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Bcoz rumors are IAF may order mig35 , along with MRCA .

And technically -
Integration with BARS needs to be done ( So probably not in service , last batch we purchased was in 2004 . Only with current 42 more deal we will be getting new missile . )

These missile needs AKU-74,78 type of catapult for external carriage like Mig,su
or UVKU-74,78 type of catapult for Internal hardpoint . I doubt MKI have those currently .

By the way AWST magazine mentioned R74 firing by mi35

Never heard IAF may order Su35 . We can always upgrade our su30mki to near su35

Mig-35 may not be the best in the group but they certainly can augment Mig-29s very well that too at very little cost...
Maybe later Su-30 can have the capability..
All these idlelze series will be available in PAKFA when they wil be intially inducted?
Mig-35 may not be the best in the group but they certainly can augment Mig-29s very well that too at very little cost...
Maybe later Su-30 can have the capability..

Indian Mig 29's are already two decades old -- another decade and time will come for them to be phased out ! So augmenting them with Mig35 might not be the best idea.
July Edition of Air-International carries an excellent mouth watering details on Fulcrums -


what say about the part i have marked with Red ; you still deny Mig's A2S missile capability

For other imp extract from edition - I am bit sleepy so not writing everything

1)MiG-29K’s digital quadruplex FBW is the KSU-9.41
2)Flight hour cost will be 40% lesser than regular MiG-29s as per RAC MiG
3)Fuel weight is increased to 5200 kgs (11,464 lbs), viz 50% more than a standard MiG-29. It has a new large 2150 lit (473 Imp gal) ventral tank instead of a 1520 lt (334 Imp gal) tank on a standard MiG-29 and 2 underwing 1150 litre (253 Imp gal) tanks are also added.
-So, MiG-29Ks have 50% longer range and will carry twice as heavy a weapon load
4)Avionics are integrated into the PrNK-29K navigation-targeting suite by RPKB design bureau at Ramenskoye. All devices are connected by data bus complying with MIL-STD-1553B standard, controlled by a computing system made by RPKB.
-So still no Fibre optic buses
5)Israeli Elta EL/M-8222 podded self protection jammer is mounted on the starboard underwing pylon
6)3 colour MFDs are used and the HUD is IKSh-1M. All displays are made by RPKB company.
- in the MiG-29KUB, the rear seat has 4 MFI-10 displays
There is a pic of cockpit of Mig29K of IN as well
7)anti-shipping missiles are the Kh-35E which works upto a distance of 130km and the supersonic Kh-31 which works upto 70 km. The Kh-31 has been tested by a MiG-29K
8)Russian Navy will buy at least 24 MiG-29K/KUB fighters and this was confirmed by RAC MiG sources
After Mig35 trials in 2011 over - Even order for Mig35 may come
9)Most foreign equipment on the MiG-29K is of Indian origin (UHF/VHF radios, radio altimeter, TACAN navigation system, ILS/VOR/MKR recievers, Tarang RWR, etc.) and these will be replaced with Russian systems for the RuN. An exception will be made for the French made Sagem Sigma 95 INS and a service center will be set up in Russia for it

A lot more is in the article - must for every Fulcrum fan (Karthic , Malaymishra will be delighted )
A lot more is in the article - must for every Fulcrum fan (Karthic , Malaymishra will be delighted )

Prateek how do u get these pictures..U scan from paper backs or hese magazines available online..?

p.s; Yep delighted surely..but still support the Frenchie for the Airforce. :D
I am now for EF/SH and Mig-35 as topping...
Prateek how do u get these pictures..U scan from paper backs or hese magazines available online..?

p.s; Yep delighted surely..but still support the Frenchie for the Airforce. :D

Screen shot of digital edition - If you have subscription

Here is full article for you -
MiG-35.pdf - *******.com - document sharing - download

And Yes 2 more articles


2nd last article on Mig29K , lots of good info

Also there is Mig29 v Mirage DACT exercise , where Mig simply busted Mirage in a2A exercise .
Last edited:
IMINT & Analysis: Beyond BVR: Russia's R-37 and KS-172 LRAAMs

With the current developments in super agility, and the ruthless performance of today’s WVR air-to-air missiles such as the Israeli Python 4, it is no surprise that most fighters have adopted BVR weapons as their primary air-to-air armament. The last true Western Big Stick in the air-to-air arena was the US Navy’s AIM-54 Phoenix, with its 100+ NM range and active radar seeker. The LRAAM project of the Mid-1980’s, charged with producing a successor to the AIM-54, would have given the US Navy an even greater capability well into the 21st Century. However, the project was terminated, leaving the medium-range missile as the primary air-to-air weapon in the BVR arena in the West, until the European Meteor and the American AIM-120D are introduced.

The primary purpose of the AIM-54 was to defend carrier battle groups at long range from attack by Soviet bombers and their cruise missiles. This reason, coupled with the fact that the AIM-7 (and later the AIM-120) was regarded as more than capable of countering the Soviet fighter threat, explains why the USAF never took it upon itself to develop its own long-range weapon or adopt the AIM-54 for its own use (although the F-14/AIM-54 combination was briefly considered, as well as an AIM-54 armed F-15). Russia’s premier long-range AAM, the R-33, was designed with a similar purpose in mind. The MiG-31/R-33 combination was designed to counter the threat of Western air-launched cruise missiles, specifically the AGM-86B, and their launchers. Now, however, Russian weapon designers are exploring new tasks and capabilities for the next generation of LRAAMs.

LRAAMs are limited in their usefulness. A large weapon such as the AIM-54 or R-33 would have a difficult time against a modern, agile fighter such as the Su-27 or F-16. To understand this, one needs only to examine the flight profile of the AIM-54. The Phoenix achieves its extremely long range by using a substantial boost motor, propelling it to heights in excess of 100,000 feet and speeds greater than Mach 6. The missile then nosedives towards its target, activates its seeker when within range, and makes the intercept. But what happens when one of these weapons is employed against a maneuvering target? A long-range missile expends most of its kinetic energy during the boost phase of its flight, leaving it very little with which to maneuver against an agile target. This is part of the reason behind the failure of the AIM-54 to score an air-to-air kill in DESERT STORM: the AIM-54 was never designed to be employed in such a manner. One solution would be to fire the weapon at a shorter range, but then you are better off using a dedicated MRAAM such as the AIM-120; large, heavy weapons in the AIM-54 class are typically not as maneuverable as smaller, lighter MRAAMs. LRAAMs are more adept at engaging non-maneuverable targets, such as lumbering bombers, and cruise missiles, which for the most part fly straight courses, making course corrections as dictated by their guidance systems. Granted, ramjet propulsion and gel-fueled rocket engines can now give MRAAMs ranges touching 60 or even 100 nautical miles, pushing them into the LRAAM class. This is where the capabilities of Russia’s new LRAAMs become even more impressive.

The first new LRAAM to emerge from behind the former Iron Curtain is the Vympel design bureau R-37. This successor to the R-33 features a dual mode 9B-1388 active/semi-active seeker head and can reach ranges touching 160 NM, demonstrated in an October 1993 test launch from a MiG-31M, the weapons intended launcher aircraft. This was such an accomplishment, especially in the former Soviet Union, that in April of 1994 Boris Yeltsin sent telegrams to the OKBs (design bureaus) involved congratulating them on this achievement. The weapon is matched to the improved Zaslon-M radar of the MiG-31M, which can accommodate six of these advanced weapons under its fuselage, replacing the baseline MiG-31’s four R-33s. The R-37 retains the basic aerodynamic arrangement of the older R-33, with a few notable differences. The control surfaces have been reshaped, to provide the weapon with better agility, and the rear control fins have been moved further aft, leaving a noticeable gap between these fins and the missile’s wings. The R-37’s nose has also been reshaped, no doubt due to the new seeker head. Semi-conformal carriage is still achieved by folding the rear fins, as in the R-33. Still touted as primarily an anti-cruise missile weapon, the R-37 is slated to be incorporated into the upgraded MiG-31BM at a future date, possibly in the form of the further improved K-37M variant (Note: In-service Russian AAM designations begin with R, test weapons or weapons still in the prototype stage have designations beginning with K.). Baseline R-37s may also arm improved MiG-29SMTs in the Russian Air Force, although this is unlikely as even an upgraded FULCRUM lacks the radar needed to fully take advantage of the R-37’s impressive intercept range.

On the surface the R-37 appears to offer only technical improvements over the R-33. The advantages it will bestow upon the MiG-31, however, are more than just longer reach. A longer ranged AAM will give the MiG-31 the capability to engage targets at greater ranges, giving it more time to reacquire and reengage targets which have gotten past the first wave of weapons. In theory this will increase the effectiveness of the MiG-31, meaning fewer aircraft will be needed to fulfill the same role. Given the current financial state of the Russian military, this will obviously be very beneficial.

The second LRAAM to emerge from Russian armament designers is the little known Novator KS-172, also referred to as the AAM-L. This weapon has been seen in armament displays accompanying Su-35 aircraft and has recently been displayed as the improved KS-172S-1 under the wing of an improved Su-35BM FLANKER variant. The AAM-L has an entirely different purpose than the R-37. Novator has designed a very long-range weapon intended to specifically attack AWACS aircraft equipping hostile nations. Where the R-37 retains a complex arrangement of control surfaces, the AAM-L is almost barren. The weapon resembles a typical surface-to-air missile, such as the 48N6 (S-300PMU-1/2), possessing only small control fins at the rear of a long, pointed body. The active radar homing missile is reported to have a range touching 216 nautical miles, which can be extended with the addition of a booster stage. Long range is a must for a weapon intended to target aircraft such as the E-3; this keeps the launching aircraft out of range of the weapons employed by escorting fighter aircraft.

It is no hidden fact that much of the success of Western militaries comes from the battlefield information superiority bestowed upon them by modern airborne sensor platforms. AWACS aircraft such as the IAI Phalcon and E-3 Sentry give commanders an unrivalled picture of the airborne arena and provide pilots with unparalleled situational awareness. The J-STARS platform provides commanders with a comprehensive view of the battlefield, allowing them to redirect and reposition forces to counter and defeat an opposing army. Winning a war against a Western military force armed with this knowledge proves a daunting task, as demonstrated by the rout of the Iraqi military in 1991. To put it another way, the 21st Century war is a digital encounter, and successfully engaging an enemy armed with these information resources would prove difficult to even the most well-equipped military. The AAM-L is intended to deny an enemy access to this wealth of knowledge, hopefully giving the Russian military the edge needed to prevail in a conflict.

Military weapon development progresses as follows: a threat is identified, a counter is developed, and the counter is deployed. In the case of Russia’s LRAAMs, the threat was identified as cruise missiles and AWACS aircraft. The counters developed were the R-37 and AAM-L LRAAMs. Although they have yet to be fielded by the Russian Air Force, the existence of weapons in this class is enough to cause Western designers to consider new approaches to aircraft and missile design, most notably in the form of stealth technology. Quite a few of the designs for US Navy and Royal Navy future carrier based AWACS platforms have already been seen to incorporate stealth technology. Of course, one can assume that this will only cause the Russians to develop further advanced weapons and countertactics; and the circle continues. One thing is for certain: the technology exists to deny an enemy the ability to use advanced sensor platforms and rely on cruise missile attacks. Perhaps in a future conflict the ability to overcome these losses will be how military capabilities are analyzed.
jha ji
Exchanging sides (Lalu's Game )
Leaving me and Gripen alone .:devil:

Of course....Its election time in Bihar...whoever gives me the best deal, i'll side with them..;)
India is already licence producing the Novator K-100 missiles as per a mutual agreement. This missile has been designed as an anti AWACS killer and is arming the MKI. and regarding the MMRCA... I guess u ppl alrady got the news that the Dassault Rafale and Eurofighter Typhoon has been shortlisted from the six contestants. The Mig-35 is out based on Technical Grounds.
can anybody has knowledge about with this stream range 400km did it will detect by any AWACS or any radar and may be destroy.

Diameter of K 100 :40 cm
Radius :20cm or 0.2m

Area : 0.126 sqm

RCS : 0.01-0.04 sqm (depending on the rocket booster)

Dude : Awacs can detect this missile only when it will be around 40 km from it. The missile also has
lock on range of 40 km. Thus by the time AWACS will detect it, the missile will be already lock
towards it. Looking at the speed of any AWACS the missile will take 40-50 sec to destroy the target which is too less a time for any SAM to counter attack it.

For eg: let's say AWACS is flying at 11km altitude. It will track the missile,then understanding that the missile is locked on it, then passing on the information to the nearby SAM system
which then will fire the missile towards it. It's too long a time for the missile to destroy it's target.
And also considering the parabolic path of SAM and the time it take for SAM to attain supersonic speed adds feather to K 100 to achieve it's mission.
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