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India's Economy Surpasses That Of Great Britain

You have to look at the population as well...UK enjoys great standard of living..India will remain more poor than Africa on per captia basis even if its economy bypass China

By that logic people of china must be poorer than Africa on per capita basis since they have a population larger than India :lol:
uk is becoming a joke in the international arena.

Yet Jobless Jack millions of Pakistani's Indians and Bangladeshis will come illegally here?

U.K. Is pretty irrelevant and a small island. Nobody really cares for it anyways. Still good on India :D

@Always Neutral stop deluding yourself. Raw numbers matter more than per capital in international arena...

I will be happy if the news is true and Pakistani's stop coming here illegally just to drive cabs? Why does he not go and get a job in Islamic Pakistan or bigger GDP India?


Umar Gul came to the UK in 2004, after graduating from the University of Peshawar, on a partial commonwealth scholarship to study Environment, Health and Safety at the University of Sunderland. Today, he drives a Hackney taxi in Nottingham, waiting on his British passport which will come next year.

"I finished my Masters degree in 16 months, in 2006. After that I was eligible to apply for a one-year post-study skill visa. I started working as a security guard on the weekends while looking for a job in my field."

Gul waited in vain for many months to find employment that would meet the requirements of the UK home office. To get his visa extension, Gul needed to show the home office an earning of 18,000 pounds per annum.

“The jobs in my field of health and safety offered only 15-16 thousand pounds per annum to the freshers. I wanted to stay in the UK and explore my options further, so I decided to take up a job at a security company. They paid me 20,000 pounds per annum.”

After giving a string of interviews and being rejected twice in the finals. He kept sending out applications, waiting for interview calls but in two years time he was not offered a single job. He continued working as a security guard and his ‘post-study visa’ was also extended.
Yet Jobless Jack millions of Pakistani's Indians and Bangladeshis will come illegally here?
i said international arena not domestic situation. a country can hsve great governance and internal system and be irrelevent in the internatinal arena. ie lexumburg
i said international arena not domestic situation. a country can hsve great governance and internal system and be irrelevent in the internatinal arena. ie lexumburg

But you won't have pakiatanis, indians and bangladeshis migrating there illegally?
Still a long way to go. India's GDP per-capita is less than even Pakistan.
U.K. Is pretty irrelevant and a small island. Nobody really cares for it anyways. Still good on India :D

@Always Neutral stop deluding yourself. Raw numbers matter more than per capital in international arena...

Don't call UK an irrelevant country

India's GDP is still smaller than UK? oh, my god...

Not now it isn't

It's probably because we look like Northeast Indians, so they consider us low caste.

Higher castes in India tend to have more Caucasian features (Brahmins).

Do you really believe that idiots justification?

Interesting observation.

Most PDF Indian members are from "First India", and they do demonstrate a peculiar mentality resulted from their supposedly superiority mixed with the sorry state of their affair. That is why they are eager to boast at any positive note and trash China at every opportunity.

The only reason we trash China is becuz of 2 bit Chinese trolls
That is true, as per nominal,

Pakistan per capital GDP is a massive $ 1,429

India is only $1,604 USD

As per PPP,

pakistan is a massive $ 4,906

India is only $ 6,187


Damn! When did this occur. I remember clearly Pakistan was ahead of us in per-capita GDP till sometime back.
Score one for the post-colonial underdog.

India's economy has reportedly overtaken the United Kingdom's for the first time in over 100 years, now standing as the world's sixth largest economy by GDP after the United States, China, Japan, Germany, and France.

The milestone is a symbol of India's rapid economic growth and, conversely, the U.K.'s post-Brexit slump.

Economically, it's been a banner year for India. In February, it surpassed China as the world's fastest growing economy. And in October, the International Monetary Fund predicted India would retain that title for the foreseeable future; its GDP is projected to increase by 7.6 percent through 2017.

"India may have a large population base but this is a big leap," Kiren Rijiju, India's minister of state for home affairs, said of the news earlier this week.

India's former colonial ruler, the United Kingdom, is projected to grow by only 1.8 percent in 2016 and 1.1 percent in 2017. Since it voted to leave the European Union in June, which could entail leaving the EU's lucrative common market, Britain's economy and currency has struggled.

India's economy benefitted from a global commodities price slump through large trade gains and lower-than-expected inflation, according to the IMF. And since elected in 2014, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has driven sweeping market reforms to spur economic growth.

But with growth spurts come growing pains. Many of the reforms, touching everything from creating unified national taxes to deregulating the agricultural industry's fertilizer pricing, have been incredibly complicated, as a report from the Center for Strategic and International Studies noted. And some controversial reforms have not gone smoothly.

Take the most recent currency reform, for example. In an effort to root out corruption and tax dodging, Modi announced in November that high denomination currency rupee notes (which comprise 86 percent of India's currency in circulation) would be taken out of circulation immediately. It was a drastic measure for a drastic problem in the world's second most populous country; only 2 to 3 percent of Indians pay income tax because so many can hide their earnings with unaccounted-for cash, so-called 'black money.'

Modi's move plummeted business transactions, interrupted salary payments, and caused infamously long waiting lines at banks nationwide as people went to withdraw cash.


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