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Indian student brutally attacked in Germany


Dec 7, 2008
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Indian student brutally attacked in Germany

A 24-year Indian student in Bonn was brutally attacked by Islamic extremists who slashed his tongue when he refused to convert, German police said on Thursday.

The Indian student was attacked on Christmas eve when he was on the way to his place in Bonn.

The men enquired about his religion and asked him to convert to Islam, warning him that they would cut his tongue if he refused to do so, Der Spiegel reported.

The student, who was not identified, told the police that he was attacked by two men from behind after he ignored them.

The attackers beat him up and slashed his tongue and flew in a car.

Police spokesman did not give details of injuries but said the information that the victim gave was credible.

A passerby found the bleeding student on the road and called an ambulance. The student was admitted to a local hospital and was released a day later.

I don't have words to explain this cowardly act

these f#cking morons needs to be vanished

they are taking the legacy of aurangzeb to the next generation
No wonder the Europeans are worried . I would really like to know the nationality of those two muslims who assaulted him.

Forget the nationality, that is irrelevant, they need to locate where these proselytizers get their 'inspiration' from.......I don't believe it's through the internet.
. I would really like to know the nationality of those two muslims who assaulted him.

If they were Pakistanis, the indian headline would read "Pakistani radical Muslims attack innocent Indian".
Thats why you should always carry a weapon with you. If they had bothered me, I would have give them a one way ticket to hell.

Unfortunately that is against the law in many countries. (Unless you mean something neutral like a screwdriver or a pen, for use on eye sockets and necks).

Disarming them and using their own weapon against them can work... if you have got the training and the ability to do so. :wave:
If they were Pakistanis, the indian headline would read "Pakistani radical Muslims attack innocent Indian".
IF and its a BIG "IF", its true, the heading will be "Islamic extremist attacked an Innocent Indian who denied conversion." And the story will contain - "who belongs to Pakistan". Not in the headlines.
Unfortunately that is against the law in many countries. (Unless you mean something neutral like a screwdriver or a pen, for use on eye sockets and necks).

Disarming them and using their own weapon against them can work... if you have got the training and the ability to do so. :wave:

You're right. A man can handle two attackers, if he is trained, but it will become more difficult if there are more.
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