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Indians to be king makers in next UK elections

You said that only the 0.5% of Indian society get to go too UK. I told you that in reality most of them were average. You should stop focusing on technicalities even though you knew exactly what I meant. You were just trying to make yourself look smarter.

Lies. I never said that. You have reading problems. Quote me.

I told you that in reality most of them were average

No, you told me, in response to my saying that the Indian diaspora is the top 0.5% of Indians in intelligence, that there are more Indians in Britain than 0.5% of the population.

One does not follow the other. You are making no sense.
The article is misleading....

Have a look at the title and the small print i..e the facts.

Pakistanis make up the largest BME group in 36 constituencies where the overall BME population is over 20% of the total population. Indians are second with the largest BME group in 34 such seats and Bangladeshi's in four. That means South Asian groups are the dominant BME communities in 74 seats.

I would say that the article should have headlined with "South Asians are the kingmakers".

Anyway it's good to see the South Asian community wielding such political clout.

Indians would naturally have the biggest political clout though they are overall the largest of the south asian minority and the highest on the socio-economic ladder.The NHS would be struggling if not for indian doctors.
You are making no sense.

India has a GDP per capita equivalent to many African countries.

Ethnically Chinese places like Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, and Taiwan have already shown themselves able to become high-income nations.

And China's GDP is $8.2 trillion, and is expected to catch up with other East Asian countries, and therefore other Western countries. All other Chinese areas of the world (Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, and Taiwan) prove this trend to be true.

Whites have a sexual obsession with East Asian women because they are objectively more beautiful. Usually, it's the trashiest women in our society that go out with these White males though.

At the same time, Indian women do not hold the same attraction across races and nations, although they are desperate to try because of their belief that Indian men are not attractive.

Why is China still a 3rd world country in-spite of the so called High GDP? The other Chinese tell us so NO wonder their women are leaving them for other races! : :rofl:


China rising is all mad

Indian origin vote bank was one of the reason behind David Cameroon's last visit.
I thought HK's Lee may have already bought UK already.

Indians to be king makers in next UK elections - The Times of India

LONDON: Indians may be king makers in the next general elections in UK scheduled for 2015.

A close look into the present electorate has revealed that Indians make up the largest Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) group in 175 constituencies in England and Wales. Of these 60 are marginal seats.

Indians are also the largest group in several 'safe' seats - both for Labour and Conservative. These seats are believed to be safe because the MP has the support of these communities.

The ground-breaking research by Operation Black Vote found that in addition to the 203 marginal seats where the BME vote has a significant impact on the result (including 168 marginals where the BME electorate exceeds the MP's majority), there are important patterns relating to individual communities.

Pakistanis make up the largest BME group in 36 constituencies where the overall BME population is over 20% of the total population. Indians are second with the largest BME group in 34 such seats and Bangladeshi's in four. That means South Asian groups are the dominant BME communities in 74 seats.

Using the 2011 census, analysts looked at the BME electorate in all 573 of the seats in England and Wales and found 168 marginal seats where BME voters outnumber the majority held by the sitting MP. Entitled 'The Power of the Black Vote in 2015', the report reveals 168 constituencies in both urban and suburban areas, demonstrating that the BME electorate have never been more powerful.

With more marginal seats and more BME voters right across the geographical map, power is shifting.

OBV said, "Political parties must wake up and realise that without the BME vote they could lose - and therefore devise policies to tackle persistent race inequalities."

In the constituency Ilford North for example, Conservatives have a majority of 5,404 and a BME electorate of 35,051. In Cardiff Central, Liberal Democrats have a majority of 4,570 and a BME electorate of 12,445 while in Bristol East, Labour have a majority of 3,772 and a BME electorate of 11,420.

OBV Director Simon Woolley said, "This is great news for BME communities and democracy. Many individuals feel powerless, particularly in the face of rising racial tension and the apparent inability by political parties to acknowledge persistent race inequalities, much less have a plan to deal with it. The power to help decide who wins and who loses the next General Election will no doubt focus the minds of vulnerable politicians and their leaders."

The Liberal Democrat Deputy leader, Simon Hughes MP, said the findings were "very significant".

He added, "Unless all parties and candidates engage with and seek to win BME support, they could be in political difficulty locally and see their general election prospects significantly set back".

Conservative vice-chair Alok Sharma, MP for Reading West, who has been given the task of boosting the party's ethnic minority appeal, said, "The analysis speaks for itself in highlighting seats with larger numbers of voters with an ethnic minority background and their potential electoral impact."

Shadow justice minister Sadiq Khan, the MP who ran Labour leader Ed Milliband's leadership campaign said, "The DNA of politics needs to change in the light of this research. This research shows how important the ethnic minority electorate is going to be in future general elections. Any party that seriously wants to win needs to take the ethnic minorities with them."
Indians would naturally have the biggest political clout though they are overall the largest of the south asian minority and the highest on the socio-economic ladder.The NHS would be struggling if not for indian doctors.

They are the biggest South Asian diaspora but only just (1.4 million to 1.2 million). As for the NHS "collapsing" that saying is at best unfounded and at worst a pure urban myth. The NHS did fine for over 50 years without any foreign doctors whatsoever and if they left today the service would easily fill the gaps with UK born medical graduates. The British government a few years back restricted the usage of foreign doctors because domestic graduates found it hard to find work, a classic example of excess supply.
They are the biggest South Asian diaspora but only just (1.4 million to 1.2 million). As for the NHS "collapsing" that saying is at best unfounded and at worst a pure urban myth. The NHS did fine for over 50 years without any foreign doctors whatsoever and if they left today the service would easily fill the gaps with UK born medical graduates. The British government a few years back restricted the usage of foreign doctors because domestic graduates found it hard to find work, a classic example of excess supply.

hmm...could be your probably right but i'm just going by my own experiences I remember in school nearly all the top marks were from indians London where I live has the largest cluster of indians the vast majority of doctors have been indian when I visit the hospital regardless the indian community has done very well for itself. NHS or not.It's not so bad though funnily enough just yesterday I met my new doctor she was a gorgeous young indian woman-I don't think I will mind as much getting ill from now on :yay:
Looks like Indians have so totally deluded themselves that they are accepted as white, so they are claiming a right wing nationalist party like the UKIP supports Indian immigration. :lol: looks like a lot more skin whitening cream and white donors for IVF are necessary.

Our women don't prefer white men over their own.
hmm...could be your probably right but i'm just going by my own experiences I remember in school nearly all the top marks were from indians London where I live has the largest cluster of indians the vast majority of doctors have been indian when I visit the hospital regardless the indian community has done very well for itself. NHS or not.It's not so bad though funnily enough just yesterday I met my new doctor she was a gorgeous young indian woman-I don't think I will mind as much getting ill from now on :yay:

It has done well for itself and our community should take note. Your experiences are in line with reality and in the past many of British hospital wards have been dominated by Indian doctors but this is changing at a rapid pace. I visited my cousin and she is part of the neurosurgery team at a busy London hospital. Most of the doctors are now UK born or EU, and I mean lots and lots of EU doctors. You do get Indians but these guys are British Indian kids who have been through med school here and are British.

Oh I saw a very pretty Indian girl on a till at a BP petrol station of all places. After talking to her I found out she was a student from India and doing the job on a part-time basis.
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