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Indians predated Newton discovery by 250 years : Universities of Manchester


Jul 23, 2017
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Indians predated Newton 'discovery' by 250 years

A little known school of scholars in southwest India discovered one of the founding principles of modern mathematics hundreds of years before Newton according to new research.

Dr George Gheverghese Joseph from The University of Manchester says the 'Kerala School' identified the 'infinite series'- one of the basic components of calculus - in about 1350.

The discovery is currently - and wrongly - attributed in books to Sir Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibnitz at the end of the seventeenth centuries.

The team from the Universities of Manchester and Exeter reveal the Kerala School also discovered what amounted to the Pi series and used it to calculate Pi correct to 9, 10 and later 17 decimal places.

And there is strong circumstantial evidence that the Indians passed on their discoveries to mathematically knowledgeable Jesuit missionaries who visited India during the fifteenth century.

That knowledge, they argue, may have eventually been passed on to Newton himself.

Dr Joseph made the revelations while trawling through obscure Indian papers for a yet to be published third edition of his best selling book 'The Crest of the Peacock: the Non-European Roots of Mathematics' by Princeton University Press.

He said: "The beginnings of modern maths is usually seen as a European achievement but the discoveries in medieval India between the fourteenth and sixteenth centuries have been ignored or forgotten.

"The brilliance of Newton's work at the end of the seventeenth century stands undiminished - especially when it came to the algorithms of calculus.

"But other names from the Kerala School, notably Madhava and Nilakantha, should stand shoulder to shoulder with him as they discovered the other great component of calculus- infinite series.

"There were many reasons why the contribution of the Kerala school has not been acknowledged - a prime reason is neglect of scientific ideas emanating from the Non-European world - a legacy of European colonialism and beyond.

"But there is also little knowledge of the medieval form of the local language of Kerala, Malayalam, in which some of most seminal texts, such as the Yuktibhasa, from much of the documentation of this remarkable mathematics is written."

He added: "For some unfathomable reasons, the standard of evidence required to claim transmission of knowledge from East to West is greater than the standard of evidence required to knowledge from West to East.

"Certainly it's hard to imagine that the West would abandon a 500-year-old tradition of importing knowledge and books from India and the Islamic world.

"But we've found evidence which goes far beyond that: for example, there was plenty of opportunity to collect the information as European Jesuits were present in the area at that time.

"They were learned with a strong background in maths and were well versed in the local languages.

"And there was strong motivation: Pope Gregory XIII set up a committee to look into modernising the Julian calendar.

"On the committee was the German Jesuit astronomer/mathematician Clavius who repeatedly requested information on how people constructed calendars in other parts of the world. The Kerala School was undoubtedly a leading light in this area.

"Similarly there was a rising need for better navigational methods including keeping accurate time on voyages of exploration and large prizes were offered to mathematicians who specialised in astronomy.

"Again, there were many such requests for information across the world from leading Jesuit researchers in Europe. Kerala mathematicians were hugely skilled in this area."


Since the publication of this news release it has come to the attention of the University of Manchester that other researchers have made a significant contribution to knowledge on the transfer of Kerala Mathematics to Europe. The University would particularly like to recognise the significant body of work conducted by Professor CK Raju in this area and would have wished to acknowledge this in the original news release.

Date: 29.04.10

Certainly it’s hard to imagine that the West would abandon a 500-year-old tradition of importing knowledge and books from India and the Islamic world. But we’ve found evidence which goes far beyond that: for example, there was plenty of opportunity to collect the information as European Jesuits were present in the area at that time.

They were learned with a strong background in maths and were well versed in the local languages. And there was strong motivation: Pope Gregory XIII set up a committee to look into modernizing the Julian calendar.

On the committee was the German Jesuit astronomer/mathematician Clavius who repeatedly requested information on how people constructed calendars in other parts of the world. The Kerala School was undoubtedly a leading light in this area.

Similarly there was a rising need for better navigational methods including keeping accurate time on voyages of exploration and large prizes were offered to mathematicians who specialized in astronomy. Again, there were many such requests for information across the world from leading Jesuit researchers in Europe. Kerala mathematicians were hugely skilled in this area.
We know it, we also know west has copied and rebranded some of our concepts of Mathematics, astronomy and biology.
Indians had warp engine for interplanetary travel in ancient times. That is even more impressive.
They made you elite member for this .

@Kaptaan Gangadeshis predated Newton discovery by 250 years : Universities of Manchester

This is probably true, Ancient civilizations may have discovered many things that 16th and 17th century Europeans take credit for

BUT there are couple of misdemeanors in your posts

1. Dr. Joseph himself being from Kerala most probably prioritized the study to his homeland, So it’s not intristically a International study from the University of Manchester as you presume, I bet if an Iraqi researcher for Mesopotamia or an Egyptian or a Chinese or even a Latin American research in Meso American history would find similar findings predating the 12th century from their own civilizations.. Because the said findings are pretty vague and certain civilizations doesn’t have written history

2. India didn’t exist in the 1300.. So the findings belong to most probably the Chera kingdom, predecessor to the current date Kerala people.. Not India as you presume.. A current day Indian from Delhi cannot claim it as an achievement for example, A Maldivian May have more of affiliation to it

Indians predated Newton 'discovery' by 250 years

A little known school of scholars in southwest India discovered one of the founding principles of modern mathematics hundreds of years before Newton according to new research.

Dr George Gheverghese Joseph from The University of Manchester says the 'Kerala School' identified the 'infinite series'- one of the basic components of calculus - in about 1350.

The discovery is currently - and wrongly - attributed in books to Sir Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibnitz at the end of the seventeenth centuries.

The team from the Universities of Manchester and Exeter reveal the Kerala School also discovered what amounted to the Pi series and used it to calculate Pi correct to 9, 10 and later 17 decimal places.

And there is strong circumstantial evidence that the Indians passed on their discoveries to mathematically knowledgeable Jesuit missionaries who visited India during the fifteenth century.

That knowledge, they argue, may have eventually been passed on to Newton himself.

Dr Joseph made the revelations while trawling through obscure Indian papers for a yet to be published third edition of his best selling book 'The Crest of the Peacock: the Non-European Roots of Mathematics' by Princeton University Press.

He said: "The beginnings of modern maths is usually seen as a European achievement but the discoveries in medieval India between the fourteenth and sixteenth centuries have been ignored or forgotten.

"The brilliance of Newton's work at the end of the seventeenth century stands undiminished - especially when it came to the algorithms of calculus.

"But other names from the Kerala School, notably Madhava and Nilakantha, should stand shoulder to shoulder with him as they discovered the other great component of calculus- infinite series.

"There were many reasons why the contribution of the Kerala school has not been acknowledged - a prime reason is neglect of scientific ideas emanating from the Non-European world - a legacy of European colonialism and beyond.

"But there is also little knowledge of the medieval form of the local language of Kerala, Malayalam, in which some of most seminal texts, such as the Yuktibhasa, from much of the documentation of this remarkable mathematics is written."

He added: "For some unfathomable reasons, the standard of evidence required to claim transmission of knowledge from East to West is greater than the standard of evidence required to knowledge from West to East.

"Certainly it's hard to imagine that the West would abandon a 500-year-old tradition of importing knowledge and books from India and the Islamic world.

"But we've found evidence which goes far beyond that: for example, there was plenty of opportunity to collect the information as European Jesuits were present in the area at that time.

"They were learned with a strong background in maths and were well versed in the local languages.

"And there was strong motivation: Pope Gregory XIII set up a committee to look into modernising the Julian calendar.

"On the committee was the German Jesuit astronomer/mathematician Clavius who repeatedly requested information on how people constructed calendars in other parts of the world. The Kerala School was undoubtedly a leading light in this area.

"Similarly there was a rising need for better navigational methods including keeping accurate time on voyages of exploration and large prizes were offered to mathematicians who specialised in astronomy.

"Again, there were many such requests for information across the world from leading Jesuit researchers in Europe. Kerala mathematicians were hugely skilled in this area."


Since the publication of this news release it has come to the attention of the University of Manchester that other researchers have made a significant contribution to knowledge on the transfer of Kerala Mathematics to Europe. The University would particularly like to recognise the significant body of work conducted by Professor CK Raju in this area and would have wished to acknowledge this in the original news release.

Date: 29.04.10

Same is the determination of value of Pai. We had discovered that hundreds of years ago so as the distance of sun. Yje list goes on and on and on.
Based on the number of posts.

Don't invite that guy:D.
@Kaptaan views are imperative , i mean funny on every thing Gangadeshi . So i can't help it .
This is probably true, Ancient civilizations may have discovered many things that 16th and 17th century Europeans take credit for

BUT there are couple of misdemeanors in your posts

1. Dr. Joseph himself being from Kerala most probably prioritized the study to his homeland, So it’s not intristically a International study from the University of Manchester as you presume, I bet if an Iraqi researcher for Mesopotamia or an Egyptian or a Chinese or even a Latin American research in Meso American history would find similar findings predating the 12th century from their own civilizations.. Because the said findings are pretty vague and certain civilizations doesn’t have written history
If a Keralaite wont do research on kerala , then Mexican will do ??

BTW but in this case these research and finding was n't done by Dr. Joseph alone , its was done by a team from the Universities of Manchester and Exeter and must have been peer reviewed before Universities of Manchester and Exeter accepted the findings .

Calculus from Kerala School

AUGUST 14, 2007 00:00 IST
London: A little-known school of scholars in southern India discovered one of the founding principles of modern mathematics hundreds of years before Sir Isaac Newton, to whom the finding is currently attributed, according to new research findings announced here.

George Gheverghese Joseph, an academic and author, says the ‘Kerala School’ identified the ‘infinite series’, one of the basic components of calculus, circa 1350.

The discovery is attributed in books to Sir Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibnitz at the end of the 17th century, the University of Manchester reported on in its website.

The Manchester-Exeter universities team said the Kerala School had also discovered what amounted to the Pi series and used it to calculate Pi correct to 9, 10 and later 17 decimal places.

And there is strong circumstantial evidence that Indians passed on their discoveries to mathematically savvy Jesuit missionaries who visited India during the 15th century. That knowledge, the researchers argue, may have been passed on to Newton.

The research was carried out by Dr. Joseph, Honorary Reader, School of Education at The University of Manchester and Dennis Almeida, Teaching Fellow at the School of Education, The University of Exeter.

Dr. Joseph, who hails from Kerala, made the finding while trawling through obscure Indian papers for a third edition of his book The Crest of the Peacock: the Non-European Roots of Mathematics, the report said.


Dr. Joseph said: “The beginnings of modern maths is usually seen as a European achievement but the discoveries in medieval India between the 14th and 16th centuries have been ignored or forgotten… The brilliance of Newton’s work at the end of the 17th century stands undiminished — especially when it came to the algorithms of calculus. But other names from the Kerala School, notably Madhava and Nilakantha, should stand shoulder to shoulder with him as they discovered the other great component of calculus — infinite series.”

Dr. Joseph attributed the non-acknowledgment of the contribution of the Kerala school to the neglect of scientific ideas emanating from the Non-European world, “a legacy of European colonialism and beyond.” — PTI "

Dr George Gheverghese Joseph from The University of Manchester says the 'Kerala School' identified the 'infinite series'- one of the basic components of calculus - in about 1350.
Okay respect accorded 100% if this indeed is true. Which it is. We British ethnic minorities never have a agenda. Take me as a British-Pakistani. Do I have a agenda? No. So it is with this British-Indian of Keralite extraction. We are always fair, balanced and never agenda driven.

Do please note this guy is strictly speaking not Ganga-deshi but a Dravid Indian from the south. I always make a distinction. Furthermore he has my particular respect because he is not trying pelf heritage from the Indus. He is trying to stand on the heritage of his own region. And that has my respect even if I am bit dubvious about his claims.



This is probably true, Ancient civilizations may have discovered many things that 16th and 17th century Europeans take credit for

BUT there are couple of misdemeanors in your posts

1. Dr. Joseph himself being from Kerala most probably prioritized the study to his homeland, So it’s not intristically a International study from the University of Manchester as you presume, I bet if an Iraqi researcher for Mesopotamia or an Egyptian or a Chinese or even a Latin American research in Meso American history would find similar findings predating the 12th century from their own civilizations.. Because the said findings are pretty vague and certain civilizations doesn’t have written history

2. India didn’t exist in the 1300.. So the findings belong to most probably the Chera kingdom, predecessor to the current date Kerala people.. Not India as you presume.. A current day Indian from Delhi cannot claim it as an achievement for example, A Maldivian May have more of affiliation to it

The credit goes to Indian civilization, in our scriptures we know India as Bharata varsha. Trying to twist the facts?
The credit goes to Indian civilization, in our scriptures we know India as Bharata varsha. Trying to twist the facts?

Well actual twisting of the facts are when mythology is construed as facts when discussing factual history.. It’s quite ironic that you post myths in a thread about historical discovery of probably a modern mathematical notion

The credit goes to Indian civilization, in our scriptures we know India as Bharata varsha. Trying to twist the facts?

Well actual twisting of the facts are when mythology is construed as facts when discussing factual history.. It’s quite ironic that you post myths in a thread about historical discovery of probably a modern mathematical notion
Well actual twisting of the facts are when mythology is construed as facts when discussing factual history.. It’s quite ironic that you post myths in a thread about historical discovery of probably a modern mathematical notion

Indian nationalist logic. Claim credit for anything that happened in South Asia (and even beyond) centuries ago whilst conveniently ignoring the fact that the country was born in 1947, and is a direct consequence of western colonialism. I suppose Sweden should start claiming credit for Archimedes's discoveries as well. After all the country belongs to "European" Civilization, and Archimedes was European!
Indian nationalist logic. Claim credit for anything that happened in South Asia (and even beyond) centuries ago whilst conveniently ignoring the fact that the country was born in 1947, and is a direct consequence of western colonialism.

So is Pakistan. So, how is the claim for IVC going on?
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