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India's growth depends on progress of Muslims and other minorities

Chain is as strong as its weakest link. Until and unless India make all the efforts to bring all the under privilege classes and communities towards the path of growth, true progress cannot be made.

I am against the selective upliftment of communities. Any one who is below poverty line should get free education, social security and free higher education. Congress has done lot of appeasement vote policies for muslims, SC/ST and illegal bangladeshi immigrants and this bought more problems rather then solving it.

Hopefully BJP comes to the power next and Narendra Modi implement uniform development policies for all the poor not just for minorities.
In India only talent matter

Unfortunately that is not true. I was watching Amitabh starrer Arakshan yesterday. We are very confused with regard to who to uplift and how to do it. Vote bank politics and misdirected dalit policy making does not help.
Unfortunately that is not true. I was watching Amitabh starrer Arakshan yesterday. We are very confused with regard to who to uplift and how to do it. Vote bank politics and misdirected dalit policy making does not help.
I am not saying its 100%. Even if I am talented and have reservation, I still have to compete so many people of my same caste.

In few places, the population of reserved caste is increased too much that general castes have benefit of reservation of other castes. :lol:
I am not saying its 100%. Even if I am talented and have reservation, I still have to compete so many people of my same caste.

In few places, the population of reserved caste is increased too much that general castes have benefit of reservation of other castes. :lol:

Please do not misunderstand. I am not anti-dalit or anti-muslim. I am anti-stupidity. We are not a rich country. We have a certain amount of resources and no more. How to get max bang for buck? It starts with spending the money in the right place.
Please do not misunderstand. I am not anti-dalit or anti-muslim. I am anti-stupidity. We are not a rich country. We have a certain amount of resources and no more. How to get max bang for buck? It starts with spending the money in the right place.
I didn't say that. I got your point. I was mentioning another aspect.

I am against caste based reservation and want income based reservation.

Also, India still has to invest a huge amount of money in Primary education and there is lack of technical and skilled training facilities that can provide employment and develop small business for the people who can't afford higher studies.
I am against caste based reservation and want income based reservation.

Actually I am against reservation in any form. It breeds laziness and robs initiative.

Also, India still has to invest a huge amount of money in Primary education and there is lack of technical and skilled training facilities that can provide employment and develop small business for the people who can't afford higher studies.

I would rather our government set up more schools and build basic primary infrastructure, rope in more teachers and pay them well so that it is a viable career option, and then make sure that every Indian child across the country is going to school through a pulse national program over two successive 5 year plans. Like we did for eradicating Polio.

Eradicating lack of basic primary education is equally important. In fact from a national perspective, it is more important.

Once we have all our kids educated to 10th standard, then we need to make sure they are all employable.

Today sadly our education system does not produce employable graduates. The percentage is very low.

11th and 12th should be either in preparation for graduation, or should be basic trade school, attached to industry. Private and public. By the end of 10th standard, you have an educated Indian. By the end of the 12th, the aim should be to have a productive Indian.
@doppelganger One of the Planning Commission member said that right now India wants to provide and focus more on primary education.

My point of reservation is to give students from lower income class a chance to study further. Giving scholarships without proper checking etc. usually end up in corruption. I have seen this personally.

Considering size of Indian student population, temporarily steps have o be taken to give a thrust to education. You can't stop reservation on caste without bringing in some other type of reservation in that place. It creates a void and people get uncertain which results in anger and protest.

To remove Vote bank politics and caste based reservation, one has to focus on who are the real voters and beneficiary of these policies should be. Its the common man from backward caste. Not some IAS officer from backward caste entertaining same perks and his family too.

In country of size of ours in terms of population and efficiency of govt. and administration, we have to go by gradual change rather than sudden change.

For that I agree with your 5 year plans and bringing changes step by step.
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But Krait, your solution and that of many of us of having income based reservation is also open to glaring loopholes and chance of exploitation and corruption. Just that instead of students buying a caste certificate before their ICSE and CBSE and HSC boards, they will now be running around for BPL certificates.

In a perverse manner of thinking, making life easier for a poor student, robs him of the incentive to struggle and work hard to be better, and perpetuates the mediocrity and poverty and lower level of existence you are actually trying to pull him out of. Not to mention robbing the country of talent it needs that had to make way to accommodate a lesser talent.

Better to provide education for all, and then give them a level playing field. That way over time a muslim or a dalit will rise if he wants to. But spending money decade after decade on those who do not or will not struggle is a waste of our national resources.
But Krait, your solution and that of many of us of having income based reservation is also open to glaring loopholes and chance of exploitation and corruption. Just that instead of students buying a caste certificate before their ICSE and CBSE and HSC boards, they will now be running around for BPL certificates.
Agreed but it gives more chance to poor people. My point is that for pursuing like B.Sc in any college, the reserved person should pay less or even free, only for those who are actually poor.

I know its not perfect system, but I have seen cases of students who are raised in good family, wards of Income Tax officer that earns in a lot, using SC/ST reservation to get into IIMs. I have seen the frustration among the person who scored more but since he was born in general caste he didn't get the chance.

The other student can live with the fact that a poor person got his place, but can't digest that a richer person with less marks got his place just because of his caste.

Corruption will happen anyway. Point is which is lesser of two evils. I completely agree with your point but we have to make do with what we have and what challenges we have.

It may take few decades before reservation can be removed. So why not change the criteria, from caste to income.
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