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Indian Troops given free hand to kill Kashmiris

The writing is clear on the wall.



Dnt show your frustration in every thread with same pics again and again. Dnt post off topic.

By posting same pics you cant change any thing ... Ohh you can just collect few Thanks in this forum.
When we speak about Kashmir We get banned and When we talk about Baluchistan We get banned. What kind of moderation is this ? Pakistani can say ****** to Indian Soldiers and his comment is not deleted, Pakistani chants Long live freedom fighters on post about Kashmir, they post pics and when we try to do the same we instantly gets banned.Seriously Hypocrisy at its best.
musharaf said it's difficult to stop terrorism or shut down terror camps.

Difficult to control terrorism: Musharraf

so AFSPA is here to stay.

Why protect these rats and sacrifice the lives of our precious soldiers? - Indian forces should move out of the valley and completely surround it so that the terrorists don't spread out of the valley - let them kill and blow each other up as is being happening all over the Islamic world.
Indian forces should instead stop protecting these ungrateful people and let the cross border terrorists kill them - they'll then come crying back to the army like how they did in 48 and 65.

How kind of you to be protecting them by burying them in mass graves and raping them.

I'm sure they'd be so crushed and vulnerable if the occupation forces left.

When we speak about Kashmir We get banned and When we talk about Baluchistan We get banned. What kind of moderation is this ? Pakistani can say ****** to Indian Soldiers and his comment is not deleted, Pakistani chants Long live freedom fighters on post about Kashmir, they post pics and when we try to do the same we instantly gets banned.Seriously Hypocrisy at its best.


This is a Pakistani defence forum. If you wanted anti Pakistan/Kashmir and Islamophobic discussion then leave here and join your people at bharat rakrap forum

yes we will continue to kill those ' haramis' who cross our border.

The people who whacked 5 illegtimately stationed CPRF the other day feel the same way
How kind of you to be protecting them by burying them in mass graves and raping them.

I'm sure they'd be so crushed and vulnerable if the occupation forces left.

Those unmarked graves were filled with a part of the 25,000 odd cross border terrorists killed - who's bodies were obviously not accepted by their country.
The people who whacked 5 illegtimately stationed CPRF the other day feel the same way
every ****** terrorist whether they kill Indian army men or Pakistani army men thinks the same, their brains damage is irreversible, we we are in every right to protect to our rights and security in Kashmir.
Do explain..how CRPF is "illegitimately stationed" in Kashmir??

their presence in Kashmir rather than their own country is not legitimate

every ****** terrorist whether they kill Indian army men or Pakistani army men thinks the same, their brains damage is irreversible, we we are in every right to protect to our rights and security in Kashmir.

security of Kashmir is not your responsibility - as per Kashmiris themselves
Those unmarked graves were filled with a part of the 25,000 odd cross border terrorists killed - who's bodies were obviously not accepted by their country.

Curiously - even the CM (the stooge) Omar Abdullah is on record as having said that there's a need to investigate the many mass-graves --some which are being uncovered today. I believe he also asserted the need to identify all of the dead in order to know who is buried where.

So unless you have more information than the CM, i wont take your statement very seriously. Especially in light of what we know already.

Kashmir's Mass Graves Come To Light - By Basharat Peer | Foreign Policy
their presence in Kashmir rather than their own country is not legitimate

As a matter of fact India has all the legal rights in the world to station troops in Kashmir.

1. Because India has letter of accession from the last King of Kashmir, declaring Kashmir a part of Indian union.

2. But just in case you want ignore letter of accession, the UN resolutions, Pakistan keeps harping about also state India is allowed to maintain troops in Kashmir until the final settlement ,

Only illegitimate presence as per UN resolution 47 , is the Pakistani soldier presence or for that matter ' any Pakistani presence' itself in Azad Kashmir or the areas which now Pakistan calls its own province GB..which you might know are the pre-requisites to any final settlement of Kashmir.
at the local level AZAD J&K has its own Parliament/Govt. and there is no resistance to that govt. or the security apparatus

How about GB?

How come Pakistan has decided AJK is a disputed territory, therefore you should carry out a dog and pony show there, thinking you are fooling some one.

But GB which is also a disputed territory as per UN resolutions(Northern areas) becomes a province of Pakistan.
Curiously - even the CM (the stooge) Omar Abdullah is on record as having said that there's a need to investigate the many mass-graves --some which are being uncovered today. I believe he also asserted the need to identify all of the dead in order to know who is buried where.

So unless you have more information than the CM, i wont take your statement very seriously. Especially in light of what we know already.

Kashmir's Mass Graves Come To Light - By Basharat Peer | Foreign Policy

Popularist statements to please his public - our politicians usually engage in them to please certain sections.
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