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Indian Weapon Hunger ..

Okey, tell me what is this… after poverty alleviation, i thought its poverty up-rising projects.

>1/3rd of the worldÂ’s hungry live in India.
>836 million Indians survive on less than Rs. 20 (less than half-a-dollar) a day.
>Over 20 crore Indians will sleep hungry tonight.
>10 million people die every year of chronic hunger and hunger-related diseases. Only eight percent are the victims of hunger caused by high-profile earthquakes, floods, droughts and wars.
>India has 212 million undernourished people – only marginally below the 215 million estimated ..
>99% of the 1000 Adivasi households from 40 villages in the two states, who comprised the total sample, experienced chronic hunger (unable to get two square meals, or at least one square meal and one poor/partial meal, on even one day in the week prior to the survey). Almost as many (24.1 per cent) had lived in conditions of semi-starvation during the previous month.
>Over 7000 Indians die of hunger every day.
>Over 25 lakh Indians die of hunger every year.

Yes, We have all the problems mentioned above. We are ashamed of the same.
And yes, the steps to correct the same are slow...........But we are trying............
Some things may work and some may not.

But that does not mean we should stop the expenditure on defense......And I emphasize DEFENSE.
Because India is surrounded by not so friendly neighbors and we have to live with that...........Hence the defense budget and spending.........I hope you understand.

And no offense.......But we don't beg for any weapons or Soft loans to anyone or Sell our motherland or self respect for the same.

Again..........I hope you understand.
Okey, tell me what is this… after poverty alleviation, i thought its poverty up-rising projects.

>1/3rd of the worldÂ’s hungry live in India.
>836 million Indians survive on less than Rs. 20 (less than half-a-dollar) a day.
>Over 20 crore Indians will sleep hungry tonight.
>10 million people die every year of chronic hunger and hunger-related diseases. Only eight percent are the victims of hunger caused by high-profile earthquakes, floods, droughts and wars.
>India has 212 million undernourished people – only marginally below the 215 million estimated ..
>99% of the 1000 Adivasi households from 40 villages in the two states, who comprised the total sample, experienced chronic hunger (unable to get two square meals, or at least one square meal and one poor/partial meal, on even one day in the week prior to the survey). Almost as many (24.1 per cent) had lived in conditions of semi-starvation during the previous month.
>Over 7000 Indians die of hunger every day.
>Over 25 lakh Indians die of hunger every year.

India gives to her citizens Right to Food... So all your hunger related points are outdated and pre-date the implementation of right to food.

India was once the richest and most peace loving country in the world thanks to the preachings of Buddha that made Indian rulers to not maintain an appropriate army. It resulted in India being enslaved for centuries by foreigners. The same has happenned to Tibet now. The poverty in India is attributed to the drain of wealth to Europe during colonial period and lavish extravagant life style of Nawabs and Mughals who did nothing to encourage modern education, scientific research and technological advancements that ancient India was known for. Since independence in 1947, India has come a long way. From 99% poverty and hunger to 100% reliance on food and other essentials, to giving her citizens right to food.... to being world's 3rd largest economy.

Coming to defence, India still spends less than 2% of her GDP on defence and majority of Indians feel that it should be at least 5% of the GDP given the challenges our nation faces from hostile and jealous neighbours to terrorism. That means Indian defence expenditure should be increased from $40 billion to $100 billion at least. This increase will cost an indian citizen just 10 cents a day which is not even peanuts. Everyone knows that Pakistanis are not concerned about hunger and poverty in India, they are scared of India's might that keeps growing leaps and bound.

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