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Indian woman 'raped by two gangs on Christmas Eve'

The article disgusted me...Maybe they should announce torture + capital punishment or something to scare off the sick minded people from committing such crap?

Or give free taser, pepper spray and martial arts classes to women.....or open some form of social thingy where women can complain instead of going to the police who dont register the complaint! :sick:
Well India could provide all women with the Anti Rape Condom but that would be openly abused as the South Africans and Americans learnt to their own detriment. Besides It wont actually STOP the rape and could make things worse.

Indian NGOs should work with the POLICE on similar themes to ROZAN/SAHIL/ASSHA and WAR: War Against Rape. http://www.war.org.pk
castration is the only solution.....physical....
The number of Rape instances will only increase because women have recently started coming out of their homes.So nation needs to come up with a strategy to educate the masses along with strict legislation.
Countries With Highest Rape RatesRate / 100,000
Lesotho 91.6
Trinidad and Tobago 58.4
Sweden 53.2
Korea 33.7
New Zealand 30.9
United States 28.6
Belgium 26.3
Zimbabwe 25.6
United Kingdom 23.2

Countries With Lowest Rape RatesRate / 100,000
Egypt 0.1
Azerbaijan 0.3
Armenia 0.6
Syrian Arab Republic 0.7
Turkey 1.4
Sierra Leone 1.4
Canada 1.5
India 1.8
Ukraine 1.9
Kenya 1.9
Belarus 2.5

Seems to be some people want to tarnish the Indian image in Media what could be the motive ?
The number of Rape instances will only increase because women have recently started coming out of their homes.So nation needs to come up with a strategy to educate the masses along with strict legislation.
Dont they have women in their own homes? mother, sisters? that is not really an excuse...
Quick justice needs to be done and tougher punishments are needed in this case. When justice is served quick and tough it will have some positive affect.
Seems to be some people want to tarnish the Indian image in Media what could be the motive ?
for 100th time, there is no motive of media. Media only reports news worthy stories.
Rape is news worthy in India after shocking delhi rape case, and media will try to report important rape case. There are no zombie rape virus in India.
There are 18k rapes in India per year, some of them are violent and most of them will be reported in media.

BTW, do you know majority of rapes are by people who you know and not by strangers, yet media focusses on such rape cases. Thats because its more newsworthy.
Just lately have seen abundance of ...material on high end news outlets otherwise not many report on Indian news on western outlets , they barely covered the Indian Moon mission
Just lately have seen abundance of ...material on high end news outlets otherwise not many report on Indian news on western outlets , they barely covered the Indian Moon mission
thats because most western media follow trends of Indian English news media. Whichever Indian English media thinks important, will be reported in foreign media like bbc.
Indian local language news(hindi and regional language) follow different news trends.
Countries With Highest Rape RatesRate / 100,000
Lesotho 91.6
Trinidad and Tobago 58.4
Sweden 53.2
Korea 33.7
New Zealand 30.9
United States 28.6
Belgium 26.3
Zimbabwe 25.6
United Kingdom 23.2

Countries With Lowest Rape RatesRate / 100,000
Egypt 0.1
Azerbaijan 0.3
Armenia 0.6
Syrian Arab Republic 0.7
Turkey 1.4
Sierra Leone 1.4
Canada 1.5
India 1.8
Ukraine 1.9
Kenya 1.9
Belarus 2.5

Yes please show these details to the rape victims. They would be very pleased.
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