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Indian troops foil China’s incursion attempt in Ladakh, minor injuries on both sides after stone-pe

World 2nd and 4th biggest armies throwing stones at each other in skirmishes WTF!!!!
Some normadic followers of a barbaric religion introduced it india throgh sword and rape ,thats what you actually.
You have been reported. Don't you dare bring religion into this.
LOL you want to call your daddy USA? What happened to India shupa powa? You have no idea the strategic decapitation strikes we have ready for Modi. This is not 1962 anymore. Behold the thermonuclear style 1962!
and the moment china's fuddu xijinping will realize that russia is not backing them , they will run away like rats ( PLA ) as china is nothing if her papa russia is not with them . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9aqPazox7w

russia will never support china on this issue ,bye for now
Yes, like I said before, training was lacking in 65 and so was their morale but that's because they didn't trust their fighters to begin with.Can't really blame them, they were essentially flying dinosaurs compared to PAF jets.
They were not really dinosaurs.We were also using second hand old jets from the same era.
Some normadic followers of a barbaric religion introduced it india throgh sword and rape ,thats what you actually.

They must have done it to your mum, wife and sister and made you watch it. You probably enjoyed it too. Which is why you are on PDF.
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You have been reported. Don't you dare bring religion into this.
@PAKISTANFOREVER Done this in his earlier post .
For your kind information idont have any thing against ang relegionand my best friends are actually fron muslim community,i am from a islamic majority area from south india.

They must have done it to your mum, wife and sister and made you watch it. You probably enjoyed it too. Which is why you are on PDF.
I am still a hindu,but look at you,you are nothing more than the relic of coward hindus.
@PAKISTANFOREVER Done this in his earlier post .
For your kind information idont have any thing against ang relegionand my best friends are actually fron muslim community,i am from a islamic majority area from south india.

I am still a hindu,but look at you,you are nothing more than the relic of coward hindus.

One problem with your retarded narrative. I and most modern day Pakistanis bare no physical resemblence to modern day indians/hindus. So thinking my ancestors were hindus is false and ridiculous. There is no connection between Pakistanis and indians. indians on PDF are looking for something that doesn't exist.
They were not really dinosaurs.We were also using second hand old jets from the same era.
Of course, they were dinosaurs in the sense that PAF had already entered air-air missile era as Pakistani jets including its Canadair Sabres had been integrated with AIM 9L Sidewinders as well as with radar guided HUDs, where as IAF jets were still equipped with guns and no HUDs!!Besides, both Mysteres and Vampires were designed primarily for tactical interdiction missions and as a result, they were practically no match for PAF fighters as they were significantly inferior in terms of both speed and manoeuvrability since they were never designed for aerial combat as their primary intended goal!!

PS - By 1965, the Mysteres had already been retired by almost all of its users except IAF and Canadian Air Force had replaced its Vampires with the same Sabre MkVI which formed the backbone of PAF at that time; and this should give you the picture.
Out of interest do these guys call for France to immediately halt producing 75% of its electrical output? :P

I have debated with lot of these kind of people and,to be honest they have points. However,I had hard times to explain them that you can't drastically reduce the electrical output of the nuclear which produces 75% of our power and which allow us to have among the cheapest prices among WE countries. (Even much lower if there weren't taxes!)

Replacing it with renewable energy is a long,complex and costly process that is going to last over several decades. Dismantling nuclear centrals alone is will take more than a decade. Chooz (closed in 1991) began to be dismantled in 2007 and (if everything goes well) should be totally dismantled in 2022.

Not to add the compensations you have to pay to EDF for ordering them to close a central. :victory: (Fessenheim)

PS : They even protested against wind turbines,so they don't know what they want...
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