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India’s PM to attend temple groundbreaking at disputed site

well thats a religious matter if they belief in existence of Ram good for them but this whole Mandir thing is to fool indians Modi playing religion card to gain support.

Well its a matter of history. As a matter of belief, I won't comment, everyone is free to believe what they want even if it's mythology. But as per historical record, there is no evidence of a historical king named Ram, just like there is no evidence of a historical Ram Mandir beneath Babri Masjid. So please understand, my remark is from a perspective of history and not religion.
im not here to prove existence of Bhagwan Shri Ram to anyone, but i can do that very easily. Not today.... its one of the best days of my life and i'll celebrate it....

its matter of religion
its matter of belief
its matter of history

pls dont put anything flammable here, we will encounter each other on many threads ... but not here not now.
kabhi map dekha hai ?

ye **** ka batatay ghoomtay hain ke sara hamaray paas hay bas thora sa inke paas hey jinko thoora ziada ka nahi pata woh bhashan denay aye hootay hain
how is state fact trolling i am not insulting religion or anything inst your economy screwed by sanghee boys and territory lost?

They are on a Pakistani forum trolling on a daily basis then - multi ID rat (@Areesh ) wants to keep off this thread? Is he on a different planet? He keeps saying not today - not on this thread? So it’s ok on any other day for him to post vomit on other threads - pathetic behaviour.

Economy been hit so bad
Record corona virus chaos
China taking chunk of land
Communal unrest
More starving than Africa

Yet let’s watch Modi put a brick in a wall - that will make it better - jee these injians (along with the Stockholm syndrome mate ) have a funny way of deflection of the chaos created by Modi.
@PAKISTANFOREVER @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan
im not here to prove existence of Bhagwan Shri Ram to anyone, but i can do that very easily. Not today.... its one of the best days of my life and i'll celebrate it....

its matter of religion
its matter of belief
its matter of history

pls dont put anything flammable here, we will encounter each other on many threads ... but not here not now.
evidence of Ram birth at Babri Masjid site?
They are on a Pakistani forum trolling on a daily basis then - multi ID rat (@Areesh ) wants to keep off this thread? Is he on a different planet? He keeps saying not today - not on this thread? So it’s ok on any other day for him to post vomit on other threads - pathetic behaviour.

Economy been hit so bad
Record corona virus chaos
China taking chunk of land
Communal unrest
More starving than Africa

Yet let’s watch Modi put a brick in a wall - that will make it better - jee these injians (along with the Stockholm syndrome mate ) have a funny way of deflection of the chaos created by Modi.
@PAKISTANFOREVER @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan
Modi understand Hindu mindset he understand how easy it is to exploit Hindu emotions and this brick is just another chain for Hindus of India Modi will cement his position and enslave their minds!
Modi understand Hindu mindset he understand how easy it is to exploit Hindu emotions and this brick is just another chain for Hindus of India Modi will cement his position and enslave their minds!

Give credit to Modi for serving his religion and community, unlike Imran Khan, who wants to build a Hindu temple in Islamabad with tax payer money. What happened to "Madina Riasat"? PTI was suppose to be Pakistan's answer to BJP, instead PTI has a confused narrative and policy. They can't decide if they are secular or Islamic. Some elements like Shirin Mazari and Fawad Chaudhry are clearly secular, while others like Imran Khan's wife support Religion. But the BJP government are all on the same page, they are all in favor of Hindutva. That's why Imran Khan is a failure.
Give credit to Modi for serving his religion and community, unlike Imran Khan, who wants to build a Hindu temple in Islamabad with tax payer money. What happened to "Madina Riasat"? PTI was suppose to be Pakistan's answer to BJP, instead PTI has a confused narrative and policy. They can't decide if they are secular or Islamic. Some elements like Shirin Mazari and Fawad Chaudhry are clearly secular, while others like Imran Khan's wife support Religion. But the BJP government are all on the same page, they are all in favor of Hindutva. That's why Imran Khan is a failure.
IK is a fool and we who voted for him are Chooos!
Give credit to Modi for serving his religion and community, unlike Imran Khan, who wants to build a Hindu temple in Islamabad with tax payer money. What happened to "Madina Riasat"? PTI was suppose to be Pakistan's answer to BJP, instead PTI has a confused narrative and policy. They can't decide if they are secular or Islamic. Some elements like Shirin Mazari and Fawad Chaudhry are clearly secular, while others like Imran Khan's wife support Religion. But the BJP government are all on the same page, they are all in favor of Hindutva. That's why Imran Khan is a failure.
@waz you are online right now, can you pls help me get rid of off topic comments? im trying here but cant do much its a mod authorization required thing now.
evidence of Ram birth at Babri Masjid site?
The epic was written format more than 2500 years ago, it must have existed in oral tradition even before that and Birth certificates weren't a thing back then. Besides, you could start your research on some groundbreaking miracles that happened in recent centuries then go back to past centuries in search of evidence.
Give credit to Modi for serving his religion and community, unlike Imran Khan, who wants to build a Hindu temple in Islamabad with tax payer money. What happened to "Madina Riasat"? PTI was suppose to be Pakistan's answer to BJP, instead PTI has a confused narrative and policy. They can't decide if they are secular or Islamic. Some elements like Shirin Mazari and Fawad Chaudhry are clearly secular, while others like Imran Khan's wife support Religion. But the BJP government are all on the same page, they are all in favor of Hindutva. That's why Imran Khan is a failure.

Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.

Pakistan need not follow India down the path of destruction.

Look at all the credit I give to Modi.


India China Clashes Meme.jpeg
The epic was written format more than 2500 years ago, it must have existed in oral tradition even before that and Birth certificates weren't a thing back then. Besides, you could start your research on some groundbreaking miracles that happened in recent centuries then go back to past centuries in search of evidence.
i am sure someone must have gone through all the pain and done all the research can we kindly share that research with us?and please not from precious vault of Siri Modi gs Bakht party someone reliable!
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