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India's biggest Lie exposed, "No Surgical Strike" says World Body

You will get the proof, but right now the proof is the

1. N.S Raheel Immediate high level emergency Meeting.

2. Running and calling UN, China, U.S

3. US NSA Dr Rice calling Indian NSA counterapart of the clarification

4. Hafiz Sayeed Speech, and paying condolense of the death of the terrorist brothers in lahore in Friday.

5. Indian DGMO Media Briefing, and Statement.

6. DGMO briefing the whole Parliament, and all parties giving support on Indian Action and Stands.

7. Pakistani Claim, they are not in Panic, but ran Propaganda and Fake video in Media, for more than 1 day full, cancellation of all the leave of the securtiy forces, and deploying 5 Battalion of forces along LOC.

8. Pakistani Defence Minister threatening NUkes, Imran Khan threatening Nuke, Hafiz Sayeed threatening Nuke

9. Hillary Clinton expressed concerned of the Nukes in Jihadi hands.

You are creating things by your own no one in Pakistan is in panic
Raheel Sharif didn't call any emergency meeting
No nuke threats were made by imran khan
And I haven't heard of of Hafiz saeed going for condolence some where

And there are many things that show
no surgical strike took place
1. ISPR taking nat national and international media to LOC to tatapani where according to u surgical strikes were done but nothing on ground was there
2. Difference of statements in Indian officials and media
Starting from number of launching pads firstly your DGMO wasn sure about the numbers he said 5-7 than the number was down to 4 and then jumped to 8
3.confusion about hoW the helicopters Werevused
where is the proof? I thought pakistanis always produced proofs for everything.....
Where is the proof for your imaginary raid against so-called terrorists, the facts are we have a hindian soldier in our custody what do you have erm hmmmm...........nothing:lol::lol::lol::lol:
Where is the proof for your imaginary raid against so-called terrorists, the facts are we have a hindian soldier in our custody what do you have erm hmmmm...........nothing:lol::lol::lol::lol:
Which proves that our army went into Azad Kashmir.
4 year old ones?

nope..two days old ones...
P.S very pathetic and lame that for your claims your not able to come up with a single piece of evidence and trying to deny rival claims ..again watch carefully each and every video
Which proves that our army went into Azad Kashmir.
Last time I checked he was not part of your third rate so called para commandos who got their backsides handed over to them by the tamil tigers:lol::lol::lol: who allegedly crossed the LOC, besides he was captured from an area where their was acknowledged heavy shelling and fighting between both sides.
India army has done what it had to do... rest you can make as much noise as you want. I am likin this face saving desperation from Pakistan though. Please create more threads...lol..lovin it.
India army has done what it had to do... rest you can make as much noise as you want. I am likin this face saving desperation from Pakistan though. Please create more threads...lol..lovin it.

we know you guys love to become a laughing stack for rest of the world.atleast ask your bollywood producers to make a short movie on so called "sur ji KAL strikes" with some background music , mirch masala and item numbers.
See how their PM reacted immediately after India's announcement. He condemned the operation but didn't deny it. It is their army chaps who started the denial.

It is very possible that India is not releasing evidence for providing Pakistan a window by which to escape without needing to go to war.
so from we will release the proof its now we don't wanna provide it to give Pakistan a reason. I salute you!!! Arshad sharif rightly said that modi ne India ko Mammu banadiya:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:

we know you guys love to become a laughing stack for rest of the world.atleast ask your bollywood producers to make a short movie on so called "sur ji KAL strikes" with some background music , mirch masala and item numbers.
Now I understand how they believe they have won all the wars. There is no point in arguing with someone who lives in a glass bubble u can never win... Musharraf was right chottay dil ke Loog arguing with them is like arguing with a kid who doesn't like you.
Why is it so important to do that? Who benefits? The Pak army? and then how do we know that he skipped the actual area? who would know that?

Why don't you realise that it is in India interest to provide an escape route to pakistan so that war is not forced, and at the same time to strengthen Pak PM's hands vis a vis the army which has a vested interest in keeping relations with India tense.
No actually it's in the interest of this whole world to know the reality and India has to prove whatever India claimed. Our PM don't need support of Narendar Modi as we are fighting terrorists and we don't want their support to strengthen our PM's hand.
Was that question directed at you? You haven't answered any questions that were directed at you. And yes he is a fine actor of Pakistan, what is your problem with artists and art forms? Stay to the point and if you don't have any answer, keep your filth in your mouth!
S(he) would know. I hear she's Pakistans finest produce.
We are not desperate to go to UN & begging attention on world community for Kashmir..
BTW Most of the country has welcomed India's fight against terror.You don't need to say straight but most of the countries has justified India's action whether you have read statements from Russian foreign affairs or South Korea or US NSA..
By most of the countries, you mean Bangladesh and Afghanistan? I think you take both these countries and take both of them as your neighbours. We are sick of Indian dramas by their government and Afghanistan army dramas and yes everyone support everyone fighting against terrorism but no one support no one if the state is involved in terrorism i.e. indian held Kashmir
All the point Mr bajwa quote is from indian news channels .this shows the unprofessional respond as he has to respond to the official statement by indian army. More over this too is ambiguous that why they took three days to respond as to cover-up the damage as he mentioned thrice asking the journo about the same so unprofessional.and really if you see the pattern it happens many times.Mumbai episode ,OBL episode Pathankot and now this one.A average knowledge guy like me could see the pattern why in so many episodes Pak army was at receiving end.before knowing all this I too have impression that Pak army is professional as our indian army.
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