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Indian state passes bill to ban mass conversions


Sep 18, 2012
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Shimla: The Himachal Pradesh Assembly approved a bill on Saturday to make the state’s 2019 anti-conversion law more stringent by forbidding a convert from availing ”any benefit” of parents’ religion or caste and enhancing the maximum punishment to 10 years imprisonment.

Passed by a voice vote, the Himachal Pradesh Freedom of Religion (Amendment) Bill, 2022, also bans “mass conversion” – described as two or more people converting at the same time – through force or allurement .

The bill proposes to increase the punishment for illegal conversions to a maximum of 10 years from seven years.

The BJP government introduced the bill on Friday for amending the Himachal Pradesh Freedom of Religion Act, 2019, which came into force barely 18 months ago.

Objecting to certain provisions, Congress legislator Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu and CPI (M) legislator Rakesh Singha demanded that the bill be sent to a select committee for examination.

The bill will become law after the assent of the governor.

Congress legislator Sukhu had reservations about the provisions that barred a convert from taking any benefit of his parent religion or caste, but the government insisted that it is in line with the Constitution.

The Constitution (Scheduled Caste) Order, 1950, says no person who professes a religion different from Hindus, Sikhs or Buddhists shall be deemed to be a member of a Scheduled Caste.

The Congress legislator from Kinnaur, Jagat Singh Negi, said that even if the government makes the Act stringent, the conversion “will not stop until the mentality is changed.” He claimed that depriving scheduled castes who convert to other religions of the benefit of reservation was against the spirit of the Constitution.

CPI (M) legislator Rakesh Singha also demanded that the bill be referred to a select committee as the matter is under judicial scrutiny.

Replying to the objections, Parliamentary Affairs minister Suresh Bhardwaj said that the rights of the tribal people will not change.

He said under the bill, a self-declaration is required that the converted person will not take any benefit of his parents’ religion.

Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur stated that followers of some religions are focussing on tribal areas of the hill state to convert Scheduled Castes and his party was more conscious than others about protecting the rights of the SC community, The 2019 anti-conversion bill was notified only on December 21, 2020, 15 months after it was passed in the state assembly. It had replaced the 2006 law brought by the Virbhadra Singh-led Congress government.

The words “and to the effect that he shall not take any benefit of his parent religion or caste after conversion” have been inserted after the words “fraudulent means”in section 7 (1) of the Principal Act.

It stipulates that the complaints made under the Act will be investigated by a police officer not below the rank of a sub-inspector.

The offences will now be tried by a sessions court.

The bill seeks to amend sections 2,4,7 and 13 and insert section 8A in the 2019 Act.

The maximum punishment under the bill is 10 years, up from seven in the 2019 Act and three in the old Himachal Pradesh Freedom of Religion Act, 2006.

The current law says no person or organisation violating its provisions will be allowed to accept a donation or contribution of any kind from within or outside the country.

The ruling BJP has been a vocal supporter of anti-conversion laws and many party-ruled states have introduced similar measures.

The 2019 Act prohibits conversion by misrepresentation, force, undue influence, coercion, inducement, marriage or any fraudulent means. Any marriage for the sole purpose of conversion is declared “null and void”under Section 5 of the Act.

This and many other provisions remain unchanged in the proposed amendment to the law, introduced in the House just months before the state goes to the polls.

The Himachal Pradesh law requires that anyone seeking to convert will give a month’s notice to the district magistrate that they are changing their religion on their own. The provision in the 2019 Act figured in the 2006 law as well and was challenged in court.

The priest who performs a conversion ceremony will also give a month’s notice. Those reconverting to their parent religion are exempted from this provision.

Chief Minister Thakur had said the 2019 Act did not have a provision to curb mass conversion. “Therefore, a provision to this effect is being made.”

@Drizzt @manlion
So what if a Hindu doesn't want to be a Hindu?
Stop being one, to the best of my limited knowledge, hamara system itna fixed nahi hai ki punishments and death are proscribed for the sin of not believing in god or whatever. The state doesn't enforce any such either either but "outraging the religious sentiments" something ka ek law hai,

here: https://indiankanoon.org/doc/1803184/

one needs to, and should ordinarily be respectful of others beliefs and so on, or one can't/shouldn't go around talking smack about X or Y god/religion.
So what if a Hindu doesn't want to be a Hindu?
Agnosticism (Naastik) is perfectly acceptable in Hindu society. In fact Buddhism is an agnostic religion and Hindus hold Buddha in high esteem. Not trying to make any statement here. Just stating facts.
Agnosticism (Naastik) is perfectly acceptable in Hindu society. In fact Buddhism is an agnostic religion and Hindus hold Buddha in high esteem. Not trying to make any statement here. Just stating facts.

Yeah but what if they want to become Muslims or Christian
Yeah but what if they want to become Muslims or Christian
Don't know about Hindu to Muslim but Hindu to Christian is not uncommon. The whole evangelism thing is more associated with Christian missionaries than anyone else. Hindu to Muslim as a result of marriage is frowned upon in lower classes
Himachal Pradesh demography


Only second to Rajputs in terms of their number, the SC community has remained just a vote bank of political parties. Except for the 17 reserved assembly segments, no party has ever fielded a candidate from the SC community on unreserved seats. The community has a considerable presence among employees, businessmen, farmers, horticulturists and even politicians. But when it comes to power sharing, they get a raw deal. The present cabinet has only one SC minister.

No SC politician has ever reached the post of chief minister. Of the 68 assembly seats, 17 are reserved for SCs, while three (Bharmaur, Kinnaur and Lahaul and Spiti) are earmarked for the Scheduled Tribe category.


Gaddis are a dominant community among the Scheduled Tribes of Himachal Pradesh and dominate the Chamba and Kangra districts. The present Cabinet has one Gaddi in Thakar Singh Bhamouri, who represents Bharmour assembly segment in Chamba.

The tribe has considerable population in 12 assembly segments of Kangra and Chamba. Tulsi Ram, who scraped by with only 16 votes in 2012, became a speaker, and Thakur Sen Negi, a powerful leader from Kinnaur, was the longest serving speaker .
Don't know about Hindu to Muslim but Hindu to Christian is not uncommon. The whole evangelism thing is more associated with Christian missionaries than anyone else. Hindu to Muslim as a result of marriage is frowned upon in lower classes
Hindu to Muslim conversion already devastated Hinduism in the region, Muslims are like what 35%,40% of South Asia, even after partition Hindu, Muslim beef continue to be an issue in India

doubt any indic relgion would allow any conversion to happen in this day and age, that'll be a complete societal boycott or killings , lessons learnt I guess

Shimla: The Himachal Pradesh Assembly approved a bill on Saturday to make the state’s 2019 anti-conversion law more stringent by forbidding a convert from availing ”any benefit” of parents’ religion or caste and enhancing the maximum punishment to 10 years imprisonment.
The BJP government introduced the bill on Friday for amending the Himachal Pradesh Freedom of Religion Act, 2019, which came into force barely 18 months ago.

Objecting to certain provisions, Congress legislator Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu and CPI (M) legislator Rakesh Singha demanded that the bill be sent to a select committee for examination.

The bill will become law after the assent of the governor.

Congress legislator Sukhu had reservations about the provisions that barred a convert from taking any benefit of his parent religion or caste, but the government insisted that it is in line with the Constitution.

The Constitution (Scheduled Caste) Order, 1950, says no person who professes a religion different from Hindus, Sikhs or Buddhists shall be deemed to be a member of a Scheduled Caste.
This is blatant discrimination against Cristians and Muslims as most of the Muslim, Cristians of India are low caste

I wonder why aren't Muslims and Cristians fighting for this?

Castism is frowned upon in Sikhism and Buddhism, yet they're included - so why aren't Muslims included?, That's some f-ed up shit right thert

They'll forever remain backwards and this inequality in society would further lead to distance between Muslims and rest of India and you know what happens when socio economic differences are created in purpose, if rarely ends well for both sides
in court.

The priest who performs a conversion ceremony will also give a month’s notice. Those reconverting to their parent religion are exempted from this provision.

Chief Minister Thakur had said the 2019 Act did not have a provision to curb mass conversion. “Therefore, a provision to this effect is being made.”

@Drizzt @manlion
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This is blatant discrimination against Cristians and Muslims as most of the Muslim, Cristians of India are low caste

I wonder why aren't Muslims and Cristians fighting for this?

Castism is frowned upon in Sikhism and Buddhism, yet they're included - so why aren't Muslims included?, That's some f-ed up shit right thert

They'll forever remain backwards and this inequality in society would further lead to distance between Muslims and rest of India and you know what happens when socio economic differences are created in purpose, if rarely ends well for both sides
Bro, I honestly do not care much for these mazhabi issues even if they get talked about the most, just not very religious here lol.

However, in all fairness, the proselytizing armies of missionaries and just super obsessed with converting the whole planet, the poor in places like India are soft targets.. they're always fishing with rice bags and small compensatory bs, apart from the many quotas they may avail in India thanks to your retarded laws.

Muslims are way less obsessed in converting everyone than the Church, they're already in good numbers but they to have schools (name skips me) who are essentially missionary folk out to bring people into their religious fold.

Whole thing is entirely banned in Pakistan and all muslim countries afaik.

It is what it is..

Chindus are scared :lol:

and aapka kanoon kya kehta is baat ko le kar ?

legit waali baton pe bola kar, har cheez me point scoring mat kar, samajh ra ?

Bro, I honestly do not care much for these mazhabi issues even if they get talked about the most, just not very religious here lol.

However, in all fairness, the proselytizing armies of missionaries and just super obsessed with converting the whole planet, the poor in places like India are soft targets.. they're always fishing with rice bags and small compensatory bs, apart from the many quotas they may avail in India thanks to your retarded laws.

Muslims are way less obsessed in converting everyone than the Church, they're already in good numbers but they to have schools (name skips me) who are essentially missionary folk out to bring people into their religious fold.

Whole thing is entirely banned in Pakistan and all muslim countries afaik.

It is what it is..
I wasn't talking about conversion but why aren't low caste Muslim, Cristians not given the Same opportunities as other low castes

Before people say cause Islam, Christianity bans castism- it's true, as both relgions focus on brotherhood based on religion/ideology which Indians call cult

But Sikhism, Buddhism and probably some other relgions also look down on castism but they're included in reservations quotas

and aapka kanoon kya kehta is baat ko le kar ?

legit waali baton pe bola kar, har cheez me point scoring mat kar, samajh ra ?

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