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Indian Victory: US judge dismisses charges in Devyani Khobragade case

Devyani Kobragade probably has no time to celebrate this "victory". She is in big trouble with the MEA & the government over the fact that her children hold both U.S. & Indian passports, something that amounts to an attempt at dual citizenship that the government is looking at. Nor is the fact that her husband remains a U.S. citizen (MEA officials should normally have their spouses take Indian citizenship, this has not happened here even though the husband has applied but has not stayed the required period in India, probably deliberately, to get the MHA approval for citizenship). India's position was sound but it seems the subject in this case was probably unworthy. We should simply stop caring anymore what the U.S. authorities want to do further, especially if this lady is fired from the MEA, something that I believe is absolutely necessary for the violations cited above.
Immunity or no Immunity, she violated the laws here and exploited her maid..

Such a thing happens mostly because many of these Indian diplomats consider themselves no lesser than kings. They find one way or other to be able to exploit the system and at the same time they try to get associated with UN somehow so that they get immunity and unconditional protection from being punished for breaking the laws.

Indian govt need to take proper actions against such diplomats. Honestly speaking in my opinion, she deserves to be punished.
Did they extradite Headley ???

His role is 26/11 is well elucidated .
Yet US did not even let us examine headley one to one . Our team could interrogate him only in presence of FBI. Such are the double standards of US .

and you want to extradite sitting Indian diplomat ...who was arrested wrongfully ?

Number of diplomats of number of countries are also guilty of same ' charges ' for which Devyani was arrested ...

this so called crime is purely due to perceptual differences in two countries ...

If maid had official visa which is the perrenial demand by our administration this whole question of minimal wage issue would not have had arisen .

i am shocked by your offer to extradite Indian diplomat to US .

US did not extradite its diplomats who were accused of rapes, sexual assualts , murder and what not ...

and you want to extradite Indian diplomat for the crime which have arisen purely due to technical reasons ???

Seriously ???

He must be joking !!!
If US agrees to extradite Headley/Rajinder Singh/CEO of Union Carbide during Bhopal tragedy, why we can't extradite Devyani? She will get 5-6 years in prison and when she comes back, she will be a heroine. All her offences in India will be forgiven. As per criminals sheltered by US, they will (or whoever is extradited) will hang. It's a win-win.
Immunity or no Immunity, she violated the laws here and exploited her maid..

Such a thing happens mostly because many of these Indian diplomats consider themselves no lesser than kings. They find one way or other to be able to exploit the system and at the same time they try to get associated with UN somehow so that they get immunity and unconditional protection from being punished for breaking the laws.

Indian govt need to take proper actions against such diplomats. Honestly speaking in my opinion, she deserves to be punished.

It's more complicated than that. This was never an individual matter, more a courtesy(of looking the other way) that was extended institutionally (to all Indian diplomats.) The courtesy was reciprocated in India to U.S. diplomats too, many of who are theoretically guilty of similar charges in India. That was the reason the IFS went hammer & tongs on the Devyani case, not because it was an issue just with a single indiviual.

I also find your parroting of the U.s. charge of exploiting the "maid" (actually nanny) odd, to say the least. The charge would never be reasonably made out in any level-headed scenario. There was no exploitation. period. Not like the nanny would ever have earned such amounts where she was. There is probably a law that was broken, "exploitation" is a meaningless argument.
Devyani Kobragade probably has no time to celebrate this "victory". She is in big trouble with the MEA & the government over the fact that her children hold both U.S. & Indian passports, something that amounts to an attempt at dual citizenship that the government is looking at. Nor is the fact that her husband remains a U.S. citizen (MEA officials should normally have their spouses take Indian citizenship, this has not happened here even though the husband has applied but has not stayed the required period in India, probably deliberately, to get the MHA approval for citizenship). India's position was sound but it seems the subject in this case was probably unworthy. We should simply stop caring anymore what the U.S. authorities want to do further, especially if this lady is fired from the MEA, something that I believe is absolutely necessary for the violations cited above.

Devyani Khobdagade should be booked and punished in India if she has violated Indian laws, but we should continue to defend our ex-diplomat in that particular case in USA, otherwise it will create a bad precedence for our diplomats in USA and across the world. Again, it was not about an individual.
If US agrees to extradite Headley/Rajinder Singh/CEO of Union Carbide during Bhopal tragedy, why we can't extradite Devyani? She will get 5-6 years in prison and when she comes back, she will be a heroine. All her offences in India will be forgiven. As per criminals sheltered by US, they will (or whoever is extradited) will hang. It's a win-win.

No !!!
Why worry? I think that would be actually pretty good. It would revoke competition of the systems and push science forward.
The wall was built when cold war started and broke down when it finished.With cold war starting again so.....

Seriously wtf?
Seems like USA wants to troll again.This time it would do more damage than earlier.

Indian criminals? Like that maid?
No like that Intelligence bureau officer who was given asylum in USA by CIA.
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