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Indians to be king makers in next UK elections

It has done well for itself and our community should take note. Your experiences are in line with reality and in the past many of British hospital wards have been dominated by Indian doctors but this is changing at a rapid pace. I visited my cousin and she is part of the neurosurgery team at a busy London hospital. Most of the doctors are now UK born or EU, and I mean lots and lots of EU doctors. You do get Indians but these guys are British Indian kids who have been through med school here and are British.

Oh I saw a very pretty Indian girl on a till at a BP petrol station of all places. After talking to her I found out she was a student from India and doing the job on a part-time basis.

but regardless of going through med school in the UK they're still indian origin aren't they ? British indians are still part of the indian diaspora .Anyway your probably right overall there is probably more western doctors in other part of the country.

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