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Indians less happy than Pakistanis: UN report


Pak have more % living in slums than India...Dont forgot to check the progress we made since 1990..:D

@Icewolf @A.Rafay @shan @RaptorRX707 @Ehsan Abbas @Umair Nawaz @root @Imran Khan

LOL contrary to yr self made charts to satisfy yr urges here is THE OFFICIAL UN REPORT being quoted.



more coming....

Poverty high in Bangladesh, India: HDI

BBC News - Is India's lack of toilets a cultural problem?

India has one third of world's poorest, says World Bank - Telegraph

@Icewolf @A.Rafay @shan @RaptorRX707 @Ehsan Abbas [/MENTION] @root @Imran Khan

this guy is trying to be cocky and got his answer. The first one is UN official report in 2013.:rofl:
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I told you Indians wouldn't focus to stay on topic, they will blame on Pakistan and ISI. :disagree:
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Ok live in delusion.

We are one among worlds largest armed forces,have a navy that operates aircraft carriers & nuclear submarines

We are a growing,rapidly industrialising economy,a leading power in space technology,nuclear technology & other sectors of science and technology

And you say Pakistan who doesnt even have a good manufacturing / R&D base or a space program or an indigenous nuke reactor....is a revional superpower..:woot:

So live in your delusions :wave:

Now some statitics for you

Per capita income



India - medium level
Pakistan,low level



Its true that India's poverty rate is more than Pakistans..But the difference is our poverty is reducing & yours is keep on increasing.......:bunny:

See this,

Poverty has doubled in past 5 years ~ Its Pakistani ...:D

60 percent population living below poverty line: World Bank report | Business Recorder

According to a presentation made by the Planning Commission to the prime minister, the latest estimates indicate that 64 million people were living below the poverty line in 2008 as against 35.5 million people in 2005.:disagree:
Jump in Pakistan
In India

India to meet poverty reduction goal by 2015: UN Report

NEW DELHI: Despite widespread poverty in the country, India is on track to meet the United Nations' Millennium Development Goal (MDG) of poverty reduction by 2015, a UN report said today.

"...although poverty remains widespread in India, progress has been substantial. In India, the poverty rate fell from 49 per cent in 1994 to 42 per cent in 2005 and to 33 per cent in 2010. If the current pace continues, India will meet the poverty reduction target by 2015," UN Secretary-General's Millennium Development Goals report released by UN Information Centre said here. India to meet poverty reduction goal by 2015: UN Report - Economic Times

India's Silent Poverty Reduction Miracle

India has just reduced its number of poor from 407 million to 269 million, a fall of 138 million in seven years between 2004-05 and 2011-12. This is faster than China’s poverty reduction rate at a comparable stage of development, though for a much shorter period

India's Silent Poverty Reduction Miracle | RealClearPolitics
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Its true that India's poverty rate is more than Pakistans..But the difference is our poverty is reducing & yours is keep on increasing.......:bunny:

See this,

Poverty has doubled in past 5 years ~ Its Pakistani ...:D

60 percent population living below poverty line: World Bank report | Business Recorder

Jump in Pakistan
In India
In these troubled times and volatile security its not possible to keep the economy going and spend money on people.

U and us r in different league.

But still even it we go more bad yr rates will always remain more because of bigger population. And it will not take us long to eliminate poverty in Future if things get right because of less hungry mouths to feed ie lower population in comparison with u.

We are one among worlds largest armed forces,have a navy that operates aircraft carriers & nuclear submarines

We are a growing,rapidly industrialising economy,a leading power in space technology,nuclear technology & other sectors of science and technology

And you say Pakistan who doesnt even have a good manufacturing / R&D base or a space program or an indigenous nuke reactor....is a revional superpower..:woot:

So live in your delusions :wave:

Now some statitics for you

Per capita income



India - medium level
Pakistan,low level



Official UN report 2013.



That one is epic:rofl:



Sorry to burst yr bubble.

Now go cry to yr mamma.
Im not shocked to see these rating coz i belive it and feel that before this thread we r happier people coz our relegion force to be happy and thank to Almighty Allah.

secondly one more reason which make a difference is tht ppl here help others financially through Islamic tradition like zakat or ( fisabillilah ) in the way of God or personally which is not small amounts in big terms amount people in Pak belive me they are big hearted which make a difference.

For Indians stop bashing accept the reality cultures, geography, ppls strong historic belives and religion makes sense which Indian ppl dont have


these DONT look too rich or happy to me from pakistan
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