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DRDO scouts vision-assited recovery system for UAVs
By SP's Special Correspondent

April 18, 2015: With a view to test a vision-assisted take-off and landing system for small size UAVs, the Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE) in Bengaluru has called upon Indian vendors to design and develop necessary navigation algorithms, putt them in target hardware, interface with the onboard sensors and autopilot on a mini flying test bed, perform the necessary calibration checks on the test aircraft, and prove the algorithms in a closed loop with the onboard navigation system. The tasks will be carried out in close interaction with ADE. The flying test bed is proposed to be a 20-30kg-class fixed wing UAV. The tests will initially be with electrical engine to contain the vibrations and then with IC engine for more realism, says the ADE announcement. The work demands precision work in the areas of computer vision, modeling and simulation, aircraft navigation sensors and systems, control and guidance, aircraft systems integration, daylight and IR sensors and image understanding, estimation theory, numerical methods, and high-performance embedded computing. It also demands efficient software design and implementation. "The task is very complex and the firms bidding for it will need to demonstrate the necessary capabilities, prior experience and stability to undertake the task," ADE has stipulated.

DRDO Scouts Landing Gear Kit For Panchi UAV
By SP's Special Correspondent


April 18, 2015: The DRDO is looking for a newly designed landing gear kit for its recently unveiled Panchi UAV, a wheeled version of the in-service Nishant surveillance drone. Panchi is designed take-off and land from a prepared run way like a conventional aircraft, has a nose landing gear (NLG) and a main landing gear (MLG) consisting of fixed composite struts as part of its airframe. What the developers are looking for is a landing gear kit consisting of wheels, tires and hydraulic braking system, essential to meet the take-off and landing requirement. Interested vendor will be required to design, supply and integrate the landing gear kit with the existing nose and main landing gear while meeting the requirements of landing loads, braking distance etc. for smooth operation of the aircraft. DRDO has stipulated that vendors should have prior experience of supplying and/or developing similar items for other UAVs/light manned aircraft. Vendor will be required to design and supply six sets of the Landing Gear Kit. The Panchi UAV, identical in all respects to the rail-launcher deployed Nishant UAV in terms of range and payload, will operate from runways, including unprepared surfaces and has found interest in the Army and paramilitary forces already.

Source:- DRDO scouts vision assited recovery system for UAVs
- SP’s Exculsive
DRDO scouts vision-assited recovery system for UAVs
By SP's Special Correspondent

April 18, 2015: With a view to test a vision-assisted take-off and landing system for small size UAVs, the Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE) in Bengaluru has called upon Indian vendors to design and develop necessary navigation algorithms, putt them in target hardware, interface with the onboard sensors and autopilot on a mini flying test bed, perform the necessary calibration checks on the test aircraft, and prove the algorithms in a closed loop with the onboard navigation system. The tasks will be carried out in close interaction with ADE. The flying test bed is proposed to be a 20-30kg-class fixed wing UAV. The tests will initially be with electrical engine to contain the vibrations and then with IC engine for more realism, says the ADE announcement. The work demands precision work in the areas of computer vision, modeling and simulation, aircraft navigation sensors and systems, control and guidance, aircraft systems integration, daylight and IR sensors and image understanding, estimation theory, numerical methods, and high-performance embedded computing. It also demands efficient software design and implementation. "The task is very complex and the firms bidding for it will need to demonstrate the necessary capabilities, prior experience and stability to undertake the task," ADE has stipulated.

DRDO Scouts Landing Gear Kit For Panchi UAV
By SP's Special Correspondent


April 18, 2015: The DRDO is looking for a newly designed landing gear kit for its recently unveiled Panchi UAV, a wheeled version of the in-service Nishant surveillance drone. Panchi is designed take-off and land from a prepared run way like a conventional aircraft, has a nose landing gear (NLG) and a main landing gear (MLG) consisting of fixed composite struts as part of its airframe. What the developers are looking for is a landing gear kit consisting of wheels, tires and hydraulic braking system, essential to meet the take-off and landing requirement. Interested vendor will be required to design, supply and integrate the landing gear kit with the existing nose and main landing gear while meeting the requirements of landing loads, braking distance etc. for smooth operation of the aircraft. DRDO has stipulated that vendors should have prior experience of supplying and/or developing similar items for other UAVs/light manned aircraft. Vendor will be required to design and supply six sets of the Landing Gear Kit. The Panchi UAV, identical in all respects to the rail-launcher deployed Nishant UAV in terms of range and payload, will operate from runways, including unprepared surfaces and has found interest in the Army and paramilitary forces already.

Source:- DRDO scouts vision assited recovery system for UAVs
- SP’s Exculsive

Makes you wonder what was the need for a Runway. It was better if it could have been launched by a catapult and recovered by parachute. It would have made it operations from the battlefield much more practical.
Makes you wonder what was the need for a Runway. It was better if it could have been launched by a catapult and recovered by parachute. It would have made it operations from the battlefield much more practical.

You mean Nishant right?



However taking off from small airstrip means Panchi will have a longer endurance as it does not have to carry the air bags and parachute system as in the case of Nishant.​
You mean Nishant right?



However taking off from small airstrip means Panchi will have a longer endurance as it does not have to carry the air bags and parachute system as in the case of Nishant.​

Yes Nishant. The article says the payload and range remains same, so really there is no gain.

Also taking off conventionally and landing conventionally will consume more fuel and leave lesser fuel for reconnaissances. It does not make sense.
Yes Nishant. The article says the payload and range remains same, so really there is no gain.

Also taking off conventionally and landing conventionally will consume more fuel and leave lesser fuel for reconnaissances. It does not make sense.

The Indian Army asked for it - can stay in the air longer (improved endurance) - also a light vehicle with its body made of composites, having a low radar cross-section signature.
The Indian Army asked for it - can stay in the air longer - also a light vehicle with its body made of composites, having a low radar cross-section signature.

Its the same as Nishant, except it now has more aerodynamic drag due to the additional protruding wheels. I do not see how its better. It cannot have more range, if anything it will have a lesser range and a higher cross section signature.

I am sure the IA has asked for it. Goes to show how clueless they are and how arbitrary their demands are.
Medium Altitude Long Endurance UAV ‘Rustom-II’: Rustom-II is being designed to operate up to 30,000 ft above mean sea level altitude (AMSL)with an endurance of 24 hours from take-off to landing with synthetic aperture radar and long range electrooptic payloads (up to 350 kg) at 20,000 ft AMSL. It is designed to perform intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance missions for Indian Army, Indian Navy and IAF. Three airframes are under various stages of integration and testing. Low speed taxi trials up to 30 knots were conducted.


This provides some interesting info,

1. For Hypersonic Technology Demonstrator Vehicle (HSTDV) DRDO has already tested the engine for speed upto 6.2 mach which ignites at 2.7 mach and burns for 20 seconds. Fuel is Ethylene.

Better still, Prototype of cruise vehicle bulkheads has been built and Flight hardware of inter-stage is also ready. :D

2. Rustom - II will have endurance of 24 hours and will/can operate at a height of 30 Km with a payload of SAR and Camera weighting 350 Kg.

Three Rustom-II are being built and tested. :D
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