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Indian's discovery of YETI gone international

LOL these Indians are so insecure.

Insecure is too little of a word to describe this nation of clowns any more, we might have to invent a whole new world to describe this pernicious behaviour of this whole nation.

Look in the mirror you clown, another bhrarti with a new account. May I suggest that all new Bharits be put into a quarantine before they are allowed to post regularly on this forum.
Pakistan did a lot more damage to the Indians than I had realized earlier. None came to their help when their chief almost died as a result of Pakistani retaliation.

The level of humiliation, loss and damage they suffered caused me to believe that India would do a nuclear test or two at the border to shake itself out of the beating it got. Turns out they are now seeing things in thin air. They are scared and have lost their senses.

I would have fired the entire Pakistani top brass for sparing the Indian top brass present in that area. I would have reprimanded them for 'just sending the enemy a message' but I am not in power. So all I have are my personal opinions about what I would have done.

Pakistan retaliated heavily when Indians including their 'backers' didn't expect it. Pakistan could have gone harder and should have drawn the first blood.

The Pakistani deep state has been deep asleep and they let another chance pass by.

The silly Indians are only fooling themselves while the world laughs. They are now seeing things. Next they will report evidence of the tooth fairy and will claim to have caught a few leprechauns.
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Venus and Jupiter: Indian Army Mistakes Planets for Drones

Here’s a point I’ve made eleventy-bajillion times: People aren’t familiar with the sky. This is understandable, and generally curable—go out and look up!—but it does lead to many folks being surprised they can see human-made satellites, meteors, and even the planets of our solar system with nothing but their eyes alone.

In most of these cases lack of celestial knowledge doesn’t cause any direct harm. But in other cases the outcome could be a lot worse. Like, if you mistake bright planets in the sky with enemy drones.

The Ladakh region of India, in the country’s north, borders with China. The two countries have had a long history of dispute over this land, so the Indian army keeps surveillance in the area. In mid-2012, according to The (Calcutta) Telegraph, the army began seeing two bright objects over the region, which for several months they suspected were Chinese drones. Unsure of what they actually were, the army contacted astronomers, who identified the lights as being the planets Jupiter and Venus.

OK then.

I did a quick check myself, and given some leeway on the timing, it makes sense. In August of 2012 Jupiter would’ve risen after midnight and been visible all night, rising a bit earlier every day. By November it would rise at sunset and be up all night. Venus orbits the Sun more quickly, and it moves more rapidly over that same time period, but in August 2012 would’ve been visible to the east before sunrise, getting closer to the Sun (and rising later) as time went on. All in all, the observations do seem to fit.

Although it’s being reported that the Indian military were saying the objects violated Indian territory, it looks to me like this situation ended up pretty well. It’s hard to know exactly how high tensions were, and how high up in the army ranks this misidentification ran. And while I wish they had contacted the astronomers earlier, the fact that astronomers were contacted at all shows a good deal of sense.

And I’ll note this isn’t the first time (nor will it be the last) these two planets were mistaken for flying objects. People have reported Jupiter as a UFO in the past, and a NYC Fox station even took video showing Jupiter and its moonswhile the reporter thought it was a UFO. Venus has been widely seen as a flying saucer, and even the Moon has seen its share of misidentification.

Not that this makes me feel any better. I’d prefer that countries with itchy trigger fingers not mistake whole planets for enemy hardware, and while this kind of ignorance is curable—it was in this case—who knows when it’ll come back to haunt us?

Tip o’ the UAV wing to Emily Lakdawalla.

For gods sake guys, what are you doing. The real drama is going on in the comment section. Read the comments under Jimmy's video. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

The Indians are butt hurt like anything down there. Here are few:

Ashish kumar
First one. Can't believe you are doing a show based on Indian army tweet

Earthling bros
yeah ! exactly ! everyone knows how much they lie

Rahul Bhardwaj
@Earthling bros dickhead

Average Newbie
Cant believe an army that's supposed to be professional and doing their job officially claims they found yeti Bunch of liars

Rahul Bhardwaj
@Average Newbie I urge u to read their tweet first. They said they found mysterious footprints that could be of yeti. The irony is that scumbags like u keep silent when US air Force and navy people say that they saw a UFO

Average Newbie
@Rahul Bhardwaj Show me one tweet of US airforce claiming they found UFO, Go ahead

@Earthling bros it's officialy proved you dumb

@Earthling bros racist

@Average Newbie they said they may have, nobody will believe until it is seen alive. Indian army Is globally 4th and spreads in somany places and teams. They don't have to lie . Every dickhead will believe when A video is taken
Read more

Ashish Bisht
@Earthling bros FYI Abominable Snowman (Yati in India) , the name was coined by a British explorer who first documented similar footprints in the Lhakpa La of Tibet .It is also commonly referred to as Meh - Teh (Man Bear) and Keng mi (Snow Man)......Hope this Enlighted YOU ..

-RII -
Its gonna happen when some1 posts a joke

Average Newbie there s a bunch of news articles...just watch them even vice made a video i guess

nikhil niks
Ashish kumar shame on you idiot

Crime Master Gogo
Ashish kumar abe bhosdike, desh ke khote sikke, kal ko paida hue chuze...The Indian Army ek world renowned prestigious institution he. Tere jesa sadak chaap lampat sikhayega kispe show karna chahiye? Saala chutiya.

Shivam Trivedi
Average Newbie There are many interviews or documentaries on yt, where retired personnel from air force have said that they had witnessed ufo’s in their career.

Either u meant "wow this show cares about India and Indians"

Venkataramaraju Bhupathiraju

Make a show about moon landing on 1968 AD by your NASA.

Abhishek Mukhi
You are right sir,they should be ashamed of themselves

Tantiwa Hopak
@Abhishek Mukhi what? Why?

Jim Norton's Alcoholism
We can give you toilets

Vipul Sharma
Jim Norton's Alcoholism and we can give u more zeros for what u guys are.

Venkataramaraju Bhupathiraju 1969

Venkataramaraju Bhupathiraju
16 July 1969, 7:02 pm GMT+5:30 humans landed on moon. 1968 is wrong.

Venkataramaraju Bhupathiraju
16 July 1969, 7:02 pm GMT+5:30 is correct. 1968 is wrong

Abhishek Mukhi
@Jim Norton's Alcoholism We can teach you yoga,for what you came to INDIA

@Jim Norton's Alcoholism പോടാ മൈരേ

@Venkataramaraju Bhupathiraju. All of the footage of a supposed moon landing was done by Hollywood to make the Soviets afraid of non-existent U.S. capabilities in space and space travel. All of the so-called "astronauts" were trained to lie about their imperialist line of successful moon landings! No human could, or ever will be protected from the life threatening radiation of the Van Allen Belts that surround our planet! The additional weight of protective shielding (lead) would make such an endeavor impossible for a man to make such a journey!

സാങ്കേതിക ഗുരുജി

സാങ്കേതിക ഗുരുജി
@Jim Norton's Alcoholism We have, you racist. Modi made it. Don't talk about the 19th century or something.

@Jim Norton's Alcoholism why do we need toilet when we have your mouth wide open to take dump

Venkataramaraju Bhupathiraju
@#TrumpTheLyingInsaneFascistBigot exactly

Avinash Agnihotri
@Venkataramaraju Bhupathiraju you right
Super power india must punish jimmy kimmel for ridiculing indian army.
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