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India's GPS Freebie for Neighbours Soon as GPS-Aided Geo-Augmented Navigation System (GAGAN) Ready

there should have been only one global navigation system in the world, and operated by uno.
Yes, that could have been a solution.

Though now we will have 4 full fledged in the future - American, Russian, European, Chinese
And one partial - Indian (covering Malacca to Central Asia)

BTW, this topic is not about GPS per se. This is about an SBAS that India is implementing. Even if there was just one global GPS, it would still need SBAS for enhanced accuracy, stability and safety. India building one covers the entire need of South Asia and benefits all South Asians(minus Pakistanis ofcourse).

He is rights.

Pythagorean triplets were discovered by Baudhayana in 800BCE, and general proof of Pythagorean theorem was given by Āpastamba in 600BCE.

Āpastamba (c. 600 BCE) and Kātyāyana (c. 200 BCE), authors of other sulba sūtras, extend some of Baudhāyana's ideas. Āpastamba provides a more general proof of the Pythagorean theorem.

Baudhayana - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That theorem is known as Pythagoras theorem, not Āpastamba theorem because western school of mathematics derives it's roots from Greek school.

i must sleep so i won't reply about history, especially the second line

Are you on Soviet Time?
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So called Pythagorean theorem was known to many earlier civilizations, including India, before Pythagoras. So your point is??

Well you know.

Some people need to justify for every waking moment of their life as to why their ancestors left a superior civilization for an inferior one, or why they were made to convert at Sword-Point.

Now wait for " Thank you Jinnah " comment.
No military grade signals ( At least from GPS).

Unreliable during war/depends on host country's compassion.

Allows host country to track your sensitive military equipment.

BTW @Chanakya's_Chant , reporter has made serious errors in this report and has mixed GAGAN and IRNSS.

GAGAN is GPS aided geo-augmented Navigation system. It is network of ground stations which provide reference signals for navigation so that the error that creeps into GPS due to atmospheric perturbations is weeded out.This has for civilian use and is more of a economic venture than military.

OTOH, IRNSS is Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System. It is what this author is describing in this report. IRNSS is India's GPS and has both civilian and military use.The map used is also for IRNSS.

Indeed he has - Post #1 is about GAGAN and #2 about IRNSS and actually I have inserted all of the infographics in the thread for the original article had no image relevant to the topic - the map for GAGAN I got from here - It's the official one derived from the information brochure of AAI as seen in the first image itself -

GAGAN Satellite Based Navigation System - Indian Space Projects
Not belittling anything, just saying, does everything need to be reinvented? For developing nations there are priorities much bigger than that.

On a side note.....India's accomplishments:
Pythagoras’s theorem actually an Indian discovery: Harsh Vardhan - The Times of India
Actually that's true people in northern pakistan,jk,himanchal pradesh and Northern punjab.Have there decent from Europe. Even many Aryan tribes aren't Indians It's well seen as I am from north but I don't resemble normal indian.(Short and brown / black) It's the same for muslims as their decents were Persians.

Not belittling anything, just saying, does everything need to be reinvented? For developing nations there are priorities much bigger than that.

On a side note.....India's accomplishments:
Pythagoras’s theorem actually an Indian discovery: Harsh Vardhan - The Times of India
Due to such foreign influence and indians being physically weak many things were stolen.
Indian Railways to use Isro's GPS aided GAGAN for unmanned railway crossings

A pilot project being tested in Gujarat

Indian Railways has said that it is exploring the possibility of using the Indian Space Research Organisation (Isro’s) GPS-aided geo-augmented navigation (GAGAN) for safety at unmanned railway crossings, said a top official of Isro.

Suresh Prabhu, Union Minister for Railways, in his budget speech said that the Railways’ ultimate objective is to eliminate unmanned level crossings by constructing road over-bridges (ROBs) and road under-bridges (RUBs).

In the short term, Research, Design and Standards Organisation (RDSO) has been asked to develop a suitable device with reliable power supply system based on theft-proof panels/batteries in consultation with Isro, using geo-spatial technology, for providing audio-visual warning to road users at unmanned level crossings.

Further, a radio-based signal design project has been taken up with IIT Kanpur for warnings at unmanned level crossings.

Speaking to Business Standard, Isro chairman A S Kiran Kumar said: “We have done pilot in two places, including one in Gujarat and trials are OK. We will showcase the proof of concept, while the RDSO will do the installations. Discussions are in progress with the Indian Railways for using GAGAN-based system and software.”

It may be noted, the GAGAN system is a regional satellite-based augmentation system developed mainly to assist landing of aircrafts accurately.

He explained that using the GAGAN system a train with the necessary receivers would know the location of the level crossings and a warning signal can be sent and it can activate the train’s hooter automatically when it nears the level crossing at the level crossing itself.

Source:- Indian Railways to use Isro's GPS aided GAGAN for unmanned railway crossings | Business Standard News
GAGAN to save lives at unmanned railway crossings | Business Standard News
Indigenous navigation system in space soon


S.K. Shivakumar, Director, ISRO Satellite Centre, speaks at the inaugural function of the SEDS international conference, 2015 at the VIT University in Vellore on Friday. G.V. Selvam, VIT Vice-President, and Alan Gadian of the University of Leeds are in the picture.
Plan to land a rover on moon by 2017, says Director, Satellite Centre, ISRO
India will soon have an indigenous space-based navigation system with a total of seven satellites in place with the launch of four more satellites under the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS) on March 28, according to S.K. Shivakumar, Director, Satellite Centre, Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO).

Speaking at the inaugural function of the SEDS (Students for the Exploration and Development of Space) International Conference 2015 at the VIT University here on Friday, Dr. Shivakumar said that the development of the indigenous space-based navigation system will be one of the major achievements within a short time since that will enable India to have a navigation system in place to provide information on par with the GPS (global positioning system) in the U.S.

“After the success of Chandrayaan and Mars Orbiter Mission, we have a plan to land a rover on moon by 2017. This project, Chandrayaan-2 will ensure that we can safely and smoothly land on other planets.”

ISRO is also planning to have satellites for weather monitoring, ocean applications, meteorology and monitoring of global warming which require many technologies to be developed, he said.

On the human space programme, the ISRO official said that ISRO is planning to have its own human space programme provided it has the budgetary support of the government since it requires 5-digit-crore rupees. Being a developing country, India should be very judicious in planning capital intensive space projects with regard to economic growth.

“While other nations are talking of space tourism, we have to analyse whether it really fits in our country’s priority. National priority is one of our major goals. With respect to our national priority, we have our vision and mission strategies.”

PSLV (Polar Satellite Launch Vehicles) and GSLV (Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicles) are operational for launching remote sensing and communication satellites.

In future, we are targeting GSLV Mark-III which will be capable of launching 4-tonne to 5-tonne satellites in the GTO (geostationary transfer orbit), he said. G.V. Selvam, vice-president (Administration), VIT presided. Alan Gadian of the University of Leeds, U.K. and S.K. Sekar, Dean, School of Mechanical and Building Sciences, VIT participated. Geetha Manivasagam, Conference Chair, gave an introduction to SEDSIC’15. Ankur Jain, conference secretary proposed a vote of thanks.

“While other nations are talking of space tourism, we have to analyse whether it really fits in our country’s priority’’

Indigenous navigation system in space soon - The Hindu
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