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India's Modi backs down on farm reforms in surprise victory for protesters

Most of the land in India belongs to upper caste landlords. 70% of India is lower caste OBC SC ST, who are mostly agricultural labourers, or labour in upper caste businesses in the city. Our people have meagre or no land ownership, subsistence farmers mostly. We lower caste have almost no representation in administrative decision making, no representation in higher judiciary, no representation in media, no large business ownership. Only localized political power.

Normally, in this situation, there would be revolt. But, our people are too weak and depressed, for 3000 years under Hindu caste system. Most people don't even realize the situation there are in.

All bad blood between India and China is due to upper castes schemes, Nehru of 1962 war is a upper caste Brahmin, his party Congress which won in first election in 1952 was composed of 50% upper caste Brahmins. Communist and Confucius ideas were spreading through masses in India after independence, you can find lots supporters Mao among lower caste populations. Fearing a revolt due to spread of communist ideas, upper castes started war with China, forward policy. After the war communists were portrayed in bad light by upper caste media, and targeted as Chinese supporters.

India's foreign policy and relationships with its neighbors is nothing but reflection of mindset and character of upper castes in decision and policy making.

It is not just communism, upper castes also target other ideologies which are based on equality. They also target Islam and Christianity, for the same reason. Uppercaste fear that spread of Islam and Christianity among lower castes will lead to revolt. Upper castes also enacted Anti-conversion laws, one has to take permission from a government official(upper caste) before conversion
Uppercastes instigated by Brahmins also burned and killed a Australian missionary and his two sons, due to their fear of conversion. https://www.indiatoday.in/magazine/...sons-in-orissa-shocks-india-780092-1999-02-08

Anyway China can help our people would be greatly appreciated and never forgotten. If we ever get power in India, we will open up all ports, for China. And China will never have to worry about Malacca Straits or south-west border.

I thought you were a Muslim. Which caste and state do you belong?
Modi didn't loose to the farmer,

He lost to Punjabis who are mostly farmers.

Modi's blunders will not start to fire back.

Actually, Punjabi, Haryanvi and North Indian farmers won over South and East Indian farmers.

Indian democracy is totally messed up.
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