much restraint I agree. So if there is media restraint, you are surely talking through conjectures here, right?

Shutdowns of incalculable proportion - Stone pelting absolutely does not cause it. Great logic.

In the contemporary day scenario, 70% of the Kashmiri youth are under 35 of age, whereas, more than 40% of the Kashmir youth is unemployed. The ones, who are running businesses, face constraints in carrying out day to business activities due to repetitive shutdowns and protests.

I agree. Surely Indian Security forces are calling out for a shutdown, in your learned opinion?

The war-stricken youth is further aggravated with their circumstances when despite having degrees and intellect, they fail to seek their desired employment.

Now that is an antithesis. If there was an intellect, they would realize that to create jobs, industries and business must flourish. And for that, they need to remain open. Simple logic.

It is a well-established fact that unemployed and poverty-stricken youth are readily prone to radicalization. In a recent shift in Indian strategy to contain Kashmir Freedom Movement, India has now resorted to the radicalization of Kashmir youth.

For once I absolutely agree. We are pumping oil to Saudis, who then sell it to the world to make tonnes of money and use some of it to spread their view money through various institutions that promote a Wahabi philosophy, that is antithetical to the Kashmiriyat. Of course, then we promote setting up of madrasa at every street corner in Kashmir which then tells people to pull their children out of school so that they can be taught that India is an occupying army as a kid.

Kudos, you got us.

By tapping into the long lost and unserved dream of employment, peace and respect, India is strategically targeting the unemployed Kashmiri youth and radicalizing them into joining the Jammu and Kashmir Light Infantry (JKLI), an Indian Army Unit that comprises 50% Kashmiris.

So now we are creating unemployment and killing them in mass murders yet they are joining the JAKLI and CAPFs en masse? So, can you coherently explain, just who is getting recruited? Or are Kashmiri youth being born as 17-20 years old straight up? I like this one, I really do.

The recruitment of Kashmir youth in JKLI is indeed the replication of the 1971 model where Indians prepared an Army of Muslims against Muslims. What India fails to comprehend is that the times have changed, the circumstances aren’t’ similar. The proxy and propaganda warfare might have abetted India in dividing Pakistan in 1971 but it will definitely bite the dust when it comes to Kashmir Freedom Movement.

You surely mean to indicate that in 1971 Pakistan was a failure as a State and hence became a victim but Kashmir is more strong and hence will survive? Quite an interesting insight, I must say.

India cannot backpedal its decades-old bloodshed and barbarity which it has inflicted on the unarmed and indigenous population of Kashmir. The young Kashmiris being recruited in Jammu & Kashmir Light Infantry since their birth have witnessed nothing, but destruction and violation of human rights, such as indescribable atrocities, sexual violence, enforced disappearances and mass blinding operations. They have mourned upon the heartless & cold-blooded murder of their family, relatives & friends at the hands of Indian Army on a daily basis. Will they ever forget that? The chances are close to nullity

Hmm, it tickles me to see actually that these 'poor victimized' Kashmiris are more professional, more loyal to the Regimental Colors and, after a few weeks, more open to understanding the religions that exist within India.

LOL my own junior was a Kashmiri back in Valley days, whose views underwent a radical shift as he started understanding the game, of his own accord, being played out in Kashmir. If you want to say we have 'mass brainwashed' them, you can. But I doubt they are the ones who can be brainwashed.

As a service personnel, I could walk in Srinagar's Lal Chowk without anyone attacking me. They knew who I was, although I was always in civil clothes. Their only problem was against the Government.

All the best in your narrative. It was a pleasant laugh to read.

while I do agree with most of it,

Would that be out of your extensive experience in Kashmir valley proper?

So this here seems to be the problem ... How dare a Muslim that too a Kashmiri join Indian Army and fight for his motherland.

"India is strategically targeting the unemployed Kashmiri youth and radicalizing them into joining the Jammu and Kashmir Light Infantry (JKLI), an Indian Army Unit that comprises 50% Kashmiris."

The problem is when pieces are penned by people whose education is from others like themselves in PDF.

Good read! Agreed to the most parts.

Again, out of your extensive experience in Srinagar-Anantnag-Kulgam-Tral-Handwara?

@Joe Shearer

I had my laughs. Now I must head back out .... traveling tonight for sometime. Will log in after some gap! ;)

Till then, enjoy the knowledge :D

@Nilgiri @Sam.
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In 1971, a home-grown resistance movement, built on the repression of its own government, was armed and trained by the government of India behind Indian borders.
Was that training and supporting terrorists? What would you call the camps in India where training was imparted in how to ambush Pakistan forces? Freedom fighters, terrorists etc?

India had nothing to do with recruitment or with induction of new recruits.
That is splitting hairs. Fact: India trained, armed men who would go into East Pakistan and kill our soldiers.
Was that training and supporting terrorists? What would you call the camps in India where training was imparted in how to ambush Pakistan forces? Freedom fighters, terrorists etc?

It was, nothing less, nothing more.

That is splitting hairs. Fact: India trained, armed men who would go into East Pakistan and kill our soldiers.

True, true.
while I do agree with most of it, but the thing here is that we should not underestimate India in any way. If they were able to turn Muslim against Muslim in 1971, we should know their propaganda is so strong that they might be able to radicalize the Kashmirs as well.
We should never underestimate the enemy, and be ready for anything they throw at us
Turn Muslims against Muslims!! When? How?

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