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Indian terror war against Pakistan (By an Indian)


Jul 30, 2007
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United Arab Emirates
Indian terror war against Pakistan

India remains the cause of terrorism and cross-border terrorism in South Asia, as much as Israel is in Mideast and the USA is the responsible for global terrorism. But these "democracies" very cleverly pass the terror blame on to the Islamic world, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, in particular. Pakistan is worst hit in terrorism activities unleashed by anti-Islamic forces of the world. By using the internal political turmoil in the name of so-called Western democracy which means corruption and crime, foreign forces, including form India are reigning in Pakistan lives and destiny. Lahore tragedy makes this point very clear.

India has more resources than the rest of the counties in the region, including media muscles. The Indian government through its intelligences agencies, including the private ones, is madly busy in obliterating the regional peace by carrying out terrorist activities in the neighboring countries, while creating media fuss about “Islamic terrorism” all the time. Like USA and Israel, India also enjoys the full support of its media for whatever nasty actions it commits in the region and world wide. India media say Muslims are bad guys and its Muslim neighbors are terrorists.

India has already declared a permanent war with Islamic Pakistan. Like USA and Israel, India uses terrorism ploy to threaten Kashmiris demanding sovereignty back form the occupiers form Hindu India. And India has done it again in Pakistan and it has efficiently used just one stone to hit tow or more birds: Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Muslims, and cricket. And it has punished Sri Lanka for going to Pakistan to play with Pakistan against the wishes and dictates of hegemonic India - the sole terror nation in South Asia. World does not need any more proof for global terrorism. But India should be bought to its knees before it is too late. India does every terror and torture under democracy and secularism shield.

India took precaution by keeping the missile test immediately after the Lahore mayhem killing Muslims. Lahore attacks took place on the eve of India test-firing a new missile on March 04. The missile was blasted to show case India power and its designs to destabilize the neighbors, first Pakistan in the order. Pakistan, therefore, should not try to blame India or try any attacks on India on Indian mischief in Lahore. Indian has taken preemptive measures to outsmart Pakistan. After all India claims to be democracy and peace-lover, while Pakistan is projected a “terror” state. The fact remains Indian is a state terrorist and the secret graveyards discovered in Kashmir testify that without any iota of doubts.

Political leaders, academicians, journalists, defense experts and civil society activists from India and Pakistan were to attend the Conference on March 5 and 6 in Islamabad. The objective of the conference is to propose measures for putting the Indo-Pak peace process back on rails that received a serious setback in the aftermath of tragic Mumbai attacks. Political leaders, academicians, journalists, defense experts and civil society activists from India and Pakistan would be attending the Conference on March 5 and 6 in Islamabad. The objective of the conference is to propose measures for putting the Indo-Pak peace process back on rails that received a serious setback in the aftermath of tragic Mumbai attacks. The proposed conclave would also discuss problems of regional stability, initiatives that should be taken to promote peace and cooperation in the region, and make possible recommendations to the respective governments in this regard. India doesn’t seek peace in the region by talk process, nor does it want to grant sovereignty back to Kashmiris.

When Mumbai Nov 26 occurred, Pakistan immediately expressed sympathy with India, and the families of those who got killed, including Muslims. On 2009 March 03, when Lahore attack took place, New Delhi refused to express sympathy for Pakistan even as mere courtesy, because India terror attack was the goals. India has systematically engineered the Lahore terror attack to destabilize its neighbor and make Pakistan a failed "democracy". According to Pakistani intelligence report Indian secret agency RAW has assigned its agents the task of targeting the Sri Lankan cricketer either in the hotel where they stay or on the way form Hotel and Gaddafi Stadium. It is evident that India wanted to project Pakistan s security risk for holding any sport event there. The first part of the agenda India executed in Toto and second one India hopes to achieve shortly if the USA also pushes the agenda a bit further.

Indian secret agencies have infiltrated every wherein the region and in Bangladesh the position is very damaging as the Indians decides the Bangladesh courses. Nepal and Bhutan don’t ever make their demands clear to India, fearing backlash. Sri Lanka is trying to find ways to get out of Indian control machinations. But it is surprising that Indian agencies have infiltrated in Pakistan and Pakistan’s media are also infested with Indian agents. If the situation continues Pakistan could be a permanent battle field. There is a hunch that Indian LTTE in Sri Lanka was used by India to accomplish the Lahore blasts, although many claim LTTE’s involvement even without Indian enforcements. A better version would be India unleashing terror in neighborhoods.

By Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal
Indian terror war against Pakistan

India remains the cause of terrorism and cross-border terrorism in South Asia, as much as Israel is in Mideast and the USA is the responsible for global terrorism. But these "democracies" very cleverly pass the terror blame on to the Islamic world, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, in particular. Pakistan is worst hit in terrorism activities unleashed by anti-Islamic forces of the world. By using the internal political turmoil in the name of so-called Western democracy which means corruption and crime, foreign forces, including form India are reigning in Pakistan lives and destiny. Lahore tragedy makes this point very clear.

India has more resources than the rest of the counties in the region, including media muscles. The Indian government through its intelligences agencies, including the private ones, is madly busy in obliterating the regional peace by carrying out terrorist activities in the neighboring countries, while creating media fuss about “Islamic terrorism” all the time. Like USA and Israel, India also enjoys the full support of its media for whatever nasty actions it commits in the region and world wide. India media say Muslims are bad guys and its Muslim neighbors are terrorists.

India has already declared a permanent war with Islamic Pakistan. Like USA and Israel, India uses terrorism ploy to threaten Kashmiris demanding sovereignty back form the occupiers form Hindu India. And India has done it again in Pakistan and it has efficiently used just one stone to hit tow or more birds: Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Muslims, and cricket. And it has punished Sri Lanka for going to Pakistan to play with Pakistan against the wishes and dictates of hegemonic India - the sole terror nation in South Asia. World does not need any more proof for global terrorism. But India should be bought to its knees before it is too late. India does every terror and torture under democracy and secularism shield.

India took precaution by keeping the missile test immediately after the Lahore mayhem killing Muslims. Lahore attacks took place on the eve of India test-firing a new missile on March 04. The missile was blasted to show case India power and its designs to destabilize the neighbors, first Pakistan in the order. Pakistan, therefore, should not try to blame India or try any attacks on India on Indian mischief in Lahore. Indian has taken preemptive measures to outsmart Pakistan. After all India claims to be democracy and peace-lover, while Pakistan is projected a “terror” state. The fact remains Indian is a state terrorist and the secret graveyards discovered in Kashmir testify that without any iota of doubts.

Political leaders, academicians, journalists, defense experts and civil society activists from India and Pakistan were to attend the Conference on March 5 and 6 in Islamabad. The objective of the conference is to propose measures for putting the Indo-Pak peace process back on rails that received a serious setback in the aftermath of tragic Mumbai attacks. Political leaders, academicians, journalists, defense experts and civil society activists from India and Pakistan would be attending the Conference on March 5 and 6 in Islamabad. The objective of the conference is to propose measures for putting the Indo-Pak peace process back on rails that received a serious setback in the aftermath of tragic Mumbai attacks. The proposed conclave would also discuss problems of regional stability, initiatives that should be taken to promote peace and cooperation in the region, and make possible recommendations to the respective governments in this regard. India doesn’t seek peace in the region by talk process, nor does it want to grant sovereignty back to Kashmiris.

When Mumbai Nov 26 occurred, Pakistan immediately expressed sympathy with India, and the families of those who got killed, including Muslims. On 2009 March 03, when Lahore attack took place, New Delhi refused to express sympathy for Pakistan even as mere courtesy, because India terror attack was the goals. India has systematically engineered the Lahore terror attack to destabilize its neighbor and make Pakistan a failed "democracy". According to Pakistani intelligence report Indian secret agency RAW has assigned its agents the task of targeting the Sri Lankan cricketer either in the hotel where they stay or on the way form Hotel and Gaddafi Stadium. It is evident that India wanted to project Pakistan s security risk for holding any sport event there. The first part of the agenda India executed in Toto and second one India hopes to achieve shortly if the USA also pushes the agenda a bit further.

Indian secret agencies have infiltrated every wherein the region and in Bangladesh the position is very damaging as the Indians decides the Bangladesh courses. Nepal and Bhutan don’t ever make their demands clear to India, fearing backlash. Sri Lanka is trying to find ways to get out of Indian control machinations. But it is surprising that Indian agencies have infiltrated in Pakistan and Pakistan’s media are also infested with Indian agents. If the situation continues Pakistan could be a permanent battle field. There is a hunch that Indian LTTE in Sri Lanka was used by India to accomplish the Lahore blasts, although many claim LTTE’s involvement even without Indian enforcements. A better version would be India unleashing terror in neighborhoods.

By Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal[/QUOTE

Well work buddy... Good search for anti India articles...
By the way this guy Abdul Ruff Colachal does not exist. Some of his previous articles said that he is working at JNU but he does not. Nor he is indian.. and all this crap which you have posted is from either his blog or posts which contains anti -india articles , It has no creditibility. Its all BS.He is using the language that no Indian can speak about their own country

Hope you post some credible reports.

The following link will take you to anti India articles posted by Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal . He must be shy of his own nationality may be ..... so he calls himself Indian.

Cricket: Pakistan wins finally(DR.ABDUL RUFF Colachal International affairs
Any surprise?...You do not need to quote an anti national terrorist sympathizer Indian in PDF...As i mentioned it to earlier, both India and Pakistan has to accept the fact that RAW and ISI are created to work against enemey countries...Now it is up to the respective countries to counter rather than whinning about them...That is why i did not like Indian media when they complain about ISI..Because, it is not ISI fault they are working against India's intrest rather it is GOI fault that they are not able to counter it...
Completely agree with this
Any surprise?...You do not need to quote an anti national terrorist sympathizer Indian in PDF...As i mentioned it to earlier, both India and Pakistan has to accept the fact that RAW and ISI are created to work against enemey countries...Now it is up to the respective countries to counter rather than whinning about them...That is why i did not like Indian media when they complain about ISI..Because, it is not ISI fault they are working against India's intrest rather it is GOI fault that they are not able to counter it...
Its a constant war that's going on between India and Pakistan, and at the moment it seems like India has the upper hand even if you guys think otherwise.
Imo this guy is no Indian, if he were, he wouldn't spout nonsense like in his other articles and the one above. Just 2 minutes of reading his article (I'm not allowed to post the link of some of his other nonsense articles) will inform a non biased and educated person about this Islamist, separatist bigot. If he wasn't being sponsored by ISI and/or have a reading audience in Pakistan...he would be a terrorist in Kashmir or at the least a terrorist supporting separatist.
India is a major sponsor for cross-border terrorism in the region for more than 5 decades.

It is a well known fact, why are you surprised?
We have adopted Terror for terror strategy. No one should surprise if India do that at a matching scale of Pakistan
Tit for Tat sir.....!!! Well we can't suck juice when you send militants from your side into our territory and kill innocents... if you want to end this stop your state sponsored terrorism..... your govt gives shelter to internationaly banned terrorist like OBL n Hafiz saeed.. your country is the base of operating internationally banned terroriat organisation like JeM, LeT etc etc... and you then call India as cause of terrorism!!! World laughs at you....!
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The author is one of the people who thinks that the attack on the twin towers was "engineered and put into operation" by USA. Do I need to say anything more to discredit him?
A humrous cut & paste job.

I wonder whats the age of the author.

There is an undertone in the language used that gave a Bangladeshi flair in the style of writing,

But these "democracies" very cleverly pass the terror blame on to the Islamic world, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, in particular. Pakistan is worst hit in terrorism activities unleashed by anti-Islamic forces of the world.

There is hardly any need to ' pass ' any blame , what is there to ' blame' once Osama is found next to the PMA !!

Pakistan is worst hit for the simple reason that Pakistan embraced it completely as an instrument of state policy .

And it has punished Sri Lanka for going to Pakistan to play with Pakistan against the wishes and dictates of hegemonic India - the sole terror nation in South Asia.

This funny line and its bold part reminds me of the verbiage used mostly of BD posters !
Is this supposed to be an article? Look at the jackass who wrote it? A borderline terrorist sympathiser (no doubt closet wahhabi) who believes everybody is out to get "his people". Retarded burden on the planet. The village idiots can come up with something better than this crap.

Also, a moment of silence for the OP who has gone bonkers enough to post crap like this. :cuckoo::suicide:
You expect this from newcomers or serial trollers, not a think tank analyst on PDF for close to 10 years.
At-least Rajdeep, Mani Shankar and Arundhati have some standing.. :-)bad:.. I hate myself for saying that)

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