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Indians-RAW laughing all the way to the bank

Exactly then why do Pakistanis keep blaming India for all the troubles in their country ? Be it Balochistan , Be it the Taliban , Be it the Karachi riots , be it the Sri Lankan cricket team attack in Pakistan ? I have heard Pakistanis say that MQM is also a raw agent .

You see the problem with some Pakistanis is they want to blame RAW for everything that is going wrong but also have a really hard time admitting that RAW is a competent organisation :lol:

It has to be either of the two , can't be both ;)

yup we blame RAW we learnt it from India because even if MMS sleeps extra and forget's to snooze his alarm they blame ISI! so yes its nice to blame we learnt it from our neghibour
yup we blame RAW we learnt it from India because even if MMS sleeps extra and forget's to snooze his alarm they blame ISI! so yes its nice to blame we learnt it from our neghibour

So you are basically admitting that India is not involved in Pakistani problems and is too incompetent for that right ? i hope you stick to it :D
the problem is you guys dont have guts to fight in kashmir.. you go and kill innocents in delhi and bombay.. thats the cowardly behaviour on your part is disconcerting.

Really, we waited a whole twelve months , while the drama queens merely pussyfooted on the border.

Its called strategic planning which might fail due to any unprecedented reasons.I am not dreaming, i am analysing scenanarios, but what you are saying is typical mentality of feeling exuberant over every kashmiri dies....think rationally rather the posting like an amateur.
So let me guess, in your so called strategic planning, no one dies,.... yes indeed one should think rationally, the freedom fighters campaign in IOK is against the suppressive forces not the locals hence no one should raise the flag on any civilian casualties.

How long will you blackmail with terrorism...classic pak attitude. Either terrorism or nuke.

External terrorism will be defeated in IOK.

It is the internal terrorism which India has to worry about.

And what exactly are your country fellows gloating about in Baluchistan aka BLA.
Besides, learn to distinguish between a freedom struggle and terrorism.
So you are basically admitting that India is not involved in Pakistani problems and is too incompetent for that right ? i hope you stick to it :D

nope i don't think RAW is incompetent at all! it is very competent institution & is drectly involved in all the mess in Pakistan.
Dude, RAW is actively involved with BLA. India don't want China's linkage to gulf countries through highways in Pakistan to Gwadar port.

Moreover, they are now have started supporting other factions too.....so that Pakistan remains on its toes ad far its internal matters are concerned. This also hampers the economic growth on the country as unstable environment brings no no investment.

They foreign policy makers, RAW analysts etc. plan not just for few months but for decades.

Even the most knowledgeable poster can't make a really solid argument about India's policy. Its that complex.
Their is not even a single solid Proof that can prove that RAW is actively involve in Pakistan or Afghanistan.....so we should close the matter here only.....
Their is not even a single solid Proof that can prove that RAW is actively involve in Pakistan or Afghanistan.....so we should close the matter here only.....

& what is the proof that ISI is involved in anything that happens in india?
heat did turn up genius but on the other side of border...from last few years genius (or not)..and it still turning up quite regularly..good job RAW...its payback time.
Really, did you activate the other braincell to work that out. Heat is often represented by red which can also translate into danger. ,See if you can activate your Bharti brain to work that out. !! ;)

& what is the proof that ISI is involved in anything that happens in india?
Agent Vinod:blink:

Really, did you activate the other braincell to work that out. Heat is often represented by red which can also translate into danger. ,See if you can activate your Bharti brain to work that out. !! ;)

I am living in 1 of the reds,believe me nobody here gives a ***** about the so called danger
This thread started out well & the debate was pretty interesting....till it became a troll fest.
Really, did you activate the other braincell to work that out. Heat is often represented by red which can also translate into danger. ,See if you can activate your Bharti brain to work that out. !! ;)


Good Photoshop skills to prove your claims but everythings else written in comments is not worth a penny because I am Maharashtrian who spent initial 24 years of my life in various parts Karnataka & also my wife is from KA. Believe me, there is nothing danger in these red areas.
Agent Vinod:blink:

I am leaving in 1 of the reds,believe me nobody here gives a ***** about the so called danger

You are leaving. ???
The map wasn't created by the ISI, in any case, Indians too busy talking about BLA and all that crap would hardly be expected for some introspection.....likewise we also don't give two Monkeys.
You are leaving. ???
The map wasn't created by the ISI, in any case, Indians too busy talking about BLA and all that crap would hardly be expected for some introspection.....likewise we also don't give two Monkeys.
sorry buddy,such kind of mistakes happen when u r giving some credible proof of ISI's involvement in India
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