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India's Path To Becoming The Next Global Superpower

FYI Yeti- on another forum some students happend to attend that universityand approached said Venkata and he was baffled . did not even look like the guy in this guy's avatar... and said he had no clue and cherished his job and family time too much to be playing on net forums..

Bro I didnt want to be rude i just thought he aged alot :rofl:
I will never hold a grudge against a countrymen. You do not have to be sorry for anything, brother. We have to recognize what we have achieved for India and take our rightful place in the world. India is definitely a superpower in every sense and you should not be afraid or insecure about it.

Venkata we at this point are not sure I will have to call my cousin who is in London to call you for a chat :D
Why are the Indian members here behaving so rowdy? Why is bringing my personal life matters into this discussion relevant at all?

Any other members taking this topic off discussion next will be reported.

Aren't you the convict here? In fact it is you who has been using eating grass and drinking mud water in childhood as some sort of qualification. If it were not so, you wouldn't feel the need to mention it not just once, but twice.

You are so old, 62, yet you do not realize that hardship in life is not a qualification, and that you may not be the only person to have faced hardships in life?

Most of the people in developing countries go through similar stages in life. And guess what, the garbage you are vomiting here about the Americans is all a big proof of your ignorance. Try to read some history before you make such ridiculous statements. Go learn some what those Americans did during and after the civil war and during and after the 1929 crash, and how they survived.

Just because you ate grass you do not become a saint, on the other hand if you smoke some grass, you will certainly feel like a real saint.
Do you think that India should follow China's path of building a strong reliable nuclear arsenal that is able to deter against US?

Otherwise, the arrogant Anglo-Saxons won't take you seriously if you don't have the ability to threaten their existence.

We are not afraid of the US. THEY are afraid of us.

If they attack us they are finished; securing their decline by a few decades. But they are not stupid people. They know if they want to survive they will need to have a strong relationship with India. If you recall, they went to India begging for deals to save themselves, it was quite amusing to see how we have them on a leash.. They know that without us they'll have a very slim chance in the containment of China.
London? he has a US flag on his avatar... :)

But he teaches at bournemouth university :cheesy: how dare you question our professor :angry: ? do you not accept Venkata Venmuri as the future PM of India who will lead us to be a Superpower:woot:

---------- Post added at 02:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:03 AM ----------

All hail the mighty one the man who ate grass and will lead us to glory i salute you sir

^^^ whats funny is the chinese falling for this guy's meme over and over again... and then you wonder
^^^ whats funny is the chinese falling for this guy's meme over and over again... and then you wonder

Let's give him the benefit of the doubt ill do what he asked and get my cuz to call his university up on their number. If Venkata Venmuri is who he says he is he will recall today's events btw it is 2:16 AM GMT time this teacher is up awfully late :lol:
Let's give him the benefit of the doubt ill do what he asked and get my cuz to call his university up on their number. If Venkata Venmuri is who he says he is he will recall today's events btw it is 2:16 AM GMT time this teacher is up awfully late :lol:

Sure. But I want you understand that it’s a fool's errand. Check this out- he claims to be a part time prof in UK! yet his flag says he is based out of the US . Now- How many part time workers you know fly to the UK to be give a lecture and fly back? Other than the fact- he is busted by others who checked up on him-

But alas this cat is hell bent on assuming an identity and shaming it on the net.
Sure. But I want you understand that it’s a fool's errand. Check this out- he claims to be a part time prof in UK! yet his flag says he is based out of the US . Now- How many part time workers you know fly to the UK to be give a lecture and fly back? Other than the fact- he is busted by others who checked up on him-

But alas this cat is hell bent on assuming an identity and shaming it on the net.

I feel sorry for the real Venkata Venmuri i think the mods should take action this is down right plagiarism.
In the coming years, as the Indian economy opens to further foreign investment, Indian firms will thrive and grow into the Fortune 100 ranks. India will begin to command a seat at the table for all major global decisions including those around energy, security and finance. With a young and educated talent pool, India is beginning to drive both the production and consumption of the world's goods and services. Indian technology companies have already risen in the services industry, and have grown to become sizable businesses. Companies such as Wipro and TCS are today bustling giants, and are continuing to gain traction, competing head-to-head with global powerhouses such as IBM and Accenture. By focusing on the needs of Indian consumers, companies such as Airtel, Tata Motors, and Reliance Petrochemicals are also quickly becoming global engineering forces in their fields.

India's Path To Becoming The Next Global Superpower

The first thing India has to do to claim superpower mantle is to dramatically reduce hunger, poverty, illiteracy and disease.

Otherwise, it's hard to imagine it becoming even a regional power of any significance.

Haq's Musings: India Tops in Illiteracy and Defense Spending

Haq's Musings: 63 Years After Independence, India Remains Home to World's Largest Population of Poor, Hungry and Illiterates
Not necessary.. how much Americans spend on food; we only spend a fraction of a portion of that amount, or less. I can recall that as a child when there would be times where we did not eat and drink for days, we would literally dig up ground water to drink and forage for leafs and grass to eat. Can Americans do that? To say we are not a Super Power simply by looking the differences in GDP is most preposterous.. While European Americans makes at least $20,000 [dollar] to "live like an American"; psychologically/spiritually speaking of course, Indians only need make $20 [dollar equivalent].

Where in India were you born? Thing in India are not so good but not that worse that one has to eat grass or were you smoking grass rather than eating them.

We are not hindered by anything from being a Super Power -- economy, one of the largest and most dynamic; political, largest Democracy and as an aside, more English speakers than Great Britain and United States combined; military, the most powerful, our Brahmos can take out every single carrier in the US Navy Fleet with ease. Put the three together and maybe you will understand why we are a Superpower.

Thats one of the most ridiculous statement I have ever heard. You have not matured with age uncle.:hitwall:
China has dozens of compaines that are in the fortune 500, seconf only the US.
China is an entrepreneurial nation, its chinese culture, india dont have that business culture.

attracting FDI shows how pro-business china is.
businesses go to the business friendly nation, china is centuries ahead of india in this.

Chinese compaines are gaining marketshare in nearly every industry from the US.

Harbin Pharmaceutical
China Nepstar
Sinovac Biotech
Wuxi Pharmatech
C&O Pharmaceutical
Shijiazhuang Pharma
Wandong Medical Equipment

Sina Weibo
Tencent Weibo
Rising AntiVirus
Qihoo 360

TCL Corporation
Netac Technology
Haier = Whirlpool
Hanvon Technology
Huifan Technology
Yulong Technologies
BOE Technology
China Liahren
Pine World
Hejian Technology Corporation
Ingenic Semiconductor
Suning Appliance
GOME Electrical Appliances
Gree Electric Appliances Inc

if i had the time to name all the rising chinese compaines in every industry, i would have to type all day.
buddy, u got no idea what china has.

china is rising very fast in pretty much every industry, including IT where its the only industry india has a small lead but china is growing much faster and taking marketshare away from indian infosys, wipro and tata.

i could name every chinese company in every industry that are both private and state owned that are dominant in the global scene in terms of marketshare, revenure, market cap, profits, assets.

some industries china is rising very quickly include renewable energy, utility, mining, transportation, oil & gas, telecommunications, banking, insurance, paper, food & beverage, sporting goods, machinery, IT, electronics, video gaming, internet, biotechnology, nanotechnolgy, clothing, pharmaceutical, shipping, automobiles, high-speed trains, aircraft, semiconductor, advanced materials, agriculture, nuclear, optoelectronics, advertising, chemical, etc etc etc etc.

Shanghai has more companies than all of india put together.
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