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India's northeast speaks out against racism

Sure..I remember it was you going off on,"peope die..get over it" tangents.Bad news,aunty..human life may have no value in mainland but it is the most precious thing in the whole world for us tani people.You may be very comfortable with your own people starving to death,killed in riots,dying of minor treatable disease.
For us,each of ours is an irreplaceable treasure.

Nope. I did not ask you to get over it, but I asked you to stop propagating it as a racist assault. Also given your own NE people's record of killing each other I questioned what face you have to question one unfortunate death that happened in "mainland" India. Oh really, you displayed your "Tani" sensibilities when you broadcasted your love of "outsiders" by giving examples of the names you call them. Right darling there are no riots in NE. Nope not at all. There are no minors dying of treatable disease or people starving to death. That is why after claiming to have lived in AP for millenniums, your population is only 60,000. Where you guys by any chance the discoverers of condoms?
Lol nobody from the NE India faces discrimination in India.It's a propaganda albeit a false one which were spread by some Bangaldeshi lungiwalas to tarnish our image and to create a rift among our people.If you ever visit Kolkata legally then you'll find that it has got a significant populace from NE India and they intermingle with us quite freely and are living here as proud Kolkatans.So stop spreading your false propaganda in this forum for nobody will buy it except for some of your own countrymen...:coffee:

My friend experience tell us otherwise.
We should convince that this situation is still existed in some parts of North India.
offcourse,AP is the land of milk and honey,ever heard of malaria?
Yup,hardly anyone dies here by malaria,chronic as it may be,particularly in pasighat.Unlike some people..we take care of our own.

offcourse,AP is the land of milk and honey,ever heard of malaria?
Yup,hardly anyone dies here by malaria,chronic as it may be,particularly in pasighat.Unlike some people..we take care of our own.
Miss there were countless crimes commited by IA men after ULFA came into existance. So many women were raped, many young men were shot to dead in fake encounters. Only some army men were punished for these crimes that to due to supreme court intervantion. there was a period between 1992-1998 where armed forces commited so many horrendous crimes in NE reason. You know, once army was planning to raid our home due to false info thinking we are sheltering ulfa terrorist. They surrounded our homes from all sides. In the morning, my mom wake up & first saw their movement. She called my dad, he went out to see what happened. Thank god, he knew the major who was leading the raid. They told him that their informem gave them info citing we were sheltering terrorist. They checked & found nothing. No farther action was taken, everyone drank tea made by mom. we were lucky, but there were countless other cases where househead and his sons were abducted by army and tortured them to death to find out info based on false accusations.
IA is not as angelic as it seems my dear.

My dear friend there are instances where IA men have lost their lives protecting the local NE people. One such incident where an army officer saved the life of a girl after a militant raid.

16 years later, Army officer meets man who shot at him - Indian Express
Well nothing new, people in Delhi are ignorant about the people in NE. This is all due to the failure of previous government to engage and bring the NE to mainstream. Students have nothing to read about NE in their school curriculum. With these people speaking out, I hope things will change.
apart from few lessons of geography,kids are taught nothing about NE.
Miss there were countless crimes commited by IA men after ULFA came into existance. So many women were raped, many young men were shot to dead in fake encounters. Only some army men were punished for these crimes that to due to supreme court intervantion. there was a period between 1992-1998 where armed forces commited so many horrendous crimes in NE reason. You know, once army was planning to raid our home due to false info thinking we are sheltering ulfa terrorist. They surrounded our homes from all sides. In the morning, my mom wake up & first saw their movement. She called my dad, he went out to see what happened. Thank god, he knew the major who was leading the raid. They told him that their informem gave them info citing we were sheltering terrorist. They checked & found nothing. No farther action was taken, everyone drank tea made by mom. we were lucky, but there were countless other cases where househead and his sons were abducted by army and tortured them to death to find out info based on false accusations.
IA is not as angelic as it seems my dear.

Look I do not want to make excuses for IA. Whatever crime they have committed I hope justice is served and the culprits punished.

offcourse,AP is the land of milk and honey,ever heard of malaria?

so i am correct

Yes you are correct. You are guilty of a habit called running with the hares and hunting with the hounds. Seems very Pakistani behavior from where I see it.
You freak. No where did I trivialize Nido Tania's death. It was not racially motivated in the first place. It was committed by a Muslim group over what perhaps was anger at the Assam riots. That I refuse to let you get away with making political capital out of his unfortunate death is what hurts your butt. There are many many NE kids being brought up in my cousin's home since they belong to RSS. The only racist here is you.

It was indeed racially motivated...by muzzies trying to take revenge on NE people for the ethnic clashes in Kokrajhar. I have studied and stayed in Delhi for more than 7 years....my experience is that Dilliwalas have a very narrow mind when it comes to people from NE. Given a chance everyone of them with try to lay their hands on girls from NE. Especially Haryanvi jats.
"Indian Bangali" are even more of a derogatory term here. All round eyed, big red bindi wearing freaks! Who would even look attractive in a huge circle red thing on their forehead? Looks like clowns in a circus and with all that girly, fake, high pitched and "proper" gay accent and the use of stupid, unnecessary hard words which are like unknown to us. And they always seem like people from 18th century or pre historic times. Sounds totally like faggots!
And most importantly, all throughout Bangladesh, you guys are seen as the most selfish, cheap, miserly, cheapskate cunning and deceptive people, even in our view of the whole India, you people are the first! #FACT

Don't send them back to Bangladesh, we don't want these kind of shameless and hopeless people.
If a huge red circle is good enough for some country's flag I am sure they wouldn't look that bad on the forehead either.
How hard was the point to get, honestly?But fine,accounting for slower pick up ..let me clarify.
People who support,directly or indirectly,something so abhorrent as rapes and blatant human rights abuses upto extra-judicial killing won't exactly have much of a problem with racism,..particularly against those seen as "different".Not very hard,was that?
Where did I say we were not capable of it?Please so not assume things and project yourself on us.
I don't know how it is in Assam but in AP rapes are rare..so are most serious crimes like murder,particularly native on native.

Lastly,I don't know what is your perception of you and your own people is,but us Arunachalis or even rest of NE people like mizos,nagas and co. don't see ourselves as backward"savage" "tribals".Our societies are far more liberal and progressive most of mainland people,pretty evident seeing our generally more open attitudes and greater degree of freedom an individual enjoys.At least in AP we don't have honour killing because someone married by their own choice and not backward,orthodox and casteist rules.
That is a superiority complex held by mainlanders most of the time or maybe some self hating people.

Will you stop and think rationally for a second .? Why are you mixing two things together? HR abuse by IA one topic , Racism in north India another. Both are not related.
I never supported human right abuses by security forces ever any where.All I meant is that it has nothing to do with race or region .Do you think that they(perperators) are going to get away with it? Do you see it happening now? How many incidents have you read about in past 10 years?Why were they even deployed here in first place ?

Good for you that AP is peaceful state , but assam nagaland and manipur were foocking battleground.
Do you know the history of our people? before 1947 baring kingdom of ahoms ,western assam ,manipuri kingdom and tripura , therest of NE including mine and your people were still in dark ages.It is good that we have picked up so soon and progressed this far. But this is not enough.Why do our brethren pick up arms and become insurgents , is it so difficult for us to sit down and talk and sort out our differences .
If we are so progressive and modern then why do we have insurgents? why do we have inter tribal rivalry ?North Indians like us have their own dark cultural practices , let us not compare. If they don't understand it is your duty to take the another step forward and not shutting down yourself and indulge in reverse racism that you seem to propose.
It was indeed racially motivated...by muzzies trying to take revenge on NE people for the ethnic clashes in Kokrajhar. I have studied and stayed in Delhi for more than 7 years....my experience is that Dilliwalas have a very narrow mind when it comes to people from NE. Given a chance everyone of them with try to lay their hands on girls from NE. Especially Haryanvi jats.

Revenge was not racially motivated. It was just a tit for tat response. Racially motivated crime is when you are killed just for looking like someone without any other additional input to it. The Blacks for example in US get killed just for walking down the street. This is different. While I hold no love for Delhi people, trying to flirt with girls is not a part of racism. Racism is when you reject and abhor.
How dare you miss me ha??????

Yup racism exist against mongloids north eastern kin in mainly Hindi speaking north Inda, may be its due to mentality of local people, specially in Delhi. Other than that, mostly fine in other areas of India specially in Mumbai, Banglore, Chennai, Pune, Kolkata people from NE living happily earning their livelyhood.
Maybe once sense for saparation for mainland india was high among NE population. But with development taking place it has died down. Support for groups like ULFA, NDFB etc is only there ( almost negligible) to keep in check illegal imigrantes.

Situation of South Indians in NI is not that better ,bro
My friends also expereinced some bad experience in Delhi.
Nope. I did not ask you to get over it, but I asked you to stop propagating it as a racist assault. Also given your own NE people's record of killing each other I questioned what face you have to question one unfortunate death that happened in "mainland" India. Oh really, you displayed your "Tani" sensibilities when you broadcasted your love of "outsiders" by giving examples of the names you call them. Right darling there are no riots in NE. Nope not at all. There are no minors dying of treatable disease or people starving to death. That is why after claiming to have lived in AP for millenniums, your population is only 60,000. Where you guys by any chance the discoverers of condoms?
Another mainlander right wing nutjob pulling "facts" out of one's posteior.Abotani population is far more than 60k,though less than a million.Maybe because we aren't desperate sex freaks who **** everything ?
It was you parroting about "people die,get over it","people are underprivileged,get over it" and rest of such bullshit.It was you who called NE people as "mice eaters",tch tch..and then dumb enough to claim "we are not racist" just a day later in a separate threadYour refusal to acknowledge Nido's sad death as a racist assault is just telling of your cheap mentality that I highlighted before in this very thread.
"everyone is a racist if it is against Indians,particularly hindus,but whatever Indians and hindus do is not racist".
But expected of a mainlander hindutva nutjobs,who burn down others because they are of a different faith..rape everyone in sight,not even sparing nuns..all the while preaching high morals and talking of worshipping women as "devis".Talk about sick fucks
Revenge was not racially motivated. It was just a tit for tat response. Racially motivated crime is when you are killed just for looking like someone without any other additional input to it. The Blacks for example in US get killed just for walking down the street. This is different. While I hold no love for Delhi people, trying to flirt with girls is not a part of racism. Racism is when you reject and abhor.

Well revenge should have on Bodos not Arunachali....the fact that they targeted people from NE is definitely racially defined. Trying to flirt with girl is not racism....but when you see the same person walking with no lust and abusive words for all girls around.....but the demon wakes up the moment he sees a girl from NE is definitely racial to me....especially when the first word that comes out of the filthy mouth starts with the word...chinki.
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