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'India's missile tech a decade behind that of China': expert

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Foolish statement. What is the total
LOL! To me it was only a childish skirmish. In addition, if Indian edited WIKI is to believe, "Chinese casualties are 1 killed 9 wounded, Indian casualties are 4 killed in action. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chola_incident" And you foolishly call it "famous" :rofl:

Read the article properly. Chinese were on higher altitude and were pushed back.....do I need to tell you who has advantage in Mountain Warfare...
Foolish statement. What is the total population of Mongol? What is the total population of Han?

Would it hurt you by reading more history and being less ignorant?

Smaller Mongols destroyed Chins are after that they called newly born mixed tribe as Han!

LOL! To me it was only a childish skirmish. In addition, if Indian edited WIKI is to believe, "Chinese casualties are 1 killed 9 wounded, Indian casualties are 4 killed in action. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chola_incident" And you foolishly call it "famous" :rofl:

Who edited this you?

:rofl: Chinese claims!!! We Indians think about what we are talking about not like you who bring wrong issues and get into the rear side... funny....

"in 1967, there was a short border skirmish known as the Chola Incident between Chinese and Indian soldiers. In this incident 8 Chinese soldiers and 4 Indian soldiers were killed."
Sino-Indian War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The 1987 Sino-Indian skirmish occurred at Sumdorong Chu Valley. Like the Chola incident, the People's Republic of China signed a ceasefire after the Indian Armed Forces retaliated successfully against Chinese invasion attempts in Arunachal Pradesh.

Smaller Mongols destroyed Chins are after that they called newly born mixed tribe as Han!

Chin, or Qin is name of a nation state or people who inhabit it before China was unified.

Han is a name in usage from Han dynasty, 206 BC - 220 CE. They fought with nomads who might not even share relations with mongolians. Nomads were eventually driven west.

Xiongnu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mongolian do not come into play until much later. The mongol ruled Yuan Dynasty came into existence in 1271–1368, after the death of Ghengis Khan and were the last region to be conquered by the mongols in their expansion drive.


Smaller Mongols destroyed Chins are after that they called newly born mixed tribe as Han!

could you be any more ignorant?????

Han, the word is directly taken from the Han dynasty of china which is widely view as one heights of chinese civilization

also the Han people trace their ancestry back to the yellow river civilization ~2600 BC

oh and the mongols when they conquered china divided the country into several classes with themselves on top and Han second this is in 1279 AD
Before posting what you have seen in your dream, can you please give us some link about Chinese missile's accuracy?

Yes it is laughable to compare Agni-V with Chinese missiles. Let me know about one Chinese missile that has better capabilities and technologies than Agni-V[/B]. Don't run away... :bounce:

first of all the range on this thing is 5000km-8000km? not need to prove china can do this several decades ago. of course they did this base on distance of threats, non-the-less china achieve capability to hit USA decades ago , india almost will be able to (several years at best vis-a-vis china capital wise)

secondly this thing is still under developmentbut i will compare a missile already deployed in china then, fair?

now first things first, these are nationally strategic projects no one in their right mind will reveal real full specs. but we can take the best educated guess at it.

now then we will look at the Agni-V and see what the internet cam provide.

here what they are saying despite having no tests and nothing to back it up.

-MIRV (first time for india)

-accuracy, i have heard the accuracy is "better" than china. okay fine, go see below


- what others if you can go ahead and name them for me a provide a source please.

In china on the other hand

currently china has the DF31A in service.

-MIRV'ed,, single megaton class warhead or 3 kiloton class warheads

- accuracy estimated to be 300-500m hence also able to hit any silo in india


i wont compare ranges now

what part of Argni-V is better than DF-31A? the only thing they "clearly" said was better was supposedly the accuracy which is moot cause in the ranges we are talking about here 300-500m with a Megaton class warhead will be just fine

now then,

DF-41 is plan and in development and most likely coupled with the JL-2 program which we all know had a few tests already.

-MIRV'ed,, single megaton class warhead or 6-10 kiloton class(selectable, up to 250K) warheads

- accuracy will be significantly improve with satellites currently being launched and rumor of Russian assistance in missile guidance(for the capability to strike the USA accurately not the near area which is already accurate enough for a nuke)


-expected to be deployed this year

of course the main reason i say china's missile is better than india's is because china has them deployed not on paper awaiting testing but declared to be better than someone elses already.

some sources






and of course you can go to wikipedia but i wouldnt use then as a source per say
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first of all the range on this thing is 5000km-8000km? not need to prove china can do this several decades ago. of course they did this base on distance of threats, non-the-less china achieve capability to hit USA decades ago , india almost will be able to (several years at best vis-a-vis china capital wise)

Now thats a reply. Thanks!

First don't mention that China has longer range missile. Range does not make missiles superior but capabilities and technologies. Short range missile can be superior than longer range missile. If India wanted than ISRO could build ICBM decades ago as well.

secondly this thing is still under developmentbut i will compare a missile already deployed in china then, fair?

First read the posts properly...We were talking about when it will be tested next year. Better we talk about future Chinese BMs at the same time of Agni-V ie around 2012/13.

now first things first, these are nationally strategic projects no one in their right mind will reveal real full specs. but we can take the best educated guess at it.

now then we will look at the Agni-V and see what the internet cam provide.

here what they are saying despite having no tests and nothing to back it up.

-MIRV (first time for india)

-accuracy, i have heard the accuracy is "better" than china. okay fine, go see below


- what others if you can go ahead and name them for me a provide a source please.

Anti-ABM capabilities..... example decoys and other ABM countermeasures.

In china on the other hand

currently china has the DF31A in service.

-MIRV'ed,, single megaton class warhead or 3 kiloton class warheads

- accuracy estimated to be 300-500m hence also able to hit any silo in india


i wont compare ranges now

what part of Argni-V is better than DF-31A? the only thing they "clearly" said was better was supposedly the accuracy which is moot cause in the ranges we are talking about here 300-500m with a Megaton class warhead will be just fine

Agni-V like Agni-III has CEP of ~40 m (as same navigation and guidance systems used) instead of DF31A's 300m and can carry 10 MIRVs instead of DF31A's 3.

now then,

DF-41 is plan and in development and most likely coupled with the JL-2 program which we all know had a few tests already.

-MIRV'ed,, single megaton class warhead or 6-10 kiloton class(selectable, up to 250K) warheads

- accuracy will be significantly improve with satellites currently being launched and rumor of Russian assistance in missile guidance(for the capability to strike the USA accurately not the near area which is already accurate enough for a nuke)


-expected to be deployed this year

lol Funny!! Your previous sentences are contradictory to this statement.

You said, 'as you are using large megaton yield type warhead accuracy of DF31A are enough' but here in DF41 you are still trying to improve accuracy with foreign assistance!!! Now I think you understood why Agni leads here.

India got ABM to intercept SRBM and IRBM, ready to test ABM for ICBM. China also recently tested it. As range and accuracy is more than enough, India is heavily depending on anti-ABM technologies. What you say about it? How many MIRVs and decoys on DF41? countermeasures?

of course the main reason i say china's missile is better than india's is because china has them deployed not on paper awaiting testing but declared to be better than someone elses already.

Indian way is not like the Chinese way. Everything is open here. Which lab and where they are developing it, any foreign instrument was used or not everything.... But in case of China they need secrecy, just like they did before ASAT test (later caught, I think they were unaware of NORAD!) because many of Chinese technologies are not got by R&D but through back door via multiple ways from Russia, USA....
i have already told same in my earlier post on other topic.
china started there missile program when mode of transport in india was block-cart ,china has no doubt far superior missiles than indian's.
there should be no argument abt that.
All your missiles are in testing phase except few,i know its disheartening for Indians but truth is truth,but i feel it should be 20years (gap).
i have already told same in my earlier post on other topic.
china started there missile program when mode of transport in india was block-cart ,china has no doubt far superior missiles than indian's.
there should be no argument abt that.
All your missiles are in testing phase except few,i know its disheartening for Indians but truth is truth,but i feel it should be 20years (gap).

i am not for any nationalistic posts like above...

lets leave it here......surelly except for range of Agni V(which china has more range missiles but it is nothing, range is only our wish, how much we want)... in other aspects it is superior to any chinese missile... and range doesnt matter....we dont need 12000-15000, 5000-8000 is sufficient.......that is why we have not built any longer range then this....or else range can be increased, no issues.....

p.s: China developed more longe range missile then India earlier... but it was because it was its Need to have longer range missile to target US.... missile range is not what determines how much advanced a missile is.... it is other technologies like being incorporated in Agni V as clearly explained in above posts...
Just waiting for this indian flying curry stick to make a U turn and bomb Delhi instead haha..

first of all the range on this thing is 5000km-8000km? not need to prove china can do this several decades ago.

First of all, range is not a Problem for us. The range of a Missile depends upon the perception whom to call as a threat! Secondly, we would have built ICBMS when we launched our first Launch Vehicle. But we do not want to mix our space program with Defense unlike Americans, Russians and Chinese.

DF-41 is plan and in development and most likely coupled with the JL-2 program which we all know had a few tests already.

-MIRV'ed,, single megaton class warhead or 6-10 kiloton class(selectable, up to 250K) warheads

Secondly, your JL-2 and DF - 41 project Started in 1980 and it took you more than 2 decades to have few tests. Where as our whole Missile Program Started in 1980 Including IRBM, MRBM, SLBM, SAM, ABM, Anti tank Missile.. etc in 1980 and we have achieved almost everything except for Agni V(. MIRVed,trials are soon within a year or two) and SLBM( succefully tested).

When we can launch 10 sattelite at a once, we can deploy 10 MIRV in a Missile. Finally we have the capability to develop RVs
I request someone to answer this question why India need a parity in terms of missile technology. The current Indian military doctorine is defensive in nature with respect to China. Therefore I think Agni 5 would be sufficient for now. Agni 3 can do the job but just to make out deterrence more credible.

It is true that China started earlier. Therefore obviously they are advanced than us. However one should understand "necessity is the mother of invention". China needs long range ICBMs whereas India does not. If there was requirement for India, we might have seen some surprises. :)

The Indian scientist specifically was talking for missile defense. India had already done a number of testing in this regard. Without knowing the context, members are just posting for the sake of it. :disagree:

Both Indian and Chinese govt are doing good job in kepping relation healthy. Peace!! :cheers:
I request someone to answer this question why India need a parity in terms of missile technology. The current Indian military doctorine is defensive in nature with respect to China. Therefore I think Agni 5 would be sufficient for now. Agni 3 can do the job but just to make out deterrence more credible.

It is true that China started earlier. Therefore obviously they are advanced than us. However one should understand "necessity is the mother of invention". China needs long range ICBMs whereas India does not. If there was requirement for India, we might have seen some surprises. :)

The Indian scientist specifically was talking for missile defense. India had already done a number of testing in this regard. Without knowing the context, members are just posting for the sake of it. :disagree:

Both Indian and Chinese govt are doing good job in kepping relation healthy. Peace!! :cheers:

I agree with you,yes indians were behind china in missile tech about 15yrs ago now it seems they have caught up with the chinese and bettered them by testing SHAURYA or K-15 which is a hypersonic cruise missile which i doubt any country besides india has,imagine missile hitting its target in under 15min from launch,does the enemy have any reaction time????:usflag::usflag::usflag::flame:
Shaurya-surfaces-as-india's-underwater nuclear missile:New "Hybrid" Technology more Advanced than China's.

The country’s top defence scientist has, for the first time, revealed that India’s new Shaurya missile, which can carry a one-ton nuclear warhead over a distance of 750 kilometers, is specially designed to be fired from Indian submarines, and could form the crucial third leg of India’s nuclear deterrent.

If launched from a submarine off the China coast, it is capable of reaching many of China’s major cities, including Beijing, Nanjing and Shanghai.

Air and land-based nuclear weapons are delivered to their targets by fighter aircraft and ballistic missiles respectively. Since these can be knocked out by an enemy first strike, the most reliable nuclear deterrent has traditionally been underwater, missiles hidden in a submarine.

Dr VK Saraswat, the DRDO chief and Scientific Advisor to the Defence Minister, revealed to Business Standard at the ongoing Defexpo 2010, “We have designed the Shaurya so that it can be launched from under water as easily as from land. The gas-filled canister that houses the missile fits easily into a submarine. The underwater leg of the nuclear triad needs to be totally reliable and needs a state-of-the-art missile.”

India’s undersea deterrent has so far revolved around the K-15 ballistic missile, built with significant help from Russia. The K-15 was to equip the INS Arihant, India’s lone nuclear-powered submarine, which is being constructed in Visakhapatnam. But now, after rigorous underwater testing, the Shaurya could be the mainstay of Arihant’s arsenal.

“The Shaurya was developed from ground up as a submarine-capable missile”, confirms Dr Prahlada, the top DRDO scientist responsible for liaising with the military. “Every piece of technology for fitting it in a submarine is already in place.”

Shortly before the Defexpo 2010, Dr Saraswat had publicly stated that India’s missile technology was ahead of China’s and Pakistan’s.

Now top DRDO scientists have revealed that the Shaurya is not a ballistic missile, as it has been thought to be; it is actually a hypersonic cruise missile, which never leaves the atmosphere. A ballistic missile is like a stone being lobbed towards a target. Rockets toss it upwards and towards the target; after the rocket burns out, gravity pulls the missile warhead down towards the target. Buffeted by wind and re-entry forces, accuracy is a problem; and, since the ballistic missile’s path is predictable, shooting it down is relatively easy.

The Shaurya has none of these issues. Its solid-fuel, two-stage rocket accelerates the missile to six times the speed of sound before it reaches an altitude of 40 kilometers (125,000 feet), after which it levels out and cruises towards the target, powered by its onboard fuel. While ballistic missiles cannot correct their course midway, the Shaurya is an intelligent missile. Onboard navigation computers kick in near the target, guiding the missile to the target and eliminating errors that inevitably creep in during its turbulent journey.

The Shaurya, say DRDO sources, will strike within 20-30 metres of its target after travelling 750 kilometres.

Conventional cruise missiles, like the American Tomahawk and the Indo-Russian Brahmos, offer similar accuracy. But their air-breathing engines carry them along slowly, rendering them vulnerable to enemy aircraft and missiles. The Shaurya’s solid-fuel, air-independent engine propels it along at hypersonic speeds, leaving enemy fighters and missiles far behind.

“I would say the Shaurya a hybrid propulsion missile”, says Dr Saraswat. “Like a ballistic missile, it is powered by solid fuel. And, like a cruise missile, it can guide itself right up to the target.”

Making the Shaurya even more capable is its ability to manoeuvre, following a twisting path to the target that makes it very difficult to shoot it down. In contrast, a ballistic missile is predictable; its trajectory gives away its target and its path to it.

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