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India's gravity powered mission to Mars

Understand how slingshot maneuvers are done in space and then come back to lecture me :lol:

they work using the rocket to alter the existing orbit to raise the apogee to a point where it escapes current orbit and moves into another. that's an orbit transfer. a slingshot is where you make a close flyby to a body and enter it's field of gravity to accelerate your ship without entering its orbit. also using the rocket to alter the initial path.

and now please tell me how you can escape earth's orbit using gravity ? Say you are in LEO at 400km, how can you transfer to moon's orbit using GRAVITY ALONE ? You can't. You will make a burn to raise the apogee to hit moon's orbit and that's the only way. And that's how it's always been done.
Rather than using burning extra fuel, Indian mission used a series of elliptical orbit raising maneuvers (Hohmann Transfer Orbit Maneuvers). This relied more on gravity than carrying more fuel and burning them to raise the orbits. It helped us save a lot of cost, though taking more time,effort and care. Besides, it was kinda the only option we had, as our launch vehicle, PSLV had limitations in the payload it can carry, and our GSLV launch vehicles, capable of carrying more payload had its own problems.

Sir isn't it the SLV and not the spacecraft which does the same?

A typical interplanetary mission uses a powerful rocket upper stage like the Centaur upper stage of Atlas 5 rocket, to kick the spacecraft directly into a transfer orbit to the target.


Centaur upper stage rocket, pushing a spacecraft into transfer orbit

ISRO's PSLV rocket could inject Mars Orbiter Mission spacecraft to an Earth orbit. But PSLV does not carry a powerful upper stage like Centaur to push the spacecraft into an interplanetary transfer orbit.

The mission design involving multiple firings, was developed to accommodate this limitation by making use of the same Liquid Apogee Motor (LAM) on-board the spacecraft, designed to carry-out the firing for insertion into the orbit around Mars.

In order to achieve the velocity required to escape from an Earth orbit, the relatively smaller capacity LAM engine has to be fired for a longer duration. But, the increase in velocity is achieved most efficiently when the firing is done at perigee - the point on orbit that is closest to Earth.


A series of perigee burns - 5+1 (supplementary) - were conducted - The aim was to gradually build up the necessary escape velocity of 11.2 km/s (7.0 mi/s) to break free from Earth's gravitational pull while minimising propellant use (because of firing done at perigee).

BUT Mars Orbiter Mission didn't use Gravitational Slingshot or Gravity Assist Manoeuvres to save fuel - It was a device called the Ceramic Servo Accelerometer which did the same - An indigenous innovation from PRL, DoS - uses only a simple plastic mug and a Teflon wire “as the only investments” - The device weighs only 50 grams, not only saves fuel, but also measures acceleration, velocity and position of the spacecraft.

BTW - this is not the first time ISRO did try this innovative idea - they did the same with Chandrayaan-1 and the Ceramic Servo Accelerometer was first used on board the same - a more refined / upgraded version of the same was used on board Mangalyaan.
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they work using the rocket to alter the existing orbit to raise the apogee to a point where it escapes current orbit and moves into another. that's an orbit transfer. a slingshot is where you make a close flyby to a body and enter it's field of gravity to accelerate your ship without entering its orbit. also using the rocket to alter the initial path.

and now please tell me how you can escape earth's orbit using gravity ? Say you are in LEO at 400km, how can you transfer to moon's orbit using GRAVITY ALONE ? You can't. You will make a burn to raise the apogee to hit moon's orbit and that's the only way. And that's how it's always been done.

Watch the OP video.
Watch the OP video.

Okay, I've seen the video. And yes, this is how space travel HAS ALWAYS BEEN LIKE. Indians have not done something new...

Now read your original statement :

To go out of the earth orbit...you need to escape the earths gravity...At that time, India didn't had that capability to overcome the earth's gravity hence used gravity itself to go out of the earth orbit.

What I understand is that India didn't have the big rocket to do it all in one burn, so they had to do it in multiple burns, that's all.
Fuel doesn't carry anything through space. It only provides the initial push. I can see that you are the jargon-loving type like most PDFers so plz spare me. From where I see things you people look like you don't know what you are talking about.

How many countries have successfully landed a probe on mars using sling shot technique?? It is a very mathematically complex operation as you must land the craft at the right time on mars and not crash it..
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