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India's 'Beijing Killer' Missile test successful.

yeah pakistan takes DNA tests and then u have these illiterate maulvis overruling them .! Which kinda explains why pakistan has almost zero rapes ! Anyways .. thats offtopc !

Although I cant be sure but we dont have 500kt nukes ! The days of multi megaton nuke is long over with missile accuracy coming of age !
Even with pinpoint accuracy, A high yeild Nuke is also needed to take out the whole city and render it useless
Even with pinpoint accuracy, A high yeild Nuke is also needed to take out the whole city and render it useless

I am not sure what kind of "useless " state u want .. if u are talking of mobile phones and electricity ? city would be instantaneously rendered useless.. if are talking about the standing structures..well then ofc something would be left ! But the nuke in its rake would leave behind radioactive waste which would render the entire area useless for centuries !
Agree to all 3 posts above. :cheers:

I hope India and China form a strong bond as we move along. We make up half the humanity. If we are together then the world would be a much better place for all mankind.

I wish India and China launch a combined Manned Mission to Mars (with Astronauts from both countries) before USA :). That would be an amazing achievement !!

Russia is a friend like no one else.

Hopefully trolls like @Fattyacids and @Speeder2 and others learn something from a sensible member like you.

You want another banana?
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I am not sure what kind of "useless " state u want .. if u are talking of mobile phones and electricity ? city would be instantaneously rendered useless.. if are talking about the standing structures..well then ofc something would be left ! But the nuke in its rake would leave behind radioactive waste which would render the entire area useless for centuries !
I am talking about taking out all the Infrastructure that can be used to run the City or use it for war effort..
I agree though , even a 50 kt Nuke can virtualy Create Havoc even In Mega cities!
EMP of surface bursts dont travel so far..
Upto 1 MT Nukes are still needed
Agni V bolsters India’s deterrent

Agni V can be described as India’s most ambitiously zealous strategic missile system, owing to its high road mobility, fast reaction ability and a strike range of 5,000 km.

India's search and longing for an inter-continental ballistic missile (ICBM) is finally over. The successful test launch of the Agni V missile provided the greatest boost to New Delhi's missile pack. The Agni V can best be described as India's most ambitiously zealous strategic missile system, owing primarily to its high road mobility, fast reaction ability and a strike range of 5,000 km — thus qualifying it as an ICBM.

New Delhi's strategic capability has been accentuated by leaps and bounds in that the surface-to-surface, nuclear-capable Agni V can deliver a nuclear warhead weighing more than one tonne. Focusing upon futuristic technology development within the framework of its roadmap, "Defence Technology Vision 2050", the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) termed the launch as "perfect." Expressing satisfaction that the missile hit the pre-determined target and the mission met all set parameters, the DRDO stated that the Agni V missile will be undergoing more validation tests, following which full-scale production of the missile system is likely to begin. It will be at least two more years before the Agni V system shall be fully inducted into the Indian armed forces.

Positioning itself as the most advanced and technologically savvy version, the canister-launch missile system, Agni V, has effectively met the long-term objectives that India's indigenous integrated missile development programme launched way back in 1983. A solid-fuelled, three-stage missile displaying ring laser gyroscope and accelerator for navigation and guidance, the Agni V missile is easier to store and swift in so far as its transportation is concerned.

Although India seeks peaceful development and harmonious relations in its immediate and extended neighbourhood, certain geo-strategic realities and challenges, which confront India and threaten to upstage regional strategic stability, cannot be negated or ignored. Possession of the Agni V missile has granted a major fillip to India's quest in so far as achievement of a credible minimum deterrent is concerned.

In order to assuage any/all potential concerns that the Agni V test shall likely lead to an "arms race" in the region, it needs to be emphasised that the central premise of India's nuclear doctrine is that its nuclear weapons and their means of delivery are meant only to deter a nuclear weapon threat or its actual usage. The fact that the defensive doctrine repeatedly affirms the principle of "No-First-Use" shall only be enhancing regional strategic stability. In this reference, Agni V should only further establish India's minimal deterrence pursuit.

It has widely been reported that China has placed advanced Dong Feng-21 (DF-21/CSS-5) medium-range ballistic missiles (MRBMs) along the borders it shares with India. This can be interpreted as China's attempt to strengthen its deterrent capability in the region by replacing the earlier liquid-fuelled, nuclear capable CSS-3 intermediate range ballistic missiles. The DF-21 is a road mobile, solid-propellant, tactical missile system with payload and accuracy sufficient enough to target key civilian population centres and can therefore, in effect, be effectively used as a deterrent against India. In fact, the basic variant of the DF-21 (CSS-5 Mod-1) is capable of delivering a 250 or 500 kiloton warhead within a 2,000 km range. According to sources, over 100 DF-21 missiles have been built, some of them being reconfigured with conventional warheads that can be put to use along China's southern and north-western borders, making them capable of striking targets throughout northern India.

More significantly, China already has a credible ICBM capability. The Second Artillery Corps, which is the strategic missile force of Chinese People's Liberation Army, controls its nuclear ballistic and conventional missiles boasting ICBMs that stand capable of targeting the length and breadth of India in the event of a conflict. China's DF-31 ICBM has a range of 8,000 km and the advanced version of this missile, the DF-31A, possesses a strike capability ranging anywhere between 10,000 and 14,000 km.

India's missile programme represents sovereignty and self-reliance in so far as technological prowess is concerned. The need for a systematically planned long-term doctrine notwithstanding, the fact remains that India's credence in the field of missile development has been cemented with the successful testing of the Agni V missile — thus providing New Delhi with the option of upgrading its present strategic posture of "dissuasion" to that of "credible deterrence".

The deadly ICBM has whole of China, Parts of Russia, Europe, parts of Africa, whole of UAE and Japan covered under its range :cheers: :cheers:
I have provide the solide logic of all Indian military projects are nothing but a foreign designs such as INS Vikrant, LCA...nothing but shamefull stories that got milk by foreigner and the so claim its as indigenious design were in fact a sucess story of those foreign military contractors.

and you're the one couldn't prove that your Agni 5 is indigeniously, and you own the truth? :smokin:

We reject the Solide Logic of a chinese because they are by nature copy cat and illogical people.
Will India use Agni 5 against China? The answer is definitely a big no. It is only for deterrence. Congratulations Indian, you prove yourself.

You are right bro. Both the country has no first use policy. So there is no question of using any nuclear weapon with ICBM. You rightly sai it is a deterrence. Actually India was against Nuclear arms race but aggressive proliferation in neighborhood forced us to go Nuclear and resume our balastic missile program. Agni V is outcome of that.
Undergraduate, Indian fanboys whose only contribution to PDF is copy-pasting material from around the web are not welcome here. Fanboys whose English is reminiscent of a tumbling tub of potatoes and therefore are also inadequately equipped to understand hyperbole are also not welcome here. The more you talk, the more embarrassing you make it for yourself.

I would suggest you to join SUPARCO,you have made a stunning discovery in field of Space exploration & Launch Vehicle technology,Namely Second Stage Booster Rocket:omghaha::omghaha:

Do you at least know thay a booster rocket is either the first stage or strapon?What on earth is Second stage booster?:lol: and you claim to be an aerospace expert??:omghaha:

I have made far more contribution to pdf than a shameless,pathetic troll,who posts cr@p in every Indian related thread.And I am far more Informed about Aerospace sector than a guy who cant even diffrentiate between a winged reusable launch vehicle prototype & the 'wind tunnel model of a fixed wing Aircraft'.Heck,you do not even know of the term 'Wind tunnel model'!

And I do not require your permission to stay on this forum,does the tag 'Senior Member' mean anything to you?That means I have stayed long enough & made enough contributions in pdf.

Your posts reflect your jealousy towards India's achievements & your frustration about technological backwardness of Pakistan.Your contribution to pdf is in the field of 'Baseless trolling',personal attacks & making grandiose statements like ' Pakistan rubs shoulders with the Nuclear elite of the world':omghaha:

Pakistanilum 'P C George'mar undanne ippo manasilayille.....:lol:

Onnu pode,I am a 'PC George' fan now..Ellaam ariyunnavan PC George...:lol:
LOL, but you have replied to my post about 70% of your weapons are imported, 95% if u include parts and component. Also, the precision guidance system of Agni is Russian's. Is that's what u called intellectual discussion?? :omghaha::omghaha: :omghaha:

Prove it please... or STFU
Copy and induction matured weapon tech is of no shame, hope Indian could understand cause China had been cut off from the world in terms of military many years. Better copy than loose. India has a much better international political surrounding than China nowadays, especially in military cooperation with western countries. As long as the industrial base is reinforced, China will start to do it's own innovation. India will have a quicker learning curve by get TOT from overseas, hope both countries will get along peacefully in the coming years. Try to be friends, not enemy. Let Asian rule the world.

Thanks, I really appreciate your thinking and wish the same.

Never trust USA, your real friend is Russia.

Of course we do not. Thanks
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