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India's defence budget hike worrisome: Pak daily

Why is this worrisome for Pakistan? India conventional military capability far exceeded Pakistan's A LONG time ago and these defence increases are not aimed at Pakistan.
Pot saying kettle black, its pakistan who spends much more then India in terms of GDP %.

India is the most peace loving nation of the world.
Well Pakistan must stop its 60 year old paranoia. Its generals have been running the country on the mere point that "India will attack and occupy". If this sentence was not there, the military generals would have been thrown out of regime by Pakistanis. Nothing new today as well.
Indian defence budget this time (2012-2013) is 1.9% of its GDP, far less than 3% sanctioned.

Pakistan's defence budget was 2.9% of GDP last time (2011-12). Let us see how much they hike it this time. :D

To put things in perspective, this is their defence minister's statement from last time's budget.

n a candid confession, Defence Minister Chaudhry Ahmad Mukhtar accepted that his country would not be able to match India’s pace of arms acquisitions. “If we only try to match them (India) militarily and buy the sort of armament which they have, we will probably not be able to afford it,” Mukhtar said. He went on to add that India could fight for almost twice the period that Pakistan could possibly sustain. “The capacity of India and Pakistan to fight was for 20 to 22 days. Now India has inducted a lot of armaments, may be they can last for 45 days, we will not be able to do so,” Mukhtar said in an interview to BBC Urdu.

The logic of the statement was based on the size of economies of both the countries. India’s economy was “six to seven times bigger than” Pakistan’s and trade volumes were “five to six times greater,” contended Mukhtar.
@ Tshering22 Agreed. Not to offend anybody, but why would we want to occupy or attack Pakistan anyways??Pakistan does not have any substantial natural resources or a particularly large industry. And heaven knows we don't need the extra population. The only scenario in which we would attack is Pakistan attacking India directely or indirectely through proxy agencies. That to will probably be solved through diplomatic channels....
@ Tshering22 Agreed. Not to offend anybody, but why would we want to occupy or attack Pakistan anyways??Pakistan does not have any substantial natural resources or a particularly large industry. And heaven knows we don't need the extra population. The only scenario in which we would attack is Pakistan attacking India directely or indirectely through proxy agencies. That to will probably be solved through diplomatic channels....
I don't think we run after resources attacking one country after the other as the US does. Please change your attitude that INDIA should attack/occupy a nation because it has natural resources.
If a xyz country has some thing we buy it rather than forcfully take it. This has been our stand for the past 66 years and it will be the stand for the future too.
Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal and other neighboring countries have the right to be worried about India's defense budget hike.

Dont worry be happy...all this for you only
I don't think we run after resources attacking one country after the other as the US does. Please change your attitude that INDIA should attack/occupy a nation because it has natural resources.
If a xyz country has some thing we buy it rather than forcfully take it. This has been our stand for the past 66 years and it will be the stand for the future too.
Ofcourse India doesn't attack and occupy any country. I am just highlighting reasons why India wouldn't do it(even if it was a war mongering country)
Just trying to convince our Pakistani friends that India is not interested in Pakistan other than ensuring the welfare of Indian citizens and aiding Pakistani people in any crisis.Stablility in Pakistan would in turn lead to a stable South Asia which will be good for India too...
come on as economy grows ,defese budget increases,it happens every year?? wats so special??
Ofcourse India doesn't attack and occupy any country. I am just highlighting reasons why India wouldn't do it(even if it was a war mongering country)
Just trying to convince our Pakistani friends that India is not interested in Pakistan other than ensuring the welfare of Indian citizens and aiding Pakistani people in any crisis.Stablility in Pakistan would in turn lead to a stable South Asia which will be good for India too...
Dude u dont need to convince anybody..and to say the least it is not we but the pakistanis who have wet dreams every friday must be more often, to conquer bharat and complete the unfinished task of the islamic triad..well _!_ to all such dreamers...forget ur(pakistanis) god not even my god can bargain my land and freedom from me, and beleive me there are hell a lot of crazy ppl like me in my country..
"Clearly, this phenomenal rise goes far beyond India's legitimate security needs and adds to the neighbours' concerns about New Delhi's hegemonic ambitions," it said.
I don't think this newspaper has done its homework. For two decades (80s and 90s), India didn't made any significant purchase. Now India immediately needs to improve its weaponry. For instance...

1) Everybody knows about the track record of Mig21. Now why would anybody say its wrong to replace an aircraft that entered in IAF 3-4 decades ago ?? What you want India to operate this a couple more decades ?? This is why MMRCA is coming.

2) Mirage upgrades - What they entered in 80s, now its time for their upgrades. If you won't upgrade them they will also start following Mig21 path. Point to remember is that Mirage 2k is grounded at the moment by IAF.

3) Mig29 UPG - Again not a royalty, its essential and every government in the world upgrade their fleet when its old.

4) Super Sukhoi - Yeah this you can say, wasn't necessary but India wants to improve its fleet and i don't think its anyvody else's business to cry about it. Just look at the huge number JF17 that PAF is purchasing especially at the time when they are in position to afford it.

5) 197 LUH - Its now 30-40 yrs since Chetak and Cheetah are flying. Again anybody can see why its necessary to replace them.

6) Apache - Same applies here as Mi35 has also been in service for 25-30 yrs.

7) Trainer - Its very essential especially when there's a shortage after IAF decided to stop using its basic trainer as they are too old.

8) M777 - Common, considering the artillery Pakistan has, its way too less. India has plans to purchase and make 3000-4000 new 155mm guns.

9) ATGM - There's huge shortage and thats why new generation ATGM are needed.

10) MBT modernisation - necessary as they were also getting very old and were 2-3 decades old equipments with no night fighting capabilities.

I doubt India is doing anything wrong especially considering right now we are just trying hard to maintain our current strength and it looks like even after spending so much we are still lagging behind. Also Pakistan should never fear as 60% of the money goes in salary and pension while remaining is spent on arms and out of that too atleast 30 % is returned back.

Also not to mention Pakistan is not shying in spending either considering its poor economic conditions. I mean seriously guys you are the third largest arms importer in Asia while its economy is not even in the top 15 asian economies. I don't think this newspaper should be worried about India.
Pakistan 3rd largest arms importer in Asia
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