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Indians now claimed they have detained 100 PLA soldiers to force China to release pictures of India POWs

Yes this is true. I've contacts in IA. Major Gobar personally called me. And not just 100 but at least 10000 China men are in IA custody.
Modi govt doesn't want Xi to embarras in front of his people so pictures will not be released anytime soon.
China is done. Already global industry is shifting in India. World has already witnessed the power of dharma and medical benefits of gaomutr.
#Next century is Indian century..

I don’t know what’s worse for India — the fact that made the whole thing up or if they have 100 Chinese soldiers in custody but Modi is to scared to publicize it.
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Such kind of logic, or the lack of it,:rofl: must be common them, anyway, judging by all the picture/video evidences we got so far, it will take about 1 million Indian soldiers to detain 100 PLAs, and PLA wont give up without putting a fight either, unlike indians. :rofl: :rofl:

LOL, Indians what pathetic losers
Nice to see their mod giving tips to members to cope with mental meltdown.


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Nice to see their mod giving tips to members to cope with mental meltdown.
Indian defence forums are a joke, I looked at one for the first time ever, atleast pdf are arguably balanced and let Indians and others say whatever they want, even other countries sections eg. Indian special forces etc are kept clean usually, but when I saw the Indian Forum they are so butt hurt of Pakistanis my god I was crying, even the description in the pakistan section was smth along the lines of, “exposing the terrorist activities by Pakistan“
I don’t know what’s worse for India — the fact that made the whole thing up or if they have 100 Chinese soldiers in custody but Modi is to scared to publicize it.
Indians on their forums seriously believe that IA has 100s of Chinese army men in custody and pictures of those are intentionally kept hidden. They think that Modi doesn't want to embarras China.
Any emotional outburst of Indian member is replied with immediate ban. Poor guys can't even complain.

Shamelessness is on another level. Got slapped, spanked from both Pakistan and China + visual evidence for the world to see and the reply was aircraft radar data, aircraft tape recordings, hidden pictures and burned amraams. I mean f*k they feel proud being amraams dodgers.
Indians on their forums seriously believe that IA has 100s of Chinese army men in custody and pictures of those are intentionally kept hidden. They think that Modi doesn't want to embarras China.
Any emotional outburst of Indian member is replied with immediate ban. Poor guys can't even complain.

Shamelessness is on another level. Got slapped, spanked from both Pakistan and China + visual evidence for the world to see and the reply was aircraft radar data, aircraft tape recordings, hidden pictures and burned amraams. I mean f*k they feel proud being amraams dodgers.

I don't discount miracles, but I don't think they are that stupid, no human would be this stupid after all the tens of thousands of years evolution and natural selections, to be honest it seems that most of them are just in denial, the realities are too painful for them to accept so they developed this alternative world to hide, kind of mental illness at a national-wise level.
I don't discount miracles, but I don't think they are that stupid, no human would be this stupid after all the tens of thousands of years evolution and natural selections, to be honest it seems that most of them are just in denial, the realities are too painful for them to accept so they developed this alternative world to hide, kind of mental illness at a national-wise level.
You are right.
But I will take evolution. Evolution is key factor. And based on observations, hypothesis and theories that I've developed after exhausting and extensive research I've come to the conclusion that Sanghi evolution doesn't works the ways ours do. At some time, place or space it reverses and travels backwards taking a perfectly developed human being back into pre historic civilization crossing it and all the early civilizations ultimately reaching a point of no civilization and dumping it there.
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Such kind of logic, or the lack of it,:rofl: must be common them, anyway, judging by all the picture/video evidences we got so far, it will take about 1 million Indian soldiers to detain 100 PLAs, and PLA wont give up without putting a fight either, unlike indians. :rofl: :rofl:
You have to remember that Indians never lose on internet. You can put forwards one thousand proof and they will just say this is fake and how India is a winner all along. You cannot beat them at social media 😝
You have to remember that Indians never lose on internet. You can put forwards one thousand proof and they will just say this is fake and how India is a winner all along. You cannot beat them at social media 😝

Indians completely pathetic losers
Come on, Indian, show us some pictures of the captured Chinese soldiers. Make sure you will hire some oriental actors this time and they need to look like Chinese. Don't be cheap. Buy some uniforms too, don't use your own marine uniforms to fool people.
I heard Feku 56" chest personally took over Tibet and detained over 1 million Chinese troops, but he's saving some face for Xi so there will be no pictures released.
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