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India's First : Foreign Indian Airbase

The military airfield that Tajikistan has been renovating with Indian support has opened:

On Friday September 3, President Emomali Rahmon attended an official ceremony of opening of the renovated Ayni airfield belonging to the Ministry of Defense (MoD)....

According to presidential press service, some 70 million U.S. dollars have been spent by the Tajik and Indian sides for rehabilitation of the airfield. After renovation, the Ayni airfield that has a 3200-meter runway may accept any type of aircraft, the source said.

But no word yet on what, exactly, Ayni will be used for. Recall that it at first seemed as if India was preparing it to use as its first foreign air base, but that desire appears to have waned. In addition, most observers say that Russia doesn't want to use it but doesn't want anyone else to use it either. And Tajikistan barely has an air force. So what's the airfield going to be used for? Still a mystery.

Tajikistan's Ayni airbase opens -- but who is using it? | EurasiaNet.org
May B I am wrong......But shouldn we be investing in airfields all along the Indo-China border and in the northeast rather than in Tajikistan.??:rolleyes:

Its very good to hear that India has FAB(foreign Air bases) but I think it has very lilltle strategic value having only rotary wing aircraft.
Of course having a squadron or two of fixed wing strike fighters wuld be a game changer w.r.t Pakistan.
But then for that we should atleast have 40 operational squadrons( so that 2 or 3 squadrons can be stationed in ayni) which is quite a big call rite now eventhough its possible in future.

p.s. no offence to anyone wanting a FAB..Even im a big fan of it.But wat im saying is with IAF s current strength its not a viable option:angel:

ayni makes quite a lot of sense buddy...it provides it energy safety....plus ofcourse it also gives it some defense deterrence against china and pakistan....sparing a squadron ina year or so shouldn't be a problem...even if its tejas
i wonder why does india have to worry about china's response to an indian airbase in mongolia, especially after reports of PLA soldiers presence in Pak ruled Gilgit...and their incessant arms sales to pakistan...
Isnt the air base still non-operational because of Russian-Tajik spat over the base lease to India and USA is also making a counter proposal??
The international community finally witnesses the evil hand of imperialistic India extending to Tajikistan.

It'll be a rope put on India’s neck and ready to be tightened by the people of central Asia.

What would i say of your one liner.....!
Just smile at your ignorance and move on.
The international community finally witnesses the evil hand of imperialistic India extending to Tajikistan.

It'll be a rope put on India’s neck and ready to be tightened by the people of central Asia.
And in return of this bs you will be expecting Indians to badmouth usa(because of your us flag) about having more than a dozen bases all over the world so that you,a chinese american can feel happy both ways.Get a life gpit.:hitwall:
The international community finally witnesses the evil hand of imperialistic India extending to Tajikistan.

It'll be a rope put on India’s neck and ready to be tightened by the people of central Asia.

And in return of this bs you will be expecting Indians to badmouth usa(because of your us flag) about having more than a dozen bases all over the world so that you,a chinese american can feel happy both ways.Get a life gpit.:hitwall:

All US oversea bases are ropes. Dare you say the same for India?

But there are two that we have to: Germany and Japan. These are the legacy of WWII that we can't leave at any cost.

What did you contribute to the world peace after your indepedence? Wars with Pakistan, China and BD? And now attempting Tajikistan with your astounishing malnutrition, corruption and illiteracy at home? :tdown:
What would i say of your one liner.....!
Just smile at your ignorance and move on.

Buddy, I thought you were not as ignorant as to know how to count lines.... :lol:

But it's never too late to learn.

Desperate maneuvers by some for some Indophobic attention.

Unfortunately he ended up getting the wrong audience.:D

Soon he too will spare us from his humor like SinoIndus,then i wonder who will entertain us :cry:

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