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Indian Terror: Hindu Media Target Muslims

so is he trying to say that he hates islam and he is telling pak about tat?

go and check some of bjp old posts which he has del some they r all of racist in nature

who asked him to love it or not, why is he making tat clear to the other pdf members?

bjp is a raciest member, a spoiled apple

Freedom of Speech.
Article by Abdul Rauf?What to expect?
Indian media is so damn pro-islamic!,i remember the day when Raj Thackrey rallied in Mumbai recently,news channels were busy discussing if he was jumping into "Hindutvadi politics" and the same news channels were so calm and didn't use the word muslim,when the muslims were protesting or rather rioting in mumbai.
So what is the problem with that... Muslims live in India dosent mean we have to proof that we love Islam. The Hinduism is in the practice of every organization in India since this is way of our life? I don't know what this article trying to prove?

We are secular in the sense that minorities are free to practice their religion. We have 80%+ hindu population and all our organizations will practice that. What problem do the Pakistanis have?? In any case we are not going to love Islam. Hope I am clear to every pakistani

Ten Four - crystal clear. Your views do represent most of how the Hindu Indians think.

However interestingly and unfortunately, many Pakistanis who are mainly exposed to some Indian films and some TV channels are not in know of this fact.

This hate towards a religion and its minority followers is probably known to the Muslims at large in India and that is why the article. I don't know if this person, who wrote the article is Indian origin or not. If he is Pakistani origin, it will surprise me a great deal.

Though there are many Pakistani writers who being in know of it, at times do write such stuff, yet the mainstream Pakistani journalist would find it difficult to pen it down in the manner.

Thank you indeed in making things much clearer.

You know, many of you or most of you here, know more about my country than I do and more about my religion than I do. This also surprises me a lot.

Don't you have any other thing to do in life!

Can somebody please post a link to English translation of Bankim Chandra Chatterji's novel Anandamath. Thank you.
Ten Four - crystal clear. Your views do represent most of how the Hindu Indians think.

However interestingly and unfortunately, many Pakistanis who are mainly exposed to some Indian films and some TV channels are not in know of this fact.

This hate towards a religion and its minority followers is probably known to the Muslims at large in India and that is why the article. I don't know if this person, who wrote the article is Indian origin or not. If he is Pakistani origin, it will surprise me a great deal.

Though there are many Pakistani writers who being in know of it, at times do write such stuff, yet the mainstream Pakistani journalist would find it difficult to pen it down in the manner.

Thank you indeed in making things much clearer.

Can somebody please post a link to English translation of Bankim Chandra Chatterji's novel Anandamath. Thank you.

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Thank you indeed. But a link to the actual novel in English would be a lot better. I like reading more than watching movies.

I hope this not flattery, the other thread being closed.
so is he trying to say that he hates islam and he is telling pak about tat?

go and check some of bjp old posts which he has del some they r all of racist in nature

who asked him to love it or not, why is he making tat clear to the other pdf members?

bjp is a raciest member, a spoiled apple

Dosent loving mean "hating"?? upto which school have you read dear??

Can you explain the term "Racist" I thought south Asians belong to same race. Enlighten me your version of race...

Yes see the Opening Post what message it is giving why it is there, look at the tone you will get the answers
I have great respect for india and some of the indian members but...........
I think u r one of the raciest members of PDF and u should be banned just like the stupid party u represent.

i think u r just another kid who has not seen a battle, "I have seen big men shake to there bones on the sight of blood and death" and yes few of them were Indian's

spread peace coz you wont like to look death in the face

There are more dead people than living. And their numbers are increasing. The living are getting rarer...........

"Don't draw fire; it irritates the people around you."

Hope I am clear to everyone.

Should I speak anything... you openly provide links for "how to convert in Islam" on PDF and say "Khalid bin walid will be born in every muslim house" and you believe you are secular???


Dont preach what you dont practice. you are one of the most religious extremist person I have seen
I dont intend to discus any thing with you on this part
This abdul ruff guy is just another name for ahmed qureishi, a pakistani self proclaimed and army loving very low quality propagandist.

He has immense appeal in a certain kind of population and feeds their mental perversions very well.
Should I speak anything... you openly provide links for "how to convert in Islam" on PDF and say "Khalid bin walid will be born in every muslim house" and you believe you are secular???


Dont preach what you dont practice. you are one of the most religious extremist person I have seen
I dont intend to discus any thing with you on this part

Yaar these people who preach 'secularism' when they are in minority and will show their true color once the numbers shift in their favor or the environment is conducive are the chameleonic of the lot and must be identified and exposed.
Man who are these jokers with India and Pakistani flags?

I mean what the hell are you trying to prove here?

Yeh kya brainfreeze hai yaar .....
Page badal lo bhai saheb...........................
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