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Indians may quietly be told to let US, Pakistan work out Afghan peace policy

Biharis are treated second class citizens..Sikh are targeted as fools.. North East Indians too facing discrimination..
South Indian hates north Indians and in chennai they prefer to avoid speaking hindi language....
Naxals attacks CRPF and govt employees on daily basis...
Hindu hardlines want to kill every muslims in india....Ghar Wapsi, Love Jihad and beef politics is the latest example....
Killed sikhs in 1984...Thousand riots took place every years..

These are general lamentations. Has India been forced to declare that it is at war with itself like the Pakistan Army does in FATA and KPK. Pak Army calls it a WAR - without even realizing how the rest of the world looks at it for having waged a war on its own citizens.

Trying to create a false equivalence whereby you try and inflate India's problems and downplay your own has reached a stage where despite the fact that your Army is waging 3 civil wars in its own borders to reclaim the country, you simply call it as "every country has problems". Which country apart from Syria at present has 3 civil wars ongoing at the same time?

Muslims are deprived from major facilities as per your Sacchhar Committee reports published in 2010 where it said that in government jobs muslims participation is below 2 percent and 80 percent muslims do not have their own home

But that is our own internal problem, not yours. Poverty and disenfranchisement in India will never cause trouble in Pakistan. Ideally, each country should be left to deal with its own problems. But your case is different. The reason why we are forced to look at your problems in the first place is because your country has sponsored numerous jihadi enterprises in India, apart from other forms of terrorism. Each and every terrorist outfit in India, from Khalistan to ULFA, have been bred by your Army/ISI combine. Your problems tend to spill into other countries and become our problems as well. Your jihad factories have made the entire region unstable. Afghanistan is suffering from the same malady. Your country has become a cancerous ulcer on the subcontinent.
WeLL SAID :tup:

AFGHANISTAN AND PAKISTAN are muslim brothers, I am a pakhtun and I have a good relation with many of afghan pakhttons They Hate you INDIA :pissed:
That is just flatly false. Afghans and for that matter a Pashtun Afghan has no reason what so ever to hate India. Quite to the contrary as some think (including Indians) that non-Pashtun portion of Afghans are Indian-friendly etc. which is true but not the whole truth. Afghanistan is a country created, and traditionally, except for about five years, for centuries ruled by Pashtuns. Afghan Pashtuns are the historical and contemporary champions of Afghanistan-India friendship.
These are general lamentations. Has India been forced to declare that it is at war with itself like the Pakistan Army does in FATA and KPK. Pak Army calls it a WAR - without even realizing how the rest of the world looks at it for having waged a war on its own citizens.

Trying to create a false equivalence whereby you try and inflate India's problems and downplay your own has reached a stage where despite the fact that your Army is waging 3 civil wars in its own borders to reclaim the country, you simply call it as "every country has problems". Which country apart from Syria at present has 3 civil wars ongoing at the same time?

But that is our own internal problem, not yours. Poverty and disenfranchisement in India will never cause trouble in Pakistan. Ideally, each country should be left to deal with its own problems. But your case is different. The reason why we are forced to look at your problems in the first place is because your country has sponsored numerous jihadi enterprises in India, apart from other forms of terrorism. Each and every terrorist outfit in India, from Khalistan to ULFA, have been bred by your Army/ISI combine. Your problems tend to spill into other countries and become our problems as well. Your jihad factories have made the entire region unstable. Afghanistan is suffering from the same malady. Your country has become a cancerous ulcer on the subcontinent.
I just showed you the mirror and now you are saying its your problem...
Khalistan was created by ISI... Are you joking.. who killed thousand of sikhs in 1984.. it was your operation in golden temple as blue star operation...
Throughout world is praising Pakistan for its effort in FATA and KPK.....
It was CIA + ISI effort to create jihadis in 1979 to eliminate russian from afghanistan.. so stop blaming pakistan..
and we have done nothing wrong in supporting afghan people they are our muslim brothers..
Even US don't termed afghanistan taliban as terrorist.. then who are you..
Your RAW tried to your last breath to destroy pakistan using MQM Target killers and TTP but get exposed by UK police recently..so stop giving illogical answer...
That is just flatly false. Afghans and for that matter a Pashtun Afghan has no reason what so ever to hate India. Quite to the contrary as some think (including Indians) that non-Pashtun portion of Afghans are Indian-friendly etc. which is true but not the whole truth. Afghanistan is a country created, and traditionally, except for about five years, for centuries ruled by Pashtuns. Afghan Pashtuns are the historical and contemporary champions of Afghanistan-India friendship.

Well said. Till anyone is willing to plot against India, Pakistanis are their best friend. But if you refuse to do that and wish to live with friendship and peace, watch as the Pakistanis then bare their fangs.

The shocking audacity to treat Afghanistan as their own backyard, sponsor the Taliban, to meddle in its affairs and then claim that the Afghans can only talk with those dictated by Pakistan.

This second video is even more instructive. I had watched the entire session, of which this is a small part. Throughout the debate, the Pakistanis on the panel kept bullying, threatening and belittling the Afghans. Forget what they do in private, these people are so shameless that they don't even have the decency to show basic respect in a public forum. But hats off to Amrullah Saleh!

Khalistan was created by ISI... Are you joking.. who killed thousand of sikhs in 1984.. it was your operation in golden temple as blue star operation...

Intel reports claim ISI stokes anti-Indian aggression in Pakistan and Canada | Daily Mail Online

Pakistani intelligence agency ISI funding pro-Khalistan groups in India and abroad - IBNLive

Pakistan's ISI funding pro-Khalistan groups in India, abroad: Report | Zee News

Quoting from SATP report on Pakistani involvement in Terrorism in India:

Pakistan's Involvement in Terrorism against India

Pakistan has been deeply involved in training, guiding and arming Sikh terrorists. Wadhawa Singh, Chief Babbar Khalsa International (BKI), Lakhbir Singh Rode, Chief, International Sikh Youth Federation (ISYF), Paramjit Singh Panjwar, Chief, Khalistan Commando Force (KCF), Gajinder Singh, Chief, Dal Khalsa International (DKI) and Ranjit Singh @ Neeta, Chief, Khalistan Zindabad Force (KZF) permanently based in Pakistan, have been coordinating terrorist activities of their outfits in Punjab and elsewhere in India under the guidance of Pak ISI. Pak ISI agents regularly escort Sikh terrorists for trans-border movement and provide safe havens for their shelter and dumps for weapons and explosives.

Interrogation reports of Sikh terrorists arrested in India suggest training of Sikh youth in Pakistan (including arms training in the use of rifle, sniper gun, LMG, grenade and causing explosions using gun powder) and possession of arms and explosives by the Pak based Sikh terrorist leaders. These IRs also suggest plans of Pak ISI through Pak based terrorists to cause explosions in big cities like Amritsar, Ludhiana, Chandigarh, Delhi and targetting of VVIPs. Nearly 200 Sikh youth were reportedly getting training in Pakistan in the first half of 2001. Details of training camps which were imparting training to Sikh extremists are enclosed.

Pak ISI operatives based abroad had stepped up recruitment particularly among illegal immigrants for training in Pak camps for terrorist related activities. Concerned over the difficulties expressed by terrorists in recruiting youth to carry out subversive activities in Punjab on a large scale, the Pak authorities were exploring the possibilities of involving the following:-

I. Sikh youth in rural areas of Indian Punjab, addicted to opium and various drugs,

II. Sikh youth abroad who had freshly arrived from India in search of greener pastures,

III. Hindu youth from rural areas of Sikh families with Sikh traditions, and

IV. Pak Christian boys belonging to lower strata of society.

To avoid exposure of their continued support to Sikh terrorists, Pakistan is using Kashmiri separatist outfits as fronts for handling Sikh terrorists and creating a sort of nexus between the two. Lashkar-e-Toiba was entrusted with the task of training men from BKI and ISYF in the use of weapons and infiltration into India via Jammu region. A 35 day training programme was launched by LeT in Mar- April 2001. BKI and LeT have set up a common office outside Nanakana Sahib (West side). LeT Foreign Affairs Secretary, Prof Hafiz Abdul Rehman is said to be the close friend of Wadhawa Singh, Pak based chief of BKI.

Ranjit Singh @ Neeta @ Manpreet Pak based chief of Khalistan Zindabad Force (KZF) enjoys considerable support of Kashmiri terrorists. He along with some ISI officials had played a major role in working out a nexus among various terrorist groups.

Pakistan has kept Pak based terrorists under constant pressure to produce results. With the support of Pak ISI, Jammu bred Ranjit Singh @ Neeta, Chief of KZF has spread his activities in Jammu and Punjab. Pak mission in Kathmandu is providing logistic help to close associates of Neeta who had been used as conduit for spreading terrorist activities in India. The arrest of some BKI and KZF activists in India during the years 2000-01 have amply proved the connivance of Pak ISI officials in Kathmandu in Sikh extremist activities.

Formation of Pakistan Sikh Gurudwara Prabandhak Committee in April 1999 under the chairmanship of ex-DG, Pak ISI Lt. Gen. (Retd) Javed Nasir has been a subtle move of Pak ISI to achieve its long and short term goals. The creation of PSGPC has given a tailor made opportunity to Pak ISI to intermix with pro-Khalistanis, including those from India, and also control substantial amount of donations received by Gurudwaras. These donations are used to make the pro-Khalistan movement against India ‘self sufficient’ in view of economic crunch in Pakistan. Pakistan to some extent has achieved success in impressing the gullible Sikhs that Sikh Gurudwaras under PSGPC are better maintained than SGPC. Pak Govt has liberalised visas for visiting Sikhs and this propaganda is done very effectively during the visit of jathas. Since theformation of PSGPC, the interaction between pro-Khalistani Sikhs including those from India has substantially increased. The visit by private jathas has also provided an effective channel of communication between Pak based terrorists and their accomplices in India. Pak ISI officials who are deliberately attached with the jathas, try to elicit information affecting security of India and spreading malice and discontent.

During the visit of Sikh jathas on Guru Purab (Nov 2000) a group of 160 members of ISYF (R ), UK and World Sikh Muslim Federation, UK was taken to Islamabad (Nov 7) to meet Azad Kashmir PM Sultan Mehmood Chaudhury. (It may be recalled that he was the Chief guest during the annual convention of ISYF (R) UK held on Sept 17, 2000 and personally knew members of visiting group). Sultan called upon the Sikhs to work with the Kashmiris on human rights issues and project the Kashmir cause through their govt-in-exile in UK.

In another significant move, Jamaat-e-Islami (JEI) held a separate reception for BKI at their headquarters(Mansoora; Nov 17, 2000) JEI leader Qazi Ahmed Hussain called upon these leader to revive militancy in Punjab and assured them of his organisation’s help in training and induction of arms. Shortly after this, Avtar Singh Sanghera, Kartar Singh and J P Singh from UK in a press conference stated that the Sikhs should sacrifice their lives to protect mosques and other places of Muslims from the Hindu extremists.

ISYF (R) activists have come to notice for making frequent trips between Pakistan, Bangkok and USA. During their visits to USA, they usually stay in motels owned by one Syed Shah, who acts as main coordinator between radical Sikh groups in USA. Sadiq Mohmmad and Bhatti, officials in Pak missions in New York and Los Angeles respectively, are believed to be actively involved in pro-Khalistani activities.

A joint political platform World Muslim Sikh Federation (WMSF) was floated in 1996 to provide a joint anti-India platform to Sikhs and Muslims. Manmohan Singh Bajaj of Dal Khalsa, Samiullah Malik, a known ISI agent in UK and Usman Khalid, a UK based retired ISI officer are the main brains behind it. In this move, they have received the cooperation of Khalid Ranjha , Minister ofLaw in Punjab (Pakistan). Manmohan Singh Bajaj is a frequent visitor to Pakistan and very close to Pak ISI and PSGPC officials.

In Germany , International Sikh Muslim Friendship Organisation under Jaswant Singh Bhandal has been propped up by Pak ISI to forge unity between Sikhs and Muslims. Pak ISI has been helping this organisation to spread its branches in Holland, UK and Italy through their contacts. With the help of Pak Embassy in Germany, All Pak German Cultural Association under one Abid Akhtar is holding periodical meetings which brings Sikh and Kashmiri terrorists under one platform to spread anti-India propaganda.

Though after the Sep 11 attacks Pakistan had advised the Pak based terrorists to lie low and cadres of BKI and KCF had been shifted to Islamabad and Faizabad respectively, Pak propaganda aimed at forging Sikh Muslim unity was quite discernible during the recent visit of Sikh jathas to Pakistan on Guru Purab in Nov 2001. The focus of speeches by the Pak leaders was on the historical links between Sikhs and Muslims. Pak ISI is keen to promote International Sikh Muslim Itehad Federation which is likely to act as front for organising future activities aimed at anti-India propaganda to portray Sikhs and Kashmiris as natural allies fighting for a common cause against Govt of India.


The following training camps were in existence in Pakistan which were imparting training to Sikh extremists.

I. Kot Lakhpat

II. Chakowal

III. Gujaranwala

IV. Mianwali

V. Peshawar

VI. Attock

VII. Shahidan Da Banga

A Pak ISI office located in Gulbarg locality in Lahore was also reportedly being used by Wadhawa Singh, Pak based Chief of BKI for imparting training to BKI activists. In addition, big bungalows provided to Pak based terrorists in Lahore and adjoining area were being used as training centres by the terrorists.

Is it that you really don't know what an ulcer your country is or you just pretend?

Throughout world is praising Pakistan for its effort in FATA and KPK.....


For its "efforts in FATA and KPK" against whom? The same snakes that the Army/ISI had nurtured all these years for its own use against Afghanistan and India!!! It is called payback.

The payback | Pakistan Today

Even US don't termed afghanistan taliban as terrorist

Except that US launched an entire WAR to kill the Taliban. Are you for real?

War in Afghanistan (2001–14) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your RAW tried to your last breath to destroy pakistan using MQM Target killers and TTP but get exposed by UK police recently..so stop giving illogical answer...

Bla bla bla....

About Tariq Mir's allegation...yes, that's how Pakistan gathers all evidence, isn't it? Confessions and allegations. Two things that anyone can make without proof or corroboration. There is not ONE shred of material evidence ever. Just statement from people who claim something....

Dossiers on India have no ‘material evidence’ - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
I concur, sad but true. Oh well.. May god save you from tooth of the lion, poison of cobra and revenge of Afghan. :tongue:

Saleh is a a great man and patriot. ENOUGH respect for him. He is equally if not more unsparing, not only in talking but action too. His exposing of a terrorist supporting mindset can't get any better.
That is just flatly false. Afghans and for that matter a Pashtun Afghan has no reason what so ever to hate India. Quite to the contrary as some think (including Indians) that non-Pashtun portion of Afghans are Indian-friendly etc. which is true but not the whole truth. Afghanistan is a country created, and traditionally, except for about five years, for centuries ruled by Pashtuns. Afghan Pashtuns are the historical and contemporary champions of Afghanistan-India friendship.
I think Afghan people are Musilms and as per afghans they hate india because of their behaviour with Muslims and don't forget The history of afghans and india is not that good as you are talking about:butcher:
In the first half of 2015 alone, there were 522 deaths and 615 injured, totaling 1,137 casualties due to terror attacks in Pakistan. The list is 8 pages long. You want me to post it? Unfortunately for you, I DO check the stats....
Don't print just give a credible reference to the source (not Indian shit please).
Washington backs early Kabul-Taliban talks - The Express Tribune

Washington backs early Kabul-Taliban talks
By APP / Kamran Yousuf
Published: November 21, 2015
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US Vice President Joe Biden receives Gen Raheel at the White House. PHOTO: INP

Army chief General Raheel Sharif and US Vice President Joe Biden on Friday called for the early resumption of the stalled peace talks between the government of Afghanistan and the Taliban to bring lasting peace to the war-torn country.

The two met at the White House and discussed wide-ranging issues including the current regional security situation. Gen Raheel’s meeting with Biden was the high point of his five-day visit to the US during which he also interacted with US secretary of state, secretary of defence, CIA chief and top military commanders.

China offers to ‘host’ Afghan peace talks

According to Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) Director General Lt-Gen Asim Salim Bajwa, Biden and Gen Raheel exchanged views for nearly two hours on issues of mutual interests, regional security and stability in a candid and cordial atmosphere.

“They stressed the early resumption of the reconciliation process to achieve lasting peace in Afghanistan, which is critical to peace and stability in region,” said the chief military spokesperson, who also attended the meeting.

Acknowledging Pakistan’s crucial role for peace, Bajwa said Biden had recognised Pakistan’s immense sacrifices both in terms of human lives and economic losses.

“The US vice president appreciated Pakistan’s contributions in the war on terror. The US wants to further the growing relationship,” he added.

US, China envoy visits lay ground for stalled peace talks

Biden reiterated firm US commitment to work closely with Pakistan in all areas of mutual interest, deepening and expanding cooperation to counter new and emerging threats.

The army chief gave Pakistan’s perspective of security and stability in region, which he emphasised, needed to be understood.

Later, Gen Raheel told the Pakistani community in Washington that the armed forces were committed to the restoration of peace in Pakistan and will take Operation Zarb-e-Azb to its logical conclusion. He added that Pakistan wants cordial relations with all neighbouring countries.

No tolerance for Da’ish

Lt Gen Bajwa said Pakistan has zero tolerance for the militant group Da’ish (also known as Islamic State) but a global response was needed to counter this global threat.

US, Pakistan to expand cooperation on emerging threats, Biden tells Gen Raheel

“There is a zero tolerance for Da’ish in Pakistan. Not even a shadow of Da’ish will be allowed in Pakistan,” he told reporters at a briefing in Washington on Thursday.

Vowing to take action against any visible signs of the militant group in Pakistan, he said the Pakistani society had rejected the group which has claimed responsibility for attacks such as the bombing of the Metrojet flight and last week’s Paris massacre.

“People were already fed up with terrorism and there was no acceptance for it [Da’ish] in the society and they will be defeated in coming days.”

While the group had some elements in neighbouring Afghanistan, Lt Gen Bajwa said space for militant organisations was being squeezed in Pakistan.

US defence secretary lauds Pakistan’s efforts in war on terror

Detailing salient points of Gen Raheel’s visit, Bajwa said Pakistan’s perspective was presented to the US civilian and military leadership.

“The acceptance and understanding of Pakistan’s perspective was visible more than ever,” DG ISPR said, adding “The biggest thing is that your perspective is being recognized and there is also an understanding; discussions were held based on that understanding.”

Discussions were also held with regard to India and the situation on the eastern border and Line of Control and the long-running Kashmir dispute. Bajwa said that the US leadership has been told that long-term security and stability in the region required resolution of the Kashmir dispute.

On Afghanistan, he said there was a clear realisation that the Afghan reconciliation process could not be delayed further and there was a seriousness and urgency in moving forward this process. All stakeholders need to support this reconciliation process, he added.

The army chief will now travel to Brazil for a three day tour before stopping over in Ivory Coast where troops serving with the UN Peacekeeping contingent had received an award on Friday.

Published in The Express Tribune, November 21st, 2015.

Where are those 3 sqadrons of F16 BIDEN !!! and stop touching our General
Visit the website Islam: The Politically Incorrect Truth They have a terrorist attack count. I simply isolated all the attacks in Pakistan from that list. In case that does not satisfy your high standards of academic objectivity, you could also look it up at Pakistan Assessment 2015
Lanat on you and your shitty and retarded mentality of devdasi hindu...you are giving reference to an unknown and islamophobic website which has no standing. That is how you are taught in mandir school? STFU
Lanat on you and your shitty and retarded mentality of devdasi hindu...you are giving reference to an unknown and islamophobic website which has no standing. That is how you are taught in mandir school? STFU

Then refer to the alternative source. I gave you the second option as I already guessed your initial response.:cheesy:

I think Afghan people are Musilms and as per afghans they hate india because of their behaviour with Muslims and don't forget The history of afghans and india is not that good as you are talking about:butcher:

Again, you are at it. India has over 180 million Muslims. Do you even know how many zeroes that number has. Why would anyone in their right mind (Pakistanis are obviously excluded at this point) hate India for having 180 million Muslims?

As for our history with the Pashtuns, do you know Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, whom we know as "Frontier Gandhi"? Now he was a true hero. How many countries do you know how respect leaders of another country as their own, like we respect and venerate Khan Abdul Ghaffar?
Well said. Till anyone is willing to plot against India, Pakistanis are their best friend. But if you refuse to do that and wish to live with friendship and peace, watch as the Pakistanis then bare their fangs.

The shocking audacity to treat Afghanistan as their own backyard, sponsor the Taliban, to meddle in its affairs and then claim that the Afghans can only talk with those dictated by Pakistan.

This second video is even more instructive. I had watched the entire session, of which this is a small part. Throughout the debate, the Pakistanis on the panel kept bullying, threatening and belittling the Afghans. Forget what they do in private, these people are so shameless that they don't even have the decency to show basic respect in a public forum. But hats off to Amrullah Saleh!

Intel reports claim ISI stokes anti-Indian aggression in Pakistan and Canada | Daily Mail Online

Pakistani intelligence agency ISI funding pro-Khalistan groups in India and abroad - IBNLive

Pakistan's ISI funding pro-Khalistan groups in India, abroad: Report | Zee News

Quoting from SATP report on Pakistani involvement in Terrorism in India:

Pakistan's Involvement in Terrorism against India

Pakistan has been deeply involved in training, guiding and arming Sikh terrorists. Wadhawa Singh, Chief Babbar Khalsa International (BKI), Lakhbir Singh Rode, Chief, International Sikh Youth Federation (ISYF), Paramjit Singh Panjwar, Chief, Khalistan Commando Force (KCF), Gajinder Singh, Chief, Dal Khalsa International (DKI) and Ranjit Singh @ Neeta, Chief, Khalistan Zindabad Force (KZF) permanently based in Pakistan, have been coordinating terrorist activities of their outfits in Punjab and elsewhere in India under the guidance of Pak ISI. Pak ISI agents regularly escort Sikh terrorists for trans-border movement and provide safe havens for their shelter and dumps for weapons and explosives.

Interrogation reports of Sikh terrorists arrested in India suggest training of Sikh youth in Pakistan (including arms training in the use of rifle, sniper gun, LMG, grenade and causing explosions using gun powder) and possession of arms and explosives by the Pak based Sikh terrorist leaders. These IRs also suggest plans of Pak ISI through Pak based terrorists to cause explosions in big cities like Amritsar, Ludhiana, Chandigarh, Delhi and targetting of VVIPs. Nearly 200 Sikh youth were reportedly getting training in Pakistan in the first half of 2001. Details of training camps which were imparting training to Sikh extremists are enclosed.

Pak ISI operatives based abroad had stepped up recruitment particularly among illegal immigrants for training in Pak camps for terrorist related activities. Concerned over the difficulties expressed by terrorists in recruiting youth to carry out subversive activities in Punjab on a large scale, the Pak authorities were exploring the possibilities of involving the following:-

I. Sikh youth in rural areas of Indian Punjab, addicted to opium and various drugs,

II. Sikh youth abroad who had freshly arrived from India in search of greener pastures,

III. Hindu youth from rural areas of Sikh families with Sikh traditions, and

IV. Pak Christian boys belonging to lower strata of society.

To avoid exposure of their continued support to Sikh terrorists, Pakistan is using Kashmiri separatist outfits as fronts for handling Sikh terrorists and creating a sort of nexus between the two. Lashkar-e-Toiba was entrusted with the task of training men from BKI and ISYF in the use of weapons and infiltration into India via Jammu region. A 35 day training programme was launched by LeT in Mar- April 2001. BKI and LeT have set up a common office outside Nanakana Sahib (West side). LeT Foreign Affairs Secretary, Prof Hafiz Abdul Rehman is said to be the close friend of Wadhawa Singh, Pak based chief of BKI.

Ranjit Singh @ Neeta @ Manpreet Pak based chief of Khalistan Zindabad Force (KZF) enjoys considerable support of Kashmiri terrorists. He along with some ISI officials had played a major role in working out a nexus among various terrorist groups.

Pakistan has kept Pak based terrorists under constant pressure to produce results. With the support of Pak ISI, Jammu bred Ranjit Singh @ Neeta, Chief of KZF has spread his activities in Jammu and Punjab. Pak mission in Kathmandu is providing logistic help to close associates of Neeta who had been used as conduit for spreading terrorist activities in India. The arrest of some BKI and KZF activists in India during the years 2000-01 have amply proved the connivance of Pak ISI officials in Kathmandu in Sikh extremist activities.

Formation of Pakistan Sikh Gurudwara Prabandhak Committee in April 1999 under the chairmanship of ex-DG, Pak ISI Lt. Gen. (Retd) Javed Nasir has been a subtle move of Pak ISI to achieve its long and short term goals. The creation of PSGPC has given a tailor made opportunity to Pak ISI to intermix with pro-Khalistanis, including those from India, and also control substantial amount of donations received by Gurudwaras. These donations are used to make the pro-Khalistan movement against India ‘self sufficient’ in view of economic crunch in Pakistan. Pakistan to some extent has achieved success in impressing the gullible Sikhs that Sikh Gurudwaras under PSGPC are better maintained than SGPC. Pak Govt has liberalised visas for visiting Sikhs and this propaganda is done very effectively during the visit of jathas. Since theformation of PSGPC, the interaction between pro-Khalistani Sikhs including those from India has substantially increased. The visit by private jathas has also provided an effective channel of communication between Pak based terrorists and their accomplices in India. Pak ISI officials who are deliberately attached with the jathas, try to elicit information affecting security of India and spreading malice and discontent.

During the visit of Sikh jathas on Guru Purab (Nov 2000) a group of 160 members of ISYF (R ), UK and World Sikh Muslim Federation, UK was taken to Islamabad (Nov 7) to meet *** PM Sultan Mehmood Chaudhury. (It may be recalled that he was the Chief guest during the annual convention of ISYF (R) UK held on Sept 17, 2000 and personally knew members of visiting group). Sultan called upon the Sikhs to work with the Kashmiris on human rights issues and project the Kashmir cause through their govt-in-exile in UK.

In another significant move, Jamaat-e-Islami (JEI) held a separate reception for BKI at their headquarters(Mansoora; Nov 17, 2000) JEI leader Qazi Ahmed Hussain called upon these leader to revive militancy in Punjab and assured them of his organisation’s help in training and induction of arms. Shortly after this, Avtar Singh Sanghera, Kartar Singh and J P Singh from UK in a press conference stated that the Sikhs should sacrifice their lives to protect mosques and other places of Muslims from the Hindu extremists.

ISYF (R) activists have come to notice for making frequent trips between Pakistan, Bangkok and USA. During their visits to USA, they usually stay in motels owned by one Syed Shah, who acts as main coordinator between radical Sikh groups in USA. Sadiq Mohmmad and Bhatti, officials in Pak missions in New York and Los Angeles respectively, are believed to be actively involved in pro-Khalistani activities.

A joint political platform World Muslim Sikh Federation (WMSF) was floated in 1996 to provide a joint anti-India platform to Sikhs and Muslims. Manmohan Singh Bajaj of Dal Khalsa, Samiullah Malik, a known ISI agent in UK and Usman Khalid, a UK based retired ISI officer are the main brains behind it. In this move, they have received the cooperation of Khalid Ranjha , Minister ofLaw in Punjab (Pakistan). Manmohan Singh Bajaj is a frequent visitor to Pakistan and very close to Pak ISI and PSGPC officials.

In Germany , International Sikh Muslim Friendship Organisation under Jaswant Singh Bhandal has been propped up by Pak ISI to forge unity between Sikhs and Muslims. Pak ISI has been helping this organisation to spread its branches in Holland, UK and Italy through their contacts. With the help of Pak Embassy in Germany, All Pak German Cultural Association under one Abid Akhtar is holding periodical meetings which brings Sikh and Kashmiri terrorists under one platform to spread anti-India propaganda.

Though after the Sep 11 attacks Pakistan had advised the Pak based terrorists to lie low and cadres of BKI and KCF had been shifted to Islamabad and Faizabad respectively, Pak propaganda aimed at forging Sikh Muslim unity was quite discernible during the recent visit of Sikh jathas to Pakistan on Guru Purab in Nov 2001. The focus of speeches by the Pak leaders was on the historical links between Sikhs and Muslims. Pak ISI is keen to promote International Sikh Muslim Itehad Federation which is likely to act as front for organising future activities aimed at anti-India propaganda to portray Sikhs and Kashmiris as natural allies fighting for a common cause against Govt of India.


The following training camps were in existence in Pakistan which were imparting training to Sikh extremists.

I. Kot Lakhpat

II. Chakowal

III. Gujaranwala

IV. Mianwali

V. Peshawar

VI. Attock

VII. Shahidan Da Banga

A Pak ISI office located in Gulbarg locality in Lahore was also reportedly being used by Wadhawa Singh, Pak based Chief of BKI for imparting training to BKI activists. In addition, big bungalows provided to Pak based terrorists in Lahore and adjoining area were being used as training centres by the terrorists.

Is it that you really don't know what an ulcer your country is or you just pretend?
Raw funding MQM Terrorist
While Pakistan wants good friendly relations with Afghanistan, the latter’s intelligence agency NDS has joined hands with Indian secret service RAW to carry out subversive activities in Pakistan at a time when its war against terror is in decisive phase. Although RAW’s role in creating problems for Pakistan is no secret, NDS’s willingness to cooperate with Islamabad’s known enemy is being regarded as a setback to the government’s political initiative of improving bilateral ties.

Official sources claimed during interviews with The Nation on Wednesday that Afghanistan’s National Directorate of Security (NDS) and India’s Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) were stepping up terrorist activities on Pakistani soil to aid and abet more deadly terror attacks. According to them, the intelligence inputs acquired through communication intercepts and human intelligence sources indicate NDS would focus Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, settled areas of the tribal belt, Gilgit Baltistan and Balochistan. However NDS would assist the RAW in Balochistan to sustain its operations linked to Baloch separatist groups. RAW would also focus on Punjab and Sindh.

The Indian agency would also launch its sleeper cells with the help of NDS in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and tribal areas. The members of the cells are recruited from Afghanistan, mainly from militant groups fled away from Pakistan during Swat, South Waziristan operations and the militants crossed the Durand Line during Operation Zarb-e-Azb, Khyber-1 and Khyber-2. The sources claimed that members of the sleeper cells were selected from the unknown foot soldiers of the outlawed TTP and their affiliates scattered in Afghan provinces of Kunar, Nangarhar, Nuristan and Badakshan. RAW is running training camps with the nod of its Afghan counterpart in the said provinces for “brainwashing” programmes of the newly-selected sleepers to launch the same when the time comes.

“They are given training of target killings, bomb blasts, suicide attacks, assaults on civil and military installations and intelligence gathering.”
The major funding for the operations on Pakistani soil would be provided by the Indian external secret service. The sources added Joint Secretary Area-1 (Pakistan focused external operations desk) of the RAW with the assistance of agency’s office of special operations is handling the activities on Pakistani soil. Office of special operations works directly under the command of RAW chief.

A director ranked officer in-charge of Pakistan affairs in NDS would look after the matters with RAW. According to intelligence sources more than 90 NDS agents have been caught in Pakistan from August up till now. Around 12 of the detained NDS operatives were the agency’s agents who were running separate spy rings of local operatives. The agents were picked up from Peshawar, Swat, Gilgit Baltistan, South Waziristan, Attock, Turnol Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Chaman, Quetta and other bordering areas at Pak-Afghan border. Five among the arrested are the key saboteurs. Heavy cache of arms and ammunition was also recovered from the arrested. Members of a top intelligence service along with Rangers arrested an Afghan national in Pala Dheri village of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa for his involvement in the recent attack on Badaber.

Similarly, NDS operatives were also caught from Balochistan with plans of targeting high-profile personalities and fanning sectarian violence.
The political administration of the Kurram Agency in an intelligence-based operation arrested two RAW-trained NDS sleepers. Foreign currency and uniforms of Levies Force were recovered from them. A 12-member spy ring of the RAW starting from bordering town of Bhaseen (Lahore) with its tentacles in other parts of Punjab had also been busted by the intelligence services. In an intelligence-based operation in Karachi, a key secret service along with Counter Terrorism Department Sindh arrested four suspected terrorists who had confessed their links with RAW.

CTD Sindh officials said the arrested had been operating a network for RAW from Karachi, South Africa, Malaysia, Singapore and Dubai.
The RAW agents told their interrogators: “The Indian agency had given them the task to plant bombs in the city. The other tasks were creating sectarian violence in the month of Moharram and targeting key political figures.” Security establishment members in background interviews said the development was indeed a challenge for the security services but it was not a surprise for them. The two secret services, NDS and RAW had already assisting each other for launching operations on Pakistani soil.

NDS chief’s briefing to Afghan parliament over cooperation with Pakistan’s security services to take out the targets threatening the security of both the countries, spoke volumes of their sincerity concerning joint efforts. Security experts were of the opinion that Pakistani government should not only share the details of few with Afghan government concerning their involvement in terror activities on Pakistani soil, but it should also share information relating to NDS-RAW nexus.

Federal interior minister had said, “Mastermind of Badaber attack is Afghan national. Pakistan can smoke out all masterminds in Afghanistan who aided and abetted terror on our soil. But such an action can further strain relations with our neighbouring Muslim state.” He added Pakistan would share all the evidence with Afghan leadership concerning launching of terror attacks on Pakistan from their soil.

Inspector General of Frontier Corps Balochistan Major General Sher Afgan said in a press briefing that Afghan NDS and Indian RAW were fueling terrorism in Balochistan. NDS recently confirmed the presence of Islamic State leaders Hafiz Saeed Khan and Shahidullah Shahid, formerly members of TTP both Pakistani nationals, who were killed in Nangarhar province in US drone strikes.
Raw funding MQM Terrorist
While Pakistan wants good friendly relations with Afghanistan, the latter’s intelligence agency NDS has joined hands with Indian secret service RAW to carry out subversive activities in Pakistan at a time when its war against terror is in decisive phase. Although RAW’s role in creating problems for Pakistan is no secret, NDS’s willingness to cooperate with Islamabad’s known enemy is being regarded as a setback to the government’s political initiative of improving bilateral ties.

Official sources claimed during interviews with The Nation on Wednesday that Afghanistan’s National Directorate of Security (NDS) and India’s Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) were stepping up terrorist activities on Pakistani soil to aid and abet more deadly terror attacks. According to them, the intelligence inputs acquired through communication intercepts and human intelligence sources indicate NDS would focus Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, settled areas of the tribal belt, Gilgit Baltistan and Balochistan. However NDS would assist the RAW in Balochistan to sustain its operations linked to Baloch separatist groups. RAW would also focus on Punjab and Sindh.

The Indian agency would also launch its sleeper cells with the help of NDS in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and tribal areas. The members of the cells are recruited from Afghanistan, mainly from militant groups fled away from Pakistan during Swat, South Waziristan operations and the militants crossed the Durand Line during Operation Zarb-e-Azb, Khyber-1 and Khyber-2. The sources claimed that members of the sleeper cells were selected from the unknown foot soldiers of the outlawed TTP and their affiliates scattered in Afghan provinces of Kunar, Nangarhar, Nuristan and Badakshan. RAW is running training camps with the nod of its Afghan counterpart in the said provinces for “brainwashing” programmes of the newly-selected sleepers to launch the same when the time comes.

“They are given training of target killings, bomb blasts, suicide attacks, assaults on civil and military installations and intelligence gathering.”
The major funding for the operations on Pakistani soil would be provided by the Indian external secret service. The sources added Joint Secretary Area-1 (Pakistan focused external operations desk) of the RAW with the assistance of agency’s office of special operations is handling the activities on Pakistani soil. Office of special operations works directly under the command of RAW chief.

A director ranked officer in-charge of Pakistan affairs in NDS would look after the matters with RAW. According to intelligence sources more than 90 NDS agents have been caught in Pakistan from August up till now. Around 12 of the detained NDS operatives were the agency’s agents who were running separate spy rings of local operatives. The agents were picked up from Peshawar, Swat, Gilgit Baltistan, South Waziristan, Attock, Turnol Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Chaman, Quetta and other bordering areas at Pak-Afghan border. Five among the arrested are the key saboteurs. Heavy cache of arms and ammunition was also recovered from the arrested. Members of a top intelligence service along with Rangers arrested an Afghan national in Pala Dheri village of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa for his involvement in the recent attack on Badaber.

Similarly, NDS operatives were also caught from Balochistan with plans of targeting high-profile personalities and fanning sectarian violence.
The political administration of the Kurram Agency in an intelligence-based operation arrested two RAW-trained NDS sleepers. Foreign currency and uniforms of Levies Force were recovered from them. A 12-member spy ring of the RAW starting from bordering town of Bhaseen (Lahore) with its tentacles in other parts of Punjab had also been busted by the intelligence services. In an intelligence-based operation in Karachi, a key secret service along with Counter Terrorism Department Sindh arrested four suspected terrorists who had confessed their links with RAW.

CTD Sindh officials said the arrested had been operating a network for RAW from Karachi, South Africa, Malaysia, Singapore and Dubai.
The RAW agents told their interrogators: “The Indian agency had given them the task to plant bombs in the city. The other tasks were creating sectarian violence in the month of Moharram and targeting key political figures.” Security establishment members in background interviews said the development was indeed a challenge for the security services but it was not a surprise for them. The two secret services, NDS and RAW had already assisting each other for launching operations on Pakistani soil.

NDS chief’s briefing to Afghan parliament over cooperation with Pakistan’s security services to take out the targets threatening the security of both the countries, spoke volumes of their sincerity concerning joint efforts. Security experts were of the opinion that Pakistani government should not only share the details of few with Afghan government concerning their involvement in terror activities on Pakistani soil, but it should also share information relating to NDS-RAW nexus.

Federal interior minister had said, “Mastermind of Badaber attack is Afghan national. Pakistan can smoke out all masterminds in Afghanistan who aided and abetted terror on our soil. But such an action can further strain relations with our neighbouring Muslim state.” He added Pakistan would share all the evidence with Afghan leadership concerning launching of terror attacks on Pakistan from their soil.

Inspector General of Frontier Corps Balochistan Major General Sher Afgan said in a press briefing that Afghan NDS and Indian RAW were fueling terrorism in Balochistan. NDS recently confirmed the presence of Islamic State leaders Hafiz Saeed Khan and Shahidullah Shahid, formerly members of TTP both Pakistani nationals, who were killed in Nangarhar province in US drone strikes.

Again, just a silly Pakistani news report containing an allegation by an official who would simply love to blame Indian "saazish" to escape his own liability. In which sane country would it be acceptable to let a lower level minion make allegations and then not back them up with even a shred of evidence? Why does the Pakistan government not give material evidence about Indian involvement to the world? Because there is none, maybe?
Again, just a silly Pakistani news report containing an allegation by an official who would simply love to blame Indian "saazish" to escape his own liability. In which sane country would it be acceptable to let a lower level minion make allegations and then not back them up with even a shred of evidence? Why does the Pakistan government not give material evidence about Indian involvement to the world? Because there is none, maybe?
India financed problems for Pak in Afghanistan, says US defence secretary nominee Chuck Hagel - The Times of India
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