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India’s Afghan muddle

Ah yes, makes sense.

In roughly two decades in US I've on occasion run into prejudice but this was one of two times someone actually didn't bother to use euphemisms and said that my being of Pakistani decent was a problem - lol.

The other time someone dispensed using euphemisms was a friend giving me some straight advise and really does not count - lol.

Actually now that I remember there was one other time but I guess it doesn't count either.
In roughly two decades in US I've on occasion run into prejudice but this was one of two times someone actually didn't bother to use euphemisms and said that my being of Pakistani decent was a problem - lol.

The other time someone dispensed using euphemisms was a friend giving me some straight advise and really does not count - lol.

Actually now that I remember there was one other time but I guess it doesn't count either.

That is exactly why I am very skeptical of any "friendship" with Afghanistan this time round. The Government should let those who wish to play hero, let them... I can promise you, with the way things are outside of Kabul 2014 will be a very interesting year indeed, for the country and the region.

I have no ill will towards Afghanistan and her people, on the contrary i hope they may a gleaming success of this challenge, but I do scoff at the attitude some "expat" afghans have of Pakistan and Pakistani's.

The situation on the ground is different, pockets here and there but not "tsunamis" :P
That is exactly why I am very skeptical of any "friendship" with Afghanistan this time round. The Government should let those who wish to play hero, let them... I can promise you, with the way things are outside of Kabul 2014 will be a very interesting year indeed, for the country and the region.

I have no ill will towards Afghanistan and her people, on the contrary i hope they may a gleaming success of this challenge, but I do scoff at the attitude some "expat" afghans have of Pakistan and Pakistani's.

The situation on the ground is different, pockets here and there but not "tsunamis" :P

Well, from my friends who work the US NGO and Diplomatic circuit that's exactly what they say too - despite the public statements the mood seems to be wait-and-see to pretty grim.

Well, from my friends who work the US NGO and Diplomatic circuit that's exactly what they say too - despite the public statements the mood seems to be wait-and-see to pretty grim.

It might be good if you share some anecdotes on 'but I do scoff at the attitude some "expat" afghans have of Pakistan and Pakistanis.'
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It might be good if you share some anecdotes on 'but I do scoff at the attitude some "expat" afghans have of Pakistan and Pakistanis.'

Well, I can give you a very good example. Our former interpreter an Afghan living in Britian who spent 20 years living in Kharotabad and Peshawar as a child, his parents got asylum to the UK, did his thing there, came back to PAKISTAN, was hired by the AMERICANS but would rant on and on about how Pakistan is the root of all Afghanistan problems and the Americans are EVIL at every given opportunity.

One day my professionalism gave way and I introduced him to the Frog Leap... Whilst pointing out that had it not been for the generosity of the strangers "Pakistani" who sheltered his pregnant mother and poor father, he would probably not be on this earth today, and that bread you eat when you get home comes from the money the "Americans" give you for working for them...

Needless to say his employment was terminated a few weeks later because it was discovered he was using the emergency Thurya to call his friends and family in the UK :P

I have other examples but why talk behind peoples backs, live and let live... Chooro and mitti paawo.
I can write about stuff like that, without mentioning my employer or the people/communities we were working with etc. But I prefer to keep that discussion based rather than write about it on a regular basis.

I have always hated writing, on my Myers Briggs assessment i was identified as a "doer" apparently. :P. If you ever want to talk about my experience in Afghanistan, generally please feel free to ask in a P.M, i will be happy to oblige.


A golden oldie me with ANPF Colonels.

I wonder how tht happened.. :lol:
Coming back to topic.
Its quite interesting to note that here we have an article about India's reluctance to get involved militarily in Afghanistan. But on the other hand Pakistani soldiers fighting on the Western front constantly complain about India giving both weapons and training to groups that are troublesome to Pakistan. What is the reality?
Coming back to topic.
Its quite interesting to note that here we have an article about India's reluctance to get involved militarily in Afghanistan. But on the other hand Pakistani soldiers fighting on the Western front constantly complain about India giving both weapons and training to groups that are troublesome to Pakistan. What is the reality?

Your statement/question makes the assumption that the two conditions:
1. "India's reluctance to get Involved in Afghanistan"
2. and "Pakistani soldiers fighting on the Western front constantly complain about India giving both weapons and training to groups that are troublesome to Pakistan."
are mutually exclusive.

I would think that they are not mutually exclusive.
In that case who is accommodating the Indian endeavor? I am saying that on the basis that Afghanistan isn't really safe and to carry out such operations they would need safety for their agents.
If India isn't investing in Afghan security who is providing security for the Indian adventure against Pakistan.
In that case who is accommodating the Indian endeavor? I am saying that on the basis that Afghanistan isn't really safe and to carry out such operations they would need safety for their agents.
If India isn't investing in Afghan security who is providing security for the Indian adventure against Pakistan.
India is reluctant to mess anything up in Afghanistan. Pakistan is the Mecca of conspiracy theories. Connect the dots.
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