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India's one China policy may not be permanent feature amid Beijing's aggression

Then China has many new countries to recognize.

And one more thing, we never surrendered to Chinese, China withdrew unilaterally. So stop eating BS
People think of the 1962 war like the whole of India or the whole army was involved.
A lot of our reserves did not even leave their home bases. I cant give details but it was a highly confused response from India. And by the time we were getting to grips , the Chinese withdrew.
I know most here are trolls or kids , not the correct forum for very interesting anecdotes, which we heard over time from the people who actually involved . As a tidbit , the convoys going to the front didnt even have proper maps of our internal roads. The fog of war was a reality in 1962 .
Or was it POSTPONED to 2020?

SISSY INDIANS are so ferocious.
Low muscle mass makes Indians disease prone
I hope to see USA Japanese and Australian war ships and combat planes and special forces regularly in Indian ship yards and airbase .

Let's get some USA stealth fighters training in ladakh and loc in future

If we are a part if the quad let's get involved fully

No more sitting on fence

I have already said in my earlier comment that "India is playing with fire, which will burns its own hands and much more".
Why you think China has gone on offensive!!
Why you think that Americans were defeated in Afghanistan!! Whats happening to the Indians in Afghanistan!!
Marginalised and fretting for their own safety once Americans withdrawn.

On top of it, you are showing extreme cowardice by relying on others.
What happened to 2 front war!! Air out of the bubble!!
I have already said in my earlier comment that "India is playing with fire, which will burns its own hands and much more".
Why you think China has gone on offensive!!
Why you think that Americans were defeated in Afghanistan!! Whats happening to the Indians in Afghanistan!!
Marginalised and fretting for their own safety once Americans withdrawn.

On top of it, you are showing extreme cowardice by relying on others.
What happened to 2 front war!! Air out of the bubble!!

The people playing with fire is China
Not only are they fucked economically in coming years as 90% of the world dilute trade and imports of Chinese goods post but they have made India an enemy.

They have surrounded themselves with enemies s Korea Japan Vietnam India Australia Taiwan Singapore.

Yeah great move China
The people playing with fire is China
Not only are they fucked economically in coming years as 90% of the world dilute trade and imports of Chinese goods post but they have made India an enemy.

They have surrounded themselves with enemies s Korea Japan Vietnam India Australia Taiwan Singapore.

Yeah great move China
You lost your job from the FooYou agency?
The people playing with fire is China
Not only are they fucked economically in coming years as 90% of the world dilute trade and imports of Chinese goods post but they have made India an enemy.

They have surrounded themselves with enemies s Korea Japan Vietnam India Australia Taiwan Singapore.

Yeah great move China

Hehehe. The problem with the Indians in general is that they talk above their weight.
You know in Boxing, kickboxing, wrestling and other contact sports, if you talk above your weight, you get destroyed and humiliated. This is happening to India. It gives false hopes to its people that it can walk over Pakistan and finish it off, first airstrikes, missiles strikes, artillery, and then by ground force advance. There had been videos that how India would annihilate Pakistan with its nuclear weapons. Youtube is full of such stupid videos.
Guess what happened on 26th and 27th Feb 2019, India got owned on its first attempts to try to carry out "surgical strikes" in Pakistan, after lying to its public earlier that it has carried out Surgical Strikes.

Contrary to that China is standing up to the USA. It sensed USA design in the Karakorams by making the India "sacrificial lamb", it acted swiftly and destroyed any plans India and USA had.

For comparison purposes, USA is not foolish that they would come out in the support of India openly and start WW III. The only attacked Iraq and Libya etc, because they were weak countries and chances of humiliations and damage were minimum after all factors pencilled in.

Remember what is happening in Afghanistan, Laddakh should not be seen in isolation.
If Indians were any wiser, they should have stayed the hell out. But they were stupid like they were in Feb 2019.
China on the other hand got muscles and it is showing it to USA. See their activities in South China Seas.
Australians are not crying without a reason.
Ghairatmand kay liay 1 inch hi kafi hota hai, and you are laughing like a bayghairat
Says one who lost half the country. And while PM keeps harping about kashmir being occupied by india only on twitter.
So Trolling Aside,
Bhagats still don't see what this non-sense Aggressive policy of Modi is directing India Towards a diplomatic wall?
india has very dark future,they have provoked china by supporting covid19 resolution against china for pleasing u.s now they are tasting result of their foolishness,if they kept quiet on that matter then china would not have invaded their territory
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