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India's Economy Surpasses That Of Great Britain

Totally wrong . Chinas speed of development is admired in India.
Its lack of freedom is derided by those who care about foreign affairs...miniscule quantity.We have too many things happening here all the time.

They are admired to an extend that an NE Indian can get into IIT.
Indians cannot handle being behind China for caste related reason. They don't compare to France or Germany, which is also ahead of them. This is because Indians regatds Chinese as a equivalent of their inferior schedule tribe. Where as westerners are still colonial masters. So the self perceived high caste Indians can't handle being behind Chinese.

Interesting observation.

Most PDF Indian members are from "First India", and they do demonstrate a peculiar mentality resulted from their supposedly superiority mixed with the sorry state of their affair. That is why they are eager to boast at any positive note and trash China at every opportunity.
U.K. Is pretty irrelevant and a small island. Nobody really cares for it anyways. Still good on India :D

@Always Neutral stop deluding yourself. Raw numbers matter more than per capital in international arena...

pound is the number one currency in the world
the brits treat us dollar like dirt a nuisance only country in the world where us dollr dont mean shit

well done india
They are admired to an extend that an NE Indian can get into IIT.

IIT has a admission test open to all citizens after 12 years of schooling. One of the toughest in the world . People start preparing for it 2 to 4 years in advance.
Why would a NE Indian not be admitted if he gets a good rank ? Their is no logic in your question.
Interesting observation.

Most PDF Indian members are from "First India", and they do demonstrate a peculiar mentality resulted from their supposedly superiority mixed with the sorry state of their affair. That is why they are eager to boast at any positive note and trash China at every opportunity.

Most low caste Indians have no internet access. They don't even have a credit card or bank account. Demonetization will hurt them the most. But Indian policies are for the high caste.
Most low caste Indians have no internet access. They don't even have a credit card or bank account. Demonetization will hurt them the most. But Indian policies are for the high caste.

Those Indians belong to "Second India", and have very little to do with the prestigious Indians on PDF.
IIT has a admission test open to all citizens after 12 years of schooling. One of the toughest in the world . People start preparing for it 2 to 4 years in advance.
Why would a NE Indian not be admitted if he gets a good rank ? Their is no logic in your question.

They certainly will be admitted. But high caste will treat them as an odd duck. Which is precisely how India see China. High caste Indians in general accept that light skin Europeans are the intelligent people and high caste. While none Europeans all over the world are part of the untouchables.
They certainly will be admitted. But high caste will treat them as an odd duck. Which is precisely how India see China. High caste Indians in general accept that light skin Europeans are the intelligent people and high caste. While none Europeans all over the world are part of the untouchables.

Haha .
Its not like that . Unfortunately Indians do tend to put white skin on a pedestal but with 24 hr socially aware tv news prejudice against NE Indians is on the decline.
Also more of them are mixing with the people from the plains so walls are rapidly coming down.
Lots of chinese Indian married couples in Delhi , including my friends circle.
Lots of Chinese Indian couples?

Yes. You can google. Not giving the details on this site.
We had a Indian Chinese guy.. .Chang..come in top 3 in Indian idol .. a singing competition some years back.
Our top doubles women pair in badminton has a half Chinese girl ..Jawala Gutta.
India is a diverse and complex country.
Even our currency note has more than 10 languages on it.
Those Indians belong to "Second India", and have very little to do with the prestigious Indians on PDF.
Do not troll when you don't even have any knowledge. India is complex country with regional diversity.
It is not like China where leader will be from one ethnicity ruling over all minorities and take away religious freedom of Uighurs
Why? I don't really know, US, China , Japan and Germany are GDP power houses, for other nations I am not really clear, there are so many countries in this world, you expect me to remember all of their rankings?
Sure, we remember and Japan and Germany too will be taken care off.
Congrats. This was bound to happen. India's economy will eventually surpass the economy of Germany and Japan to be the 3rd largest in the world.

Real challenge comes afterwards. However it's always a great news to hear that former colony now have a bigger economy than their colonizers. As a Bangladeshi that made me quite happy. Good going.
You have to look at the population as well...UK enjoys great standard of living..India will remain more poor than Africa on per captia basis even if its economy bypass China
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