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Indians never win

Wow I thought the article was going to start develing in to racial superiorty and "athletic" races BS! The fact is Olympic success relates directy to investment and cold hard cash. The BBC published a graph that showed the amount the UKG spent on Olymians and their training and there was an incredibly close corrolation between spending and success= years spendin was less medals were less and vice verse. The article calculated that for every gold medla won by UK it cost the government £10 MILLION-PER MEDAL!

As India grows and gains wealth medal success will naturally follow but the GoI has to do more in terms of structure and intiatives-5/6 medals just isn't good enough.
You forgot using the word "South Asia", genius! I ll complete the piece for you.
"South Asians, are religious extremists, sentimental fools and are war mongering people who fight over Kashmir, even with a majority of south Asians living under a dollar. If South Asians can solve the core issue of Kashmir, they can send a south Asian to the Mars in few years. There are extremists on the both sides of the border, and both sides have to behave in a mature way to solve problems of radicalization and core issues."

There you go. Happy?

Well, smarty pants, i wasn't the one who made the remark, and the subject probably doesn't know where the core issue, Kashmir is in the first place. The rest of the banter will indeed go a long way to addressing the issues, but i doubt anything before the next Olympics. !!
It's obvious that this man knows nothing about sports.Even more obvious is the extra mile he went indulging in self-flagellation so the fine folks on the other side of border whet their appetites with some good ol' schadenfreude.
Government spent 142 crore or 25.6 million dollars on the Indian Olympics contingent which is nowhere near to what sporting nations spend.
India is moving forward at a good pace....ppl should not forget until a few years ago we were no where ...unknown ,isolated and totally disrespected. Times are changing and things are guaranteed to improve drastically once our other priorities like external debt ,Food/Health security and Education are fulfilled to a reasonable some

The only Change i ask for is the Change in the parenting mentality ,where parents force children to become Engineers and nerds even though they excel track and field events or other sports. Look what Parental support has done for our winners. We need to strt with a new sports oriented doctrine and a good central scouting system.
India is moving forward at a good pace....ppl should not forget until a few years ago we were no where ...unknown ,isolated and totally disrespected. Times are changing and things are guaranteed to improve drastically once our other priorities like external debt ,Food/Health security and Education are fulfilled to a reasonable some

The only Change i ask for is the Change in the parenting mentality ,where parents force children to become Engineers and nerds even though they excel track and field events or other sports. Look what Parental support has done for our winners. We need to strt with a new sports oriented doctrine and a good central scouting system.

Rightly said........Many promising young athletes end their career in 10th Standard or in 11th standard where there is pressure on them to excel well in the college entrance exams and they quit athletics in turn for academics. First and foremost thing one need to excel is parental support and its very hard to come by in India for athletics.

India should think why poor African nations with no internal sports infra to boast of wins golds while we trail behind.
I wonder why pakistan never wins any medals in Shooting Competitions. I mean, almost every pakistani owns some kind of firearms and are proud of it. So why can't they put together a batch of participants in shooting. Here in india we don't own rifles pistols let alone fire one yet we manage to win in shootings. Pakistanis should think about it.
Why is pakistan media so concerned of Indias performance in olympics.
We r improving with every olympics...Get over with ur obcession with india...
Just have a look at urself....UU got any medal?
Ur neighbor Afghanistan got one...what abt u?
This is sooo lame....:(

no we didnt get even a single medal but we were hoping you guys will make up for our loss, but you disappoint us like always. You know our situation like a guy who gets beat up everyday at school and one day he takes one of the biggest guy from his neighborhood to school to show off.....you were that show off for us, the shinning India, the pride of our neighborhood. But what did you do, you ashamed us even more.

you want to be the Big guy in the block then show us you are worthy of it, so far you fart when you walk harder.

believe is or not, baring situation where athelets from both our countries are participating, we admit or we dont but we cheer the other country (india/pak visa versa).
no we didnt get even a single medal but we were hoping you guys will make up for our loss, but you disappoint us like always. You know our situation like a guy who gets beat up everyday at school and one day he takes one of the biggest guy from his neighborhood to school to show off.....you were that show off for us, the shinning India, the pride of our neighborhood. But what did you do, you ashamed us even more.

you want to be the Big guy in the block then show us you are worthy of it, so far you fart when you walk harder.

Pathetic excuse for 0 medal performance at Olympics.
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