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India’s Ambassador To The US Strongly Hinted At An Anti-Russian Military Pivot


Feb 23, 2016
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United Arab Emirates
India’s much-touted and over-hyped policy of “multi-alignment” is seeming more and more like a cover for unconvincingly disguising the country’s strategic alliance the US, especially after its Ambassador to America strongly hinted that Modi will undertake an anti-Russian military pivot during his second term in office.

There’s little doubt that India will ditch Russia like it just recently did Iran after its Ambassador to America strongly hinted as much in an exclusive interview that he gave to CNBC. The South Asian state’s top diplomatic representative to the US told the outlet the following in an article provocatively headlined “India, facing sanctions for Russian arms deals, says it wants to pivot spending to the US“:

“There has been a tradition of dependence on defense equipment from Russia. But if you go by SIPRI figures, in the block year 2008 to 2013 we imported 76% of our defense items from Russia. In the next five-year block, from 2013 to 2018, this came down 58% and in the same period our imports from the United States increased by 569%. So that itself tells you that, when we have a choice…we are obviously diversifying our purchases.”

This is the clearest signal yet that Modi’s second term in office will be dedicated to prioritizing his country’s strategic alliance with the US, especially in the military sphere and most likely to both Russia and China’s detriment. About the first, India might go back on its deal to purchase the S-400s in order to avoid sanctions and replace them with THAADs, while for the second, its “Indo-Pacific” policy clearly aims to “contain” China.

India’s era of “multi-alignment” appears to be over, though it’s keeping this discredited slogan alive as a cover for unconvincingly disguising its strategic alliance with the US. This game-changing development will certainly complicate the regional geopolitical situation, but it also nevertheless provides the impetus for Russia to strengthen its ties with the global pivot state of Pakistan as the main component of its “Return to South Asia“.

Author is Andrew Korybko:rofl::rofl:
If he is a factual/neutral analyst then Francesca Marino & Lawrence Sellin are neutral too. :)

Anyways Indian Ambassador to USA, never mentioned anything about a pivot but only said India being now being influential is able to diversify it's arms imports as we want arms from both Russia and USA.

Meanwhile India's Ambassador to Russia confirmed that more military equipment to be purchased from Russia.

India’s much-touted and over-hyped policy of “multi-alignment” is seeming more and more like a cover for unconvincingly disguising the country’s strategic alliance the US, especially after its Ambassador to America strongly hinted that Modi will undertake an anti-Russian military pivot during his second term in office.

There’s little doubt that India will ditch Russia like it just recently did Iran after its Ambassador to America strongly hinted as much in an exclusive interview that he gave to CNBC. The South Asian state’s top diplomatic representative to the US told the outlet the following in an article provocatively headlined “India, facing sanctions for Russian arms deals, says it wants to pivot spending to the US“:

“There has been a tradition of dependence on defense equipment from Russia. But if you go by SIPRI figures, in the block year 2008 to 2013 we imported 76% of our defense items from Russia. In the next five-year block, from 2013 to 2018, this came down 58% and in the same period our imports from the United States increased by 569%. So that itself tells you that, when we have a choice…we are obviously diversifying our purchases.”

This is the clearest signal yet that Modi’s second term in office will be dedicated to prioritizing his country’s strategic alliance with the US, especially in the military sphere and most likely to both Russia and China’s detriment. About the first, India might go back on its deal to purchase the S-400s in order to avoid sanctions and replace them with THAADs, while for the second, its “Indo-Pacific” policy clearly aims to “contain” China.

India’s era of “multi-alignment” appears to be over, though it’s keeping this discredited slogan alive as a cover for unconvincingly disguising its strategic alliance with the US. This game-changing development will certainly complicate the regional geopolitical situation, but it also nevertheless provides the impetus for Russia to strengthen its ties with the global pivot state of Pakistan as the main component of its “Return to South Asia“.


There is a problem with this narrative.

US banned Modi for 3 years without any evidence.
It is right he only gives priority to his national interest.
But this history gives Russians more advantage .
Russia is still remains as no 1 ally of India
You know it's matter of time,Bhart is soon going to be in West camp.Russia no longer offers cutting edge systems,it was offering once.

It does. Only those which make the 'cut' will be inducted.

Some points:

1. Russia will remain a bulk provider for Indian forces for some more time. Also, irrespective of what is the situation today, Russia remains comparatively weaker as China gains strength. And Chinese have a pretty long memory. Their treaties are transient in nature. Outer Mongolia is still going to be an issue, when the time is right. The Russians know it. And India remains a vital piece in their calculus.

2. US is providing the technology that is primarily meant for China. Rafale was chosen because of this specific reason. French are okay with either fronts.

3. Israel has stepped in in a big way.

I doubt India is stepping into any specific camp. Merely, playing smart and showing an adept diplomacy and reaping benefits from it.
It does. Only those which make the 'cut' will be inducted.

Some points:

1. Russia will remain a bulk provider for Indian forces for some more time. Also, irrespective of what is the situation today, Russia remains comparatively weaker as China gains strength. And Chinese have a pretty long memory. Their treaties are transient in nature. Outer Mongolia is still going to be an issue, when the time is right. The Russians know it. And India remains a vital piece in their calculus.

2. US is providing the technology that is primarily meant for China. Rafale was chosen because of this specific reason. French are okay with either fronts.

3. Israel has stepped in in a big way.

I doubt India is stepping into any specific camp. Merely, playing smart and showing an adept diplomacy and reaping benefits from it.
Sometime no matter,how you play smart you end up on one side.
Bhart is going to be in dire need of 5th Gen,which no one other then US can gave and they won't come easily.
Sometime no matter,how you play smart you end up on one side.
Bhart is going to be in dire need of 5th Gen,which no one other then US can gave and they won't come easily.

I shall merely say, let's wait and see. India will have Western support over China, and a subtle Russian support also at that. I shall urge you to analyze the DPSUs and Ambani issue very carefully. You will get a very clear picture of what is happening. But, you shall really have to ignore the nonsense being uttered in run up to elections and absolutely disregarding Rahul Gandhi's utterances (he has no clue). Picture is quite clear. Therein lies the answer.
I shall merely say, let's wait and see. India will have Western support over China, and a subtle Russian support also at that. I shall urge you to analyze the DPSUs and Ambani issue very carefully. You will get a very clear picture of what is happening. But, you shall really have to ignore the nonsense being uttered in run up to elections and absolutely disregarding Rahul Gandhi's utterances (he has no clue). Picture is quite clear. Therein lies the answer.
Let's see.
Andrew Korybko seems like a big proponent of CPEC, Pakistan-Russia ties
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