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India’s aim to arm Afghan forces may anger Pakistan

You missing the point: Taliban got benefactors, beyond Pakistan, we don't do them anymore. The war just gets bloodier.

I know who the other benefactor is. But that doesn't mean that we cannot try. Afghanistan is much more comfortable historically with Russia than it was ever with US. Now let me put it into better perspective; the legitimate Afghan government of Najibullah.. not Talibunnies.

If Afghanistan is not stable it means the following for you, us, Tajiks, Turkmen, Uzbeks, Chinese and Russians:

1- Thousands of yearly deaths due to high drug abuse.
2- More and more terrorism becoming the outsourced centre for jihad.
3- A severe loss of economic opportunity with an entire country.

And mind you, we are really having a problem of drugs especially in the state of Punjab. The youth there get access to drugs from cross border trafficking.

A strong, democratic and stable Afghanistan could in turn help their farmers grow other things to sustain economy instead of poppy.

US has some of its own drug fields in US; but if that plantation can be rendered useless, we should make every attempt to help the country stand onto something more productive and less destructive.
That's because you don't like taliban. Many Pakistanis consider them their ideological soulmates. Pak was one of only three countries in the world that recognized and had diplomatic relations with the Taliban.

But why is Pakistan fighting them now on Pak territory and why are the taliban killing hundreds in Pakistan each year?
But why is Pakistan fighting them now on Pak territory and why are the taliban killing hundreds in Pakistan each year?
They have this "good talib" vs "bad talib" BS. They consider the ones in afghanistan to be noble islamic warriors.
Then why not they tell the NATO to provide them Helicopters and India will pay for it:
ex-US Marines AH-1Z Super Cobras - all of them
50+ Chinooks
70+ Black Hawks
100+ Bell Huey
100+ Bell-407s

Also allow them to buy 5000+ Humvees from KSA, UAE and Jordan and India will pay them.

Low, Medium and High Altitude Airdefence and surface defence system from Russia.
It is a good move. But without involving Iran, it will be less effective.
The problem in any move involving arming ANA is its past record , present condition and future credibility . Who's to ensure that if tomorrow the inevitable civil war breaks out in Afghanistan , they will stand loyal to Kabul and not some regional drug/warlord . There's a reason why even the Americans do not want their war equipment left in that country .
Then why not they tell the NATO to provide them Helicopters and India will pay for it:
ex-US Marines AH-1Z Super Cobras - all of them
50+ Chinooks
70+ Black Hawks
100+ Bell Huey
100+ Bell-407s

Also allow them to buy 5000+ Humvees from KSA, UAE and Jordan and India will pay them.

Low, Medium and High Altitude Airdefence and surface defence system from Russia.

Not needed.ANA's demand is specific.what would be the use of so large fleet when they've no means to maintain.they prefer Mi-17 and small helos to use as Medevac and transport.they needs heavy trucks and bulletproof vehicles.they need Howitzers,Field Guns,Mortars,Small Arms,Tanks and other Combat Vehicles.they need those which they could use against offensive against Taliban.plus,they've a lot of MRAPs.
What is this?? Afghanistan must need weapons for there safety and if they are not able to buy then other country should help them. There should be no problem to Pakistan with this :coffee:
You don't understand. Pakistan is wary of its security - a threat from the East as well as from the West. A pincer is not what Pakistan wants. And that is why Pakistan is trying its darnedest to establish 'strategic depth' in Afghanistan to ensure its security at least along its Western border.

And that is the reason why it has been supporting the Afghan Taliban so that a pliable 'friendly' stooge government is installed in Afghanistan to ensure Indian influence is nullified.

Any supply of arms and heavy weapons platforms to Afghanistan by India would naturally raise Pakistan's hackles.
The problem in any move involving arming ANA is its past record , present condition and future credibility . Who's to ensure that if tomorrow the inevitable civil war breaks out in Afghanistan , they will stand loyal to Kabul and not some regional drug/warlord . There's a reason why even the Americans do not want their war equipment left in that country .

And that is why we dont gave them small arms.Only large weapons
Dear Pakistani brothers, we are not building our capabilities to harm Pakistan nor that minor upgrades to our army means any aggression against Pakistani state or people; all we are doing is to make our army capable to defend our home from insurgents likewise Pakistani army.

I would love if Pakistan also contribute on weapons supply to ANSF; they are improving day by day and will be one of the most advanced armies in the world in a decade or two and eventually be good friends with PA in case if they both start trust building approaches from now on.

Terrorism and proxy war is of concern to both countries which is directly benefiting our enemies more than us; Afghanistan has huge potential to become a leading raw product exporter and Pakistan being our brotherly neighbor can get high benefits from that.

Post-2014 relation between Afghanistan and Pakistan should be constructive and collaborative; they should work on a 10 years framework to malign existing major and minor issues between two countries following another decade of economic and trade exploitations.

Long live Afghans and Pakistanis.
less weapons simply ensure talib dogs will roam and decapitate people just to play football with the heads.so,its better to kick talib @$$ than bow before them non violently.Afghan people'll never like to go back to the situation of mid 90s.

The only way forward for Afghanistan is to negotiate with the Taliban. Not giving them more arms. Like it or not the Taliban has to be accepted as a political reality in the country. Beside killing all your enemies are so 6th century ago.

Ibrahim during an address to a tribal jirga in the provincial capital said that the persisting conflict could not be solved by any army operation or militant attacks - it could only be solved through peaceful negotiations.
Taliban will accept Pakistan Constitution: Taliban negotiating team - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
A strong and free Afghanistan is in everyone's interest. We should help them as far as we can.
yup,,,its in everyones interest,,,,,,n what is it with people rooting for it to fail,,think positive guys

The only way forward for Afghanistan is to negotiate with the Taliban. Not giving them more arms. Like it or not the Taliban has to be accepted as a political reality in the country. Beside killing all your enemies are so 6th century ago.

Taliban will accept Pakistan Constitution: Taliban negotiating team - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
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