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India's 'Beijing Killer' Missile test successful.

Its just amazing that some Indians encourage the title "China killer" or "Beijing killer" for this missile. They are getting some unflattering attentions because they make themselves sound like Indian media.

Any sensible Indian would reject such titles for this missile.

Why are Indians naming their missiles Beijing and China killer?
This "India Killer" has been painted beyond Ruskies' imagination...:omghaha:

Take a good last look at mumbai or banglaore 1 hour before its next launch I'd say. :lol:

I really like how chinese take is with fun ... LOL What ever u troll . This missile can unload Hell Lots of HELL on Chinese Main land isnt it ? :nana:

Why are Indians naming their missiles Beijing and China killer?

Indians dont Name like u said .. Its called AGNI V Its known as China Killer because it can kill China ...
Indians dont Name like u said .. Its called AGNI V Its known as China Killer because it can kill China ...

But Indians did name it as "China killer" or "Beijing killer". Realistically speaking this thing is also a Russia (Moscow) Killer, Japan (Tokyo) Killer or even Israel (Jerusalem) Killer. As I said it all depends on India's political alignment or interests.

There are no such thing as forever enemy and everyone knows that. They also know that "A friend to all is also a friend to none".

This thing, as of now, is called "China Killer", but it does not stop there.
Not so naive military planners are sure to be looking into this "killer missile" with great interest, particularly ones that are already in range.

This is an "Inter Continental Ballistic Missile" with a range of up to 8000KM. There is no guarantee that its warheads will not turn towards them in the future.
In a recent survey, one out of 4 chinese have raped a women. So your missile will fall on your land mass and kill your people.

Talking about rape, India beats every country out there because every minute a female gets raped in India.

Can India's anti-rape moment change a culture?
Can India's anti-rape moment change a culture? - World - CBC News

She was raped for over an hour on a moving bus as it drove around New Delhi at night. Even while crossing police checkpoints, its tinted windows hid the horror that was unfolding inside.

The five men and one youth aboard the bus allegedly beat both this young woman, a 23-year-old university student, and her male friend with iron bars before raping her. They even used the bar to violate her — which later led to most of her intestines being removed, and ultimately to her death weeks later.

The brutal and downright disgusting nature of the crime brought out angry droves of Indians by the tens and hundreds of thousands in cities and towns around the country, a protest that has gone on, sometimes violently, for weeks now.

Social media buzzed with calls for the death penalty against all rapists, or mandatory castration.

Yet, just days after this brutal attack, another woman was reportedly gang-raped in a neighbouring state and dumped in Delhi. The same week, an eight year old was raped by her father. This is clearly no country for women.

Since I started reporting from India in 2009, I've read almost daily about these kind of crimes happening around the country; and these are just the ones that are reported.

By some accounts, a woman is raped in India every 22 minutes. Statistics from India's National Crime Records Bureau show that cases of rapes and assaults against women are on the rise.

What's more, these assaults are taking place not just in the "old" rural India, but in the urban centres, like Delhi, with their high-tech cores and cosmopolitan ways.

As Anchal Sabharwal, one of the young organizers of Delhi's first Slutwalk protest in 2011, told journalists, most women don't feel safe in the capital after dark.

"Even 8 o'clock is not a good time to go out."
Fading rage?

This incident, however, looks like it could be a tipping point.

The on-going demonstrations these past weeks, the rage, the candle vigils and social media protests are just the tip of the iceberg.

Many people in Delhi have told me about feeling mentally and physically sick trying to come to terms with what happened. People scaled back their New Year's plans, others have been very vocal on social media, one girl even shaved her head on YouTube as a protest.

Many here talk about this incident as a "This is it" moment; as in, this is when everything changed.

But India has seen and heard this kind of talk before.

Indeed, India is no stranger to these massive, highly emotional protests, which soon lose steam.

Eighteen months ago, Indians across the country were galvanized against another dark sin: corruption.

Social activist and devout Gandhi follower Anna Hazare took on the ingrained culture of corruption, and seemed to have the backing of "the people" behind him.

This simple man had doctors, lawyers, students, housewives, actors, labourers, and the hopes of the middle-class behind him while taking on the veiled beast of corrupt politicians and officials.

The notion of not having to bribe your way to get things done, of being efficient like the developed economy that India aspires to be, moved people from all across the country into the streets.

But it seems like a dream now.

While Hazare almost got his anti-corruption bill to parliament, his version couldn't withstand the established cronyism and, worst of all, the complacency of chalta hai, the "this is how it is" mentality that persists almost everywhere here.

Hazare's subsequent attempt did not get nearly the same kind of traction, and seemed to only receive media coverage when nothing else was going on.

Will the problem of rape be any different?

The one thing that is different this time is that this incident has become almost personal.

While everyone in India deals with bureaucratic corruption at some point in their lives, it remains an institutional ill.

In this case, "Amanat," "Damini," "Braveheart," "India's daughter" are some of the names the media and politicians have given to the 23 year-old victim.

People seem to be connecting personally to this young woman as a symbolic daughter or sister. She is an actual person, a martyr now, for people to rally around.

The protests are much more calm these days but nonetheless continue, another sign, perhaps, that people are taking a stand at some more permanent level.

Still, these demonstrations are, for the most part, in the urban centres, where women in traditional clothes as well as in jeans hold signs with slogans like "My Skirt is None of Your Business" and "Hang All Rapists."

The rural areas, where most of India resides, have a very different mindset.

It is in the villages where local leaders offer their solution to the rape issue by saying that the age of marriage should be lowered.

It's there that men dominate society, and where the great equalizer of India's work economy has yet to reach.

It is also in the villages where the national politicians who make the laws meant to protect women are elected.

Today's movements and outcry are definitely a necessary step by the most vocal and more affluent segments of the population to change India's rape culture.

But for that to filter through to the other parts of society will take effort, education, and persistence, the last being the most difficult to achieve.

At best, one can say that the seeds of change, at least, have been planted. But the fruit may take years, or even generations, to come about.
We Indians need to grow up..... our media needs to freaking bought to courts for maligning our foreign policy by using such Dumb names like "china killer" on a defensive apparatus....If china follows suit they can start dubbing thier missiles as srinagar to kanyakumiari killer, but they dont, because they dont have time to even pay attention to such childish nonsense....
Talking about rape, India beats every country out there because every minute a female gets raped in India.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
plz read Rape statistics on Wiki....... and then mourn ok!
Rate per 100,000 population in India is just 1.8 while many other countries have +10...

also Council of Islamic Ideology of Pakistan dismissed DNA tests as evidence for rapes, and declared that without witnesses no rapes would be recognized. what kinda Weird country is this? also read "Rape during the Bangladesh Liberation War",wiki page

so let me tell you one thing first read what you did and then blame others or else SHUT THE F UP.
We Indians need to grow up..... our media needs to freaking bought to courts for maligning our foreign policy by using such Dumb names like "china killer" on a defensive apparatus....If china follows suit they can start dubbing thier missiles as srinagar to kanyakumiari killer, but they dont, because they dont have time to even pay attention to such childish nonsense....

Agreed ! On a sidenote :

please read this about our secular media :

There were so many places and so many valid arguments which this reporter could have asked but no.. she was adamant in getting a YES for an answer that MODI is a highly controversial figure.. Got her a$$ handed to herself and made a mockery of Indian English media infront of a foreign MP.

Now it is quite clear why britishers could rule India for centuries !
We Indians need to grow up..... our media needs to freaking bought to courts for maligning our foreign policy by using such Dumb names like "china killer" on a defensive apparatus....If china follows suit they can start dubbing thier missiles as srinagar to kanyakumiari killer, but they dont, because they dont have time to even pay attention to such childish nonsense....

The perfect comment on this subject.

The ridicule India must get behind closed doors for such silliness must be signifcant. This nonsense actually detracts from such achievements.

As usual the "desi media" has a lot to answer for.
But Indians did name it as "China killer" or "Beijing killer". Realistically speaking this thing is also a Russia (Moscow) Killer, Japan (Tokyo) Killer or even Israel (Jerusalem) Killer. As I said it all depends on India's political alignment or interests.
But i already mentioned IT IS OFFICIALLY CALLED AGNI V But u dont want to take it what one can do ? tell me ? And if u Brandy u can name it an as many names u want at the end of the day its known as DRINKS ! ! ! Same way If this missile can kill China it can be know as CHINESE KILLER ... But Officially called as AGNI V ... Atleast Got it now ?

There are no such thing as forever enemy and everyone knows that. They also know that "A friend to all is also a friend to none".
True but as of now this missile ment to kill China . Correct me if am Wrong !

This thing, as of now, is called "China Killer", but it does not stop there.
Not so naive military planners are sure to be looking into this "killer missile" with great interest, particularly ones that are already in range.
Yes but why dont u educate urself before posting these comments ? AGNI V is Chinese Special . India as no enemies at 5000 to 8000 KM as of NOW

This is an "Inter Continental Ballistic Missile" with a range of up to 8000KM. There is no guarantee that its warheads will not turn towards them in the future.
True BUT IT IS MENT TO KILL CHINA .... AS OF NOW ... thats why people call it Chinese Killer !
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
plz read Rape statistics on Wiki....... and then mourn ok!
Rate per 100,000 population in India is just 1.8 while many other countries have +10...

also Council of Islamic Ideology of Pakistan dismissed DNA tests as evidence for rapes, and declared that without witnesses no rapes would be recognized. what kinda Weird country is this? also read "Rape during the Bangladesh Liberation War",wiki page

so let me tell you one thing first read what you did and then blame others or else SHUT THE F UP.

Again your low IQ showing again...

Rape statistics matter on reported rapes. It should shame you that India has a 1.8 rape statistic instead of you getting proud. That just means India only reports 1/30 of its rapes, and Islamic countries report more. Use logic. Do you really a think a 1.2 billion pop. could have that much less rapes?

And agin your low IQ...

Council of Islamic Ideology never told anyone that... It was one of its council members... Pakistan still takes DNA tests...
Thats almost as ridiculous as you Hindus claiming of a 4 witness law which doesnt exist... :omghaha:
Again your low IQ showing again...

Rape statistics matter on reported rapes. It should shame you that India has a 1.8 rape statistic instead of you getting proud. That just means India only reports 1/30 of its rapes, and Islamic countries report more. Use logic. Do you really a think a 1.2 billion pop. could have that much less rapes?

And agin your low IQ...

Council of Islamic Ideology never told anyone that... It was one of its council members... Pakistan still takes DNA tests...
Thats almost as ridiculous as you Hindus claiming of a 4 witness law which doesnt exist... :omghaha:

yeah pakistan takes DNA tests and then u have these illiterate maulvis overruling them .! Which kinda explains why pakistan has almost zero rapes ! Anyways .. thats offtopc !

@Screambowl @Hafizzz
A 50 kt Nuke can make shyt hit the roof in any city,
200kt is more than sufficient.
And I believe In case of Agni 5 it will be around 500kt

Although I cant be sure but we dont have 500kt nukes ! The days of multi megaton nuke is long over with missile accuracy coming of age !
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Copy and induction matured weapon tech is of no shame, hope Indian could understand cause China had been cut off from the world in terms of military many years. Better copy than loose. India has a much better international political surrounding than China nowadays, especially in military cooperation with western countries. As long as the industrial base is reinforced, China will start to do it's own innovation. India will have a quicker learning curve by get TOT from overseas, hope both countries will get along peacefully in the coming years. Try to be friends, not enemy. Let Asian rule the world.

I know we got off on the wrong feet, but we can make it much better in the future.I think an strong India will enable Asia has more saying in the world, think the how relationship envolve between France and UK. we shall spare our kids from shedding bloods fir our nonsense hatred and arrogance. If Any of Indian in this forum visits China, you will find people are 100 times friendly than in this forum. We just had a border conflict 50 years ago, non of Indian army massacred Chinese civilian in that war, and contra versa. The close culture connection between two countries also should not be forgotten by people. I strongly think Indian people is benevolent and nice, one should never make fun of India due to poverty/project failure, cause we experienced it as well. If you wanna understand China, I suggest you visit China instead of in this forum.

Discretionary shouting for war is really a shame, no matter who.

Never trust USA, your real friend is Russia.

Agree to all 3 posts above. :cheers:

I hope India and China form a strong bond as we move along. We make up half the humanity. If we are together then the world would be a much better place for all mankind.

I wish India and China launch a combined Manned Mission to Mars (with Astronauts from both countries) before USA :). That would be an amazing achievement !!

Russia is a friend like no one else.

Hopefully trolls like @Fattyacids and @Speeder2 and others learn something from a sensible member like you.
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Again your low IQ showing again...

Rape statistics matter on reported rapes. It should shame you that India has a 1.8 rape statistic instead of you getting proud. That just means India only reports 1/30 of its rapes, and Islamic countries report more. Use logic. Do you really a think a 1.2 billion pop. could have that much less rapes?

And agin your low IQ...

Council of Islamic Ideology never told anyone that... It was one of its council members... Pakistan still takes DNA tests...
Thats almost as ridiculous as you Hindus claiming of a 4 witness law which doesnt exist... :omghaha:

now that shows you're IQ Azerbaijan rate is 0.2 and it is a Islamic country so where is you're ******* theory?
also there is no such thing as 4 witness law in India and no Hindu claimed it,you are just trying to prove that you are low IQ by posting some Rape **** in Agni Thread.
and also let me tell you one thing Agni 5 is not just China Killer, it is also Pakistan Killer.

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